Its gatekeeping. Rogan is intentionally leading the sheep to the conclusion this is merely a fight over policy.
It isnt. This is a fight between good vs evil, between the free people of the earth and the satanic pedophile death cult that wishes to enslave us. This isnt politics as usual. This isnt a fight over the vision of a patriotic right vs a patriotic left because neither is patriotic and both are evil cunts.
There was one fairly recently. I can't remember the persons name off the top of my head, but I believe he was a scientist who happened to be a christian. He wasn't on the show because he was a christian, but to talk science. I'll try to find the name and post back.
"Unemployment was down. Business was booming. Regulations were being relaxed. More things were getting done. When you look at it from a policy perspective, what he did on paper was effective...
Everybody thinks there needs to be a wall. Even the Mayor of New York City is now calling to stop immigration into his city...
When you look at the Russia collusion. When you look at the Steele dossier. When you look at all the bullshit, they tried to throw at him that we now know is bullshit.
Not just bullshit, but coordinated bullshit. When you look at the fact that they suppressed this Hunter Biden laptop story.
And 51 intelligence agency representatives signed off on that to say that this is Russian disinformation, which we know they know is not true. That's scary.
Because now you have the intelligence agencies colluding to keep a guy from being president, who was president during a time when the country was thriving economically."
It's a good post, and Rogan is speaking what is clear to even democrats. I like Joe Rogan, but I believe he's not who he presents himself to be. I believe when the time is right, he will turn on patriots in a moment without any hesitation. Rogan is ultimately a high paid stooge subject to his mastersSee "Hotez Elevated By Rogan; And Has Something In Common With Many Rogan Guests".
The following are bold and outspoken words, but I believe will be found to be correct. Joe Rogan is a New Jersey (and later Boston) boy, who has been bathed, toweled, and dressed in liberal surroundings all his life. Joe Rogan, when given the chance will show his true colors as a liberal social Marxist.
He self identifies as being 3/4 Italian and 1/4 Irish and there's actually someone (probably paid) pitching this on YouTube!. Why? And why is this important? You tell me. Who the hell gets a near top of a Search Engine listing placement (currently #4 highest) when searching for -- "Joe Rogan Jewish" only to find a prominent YouTube video dispelling this rumor? You can't make this shit up, folks.
So, Is Joe Rogan Jewish? It appears Joe Rogan and his crew don't want you to know. YouTube has videos just for dispelling this rumor. Amazing, no? Who else goes to this length? Joe Rogan must be very important to have professionals dispelling the rumor that "Joe Rogan is Jewish." .... especially having by far the number one popular podcast. All the eggs are gathered in one basket. That's one big omelet or is it the makings of quiche?
What does Joe Rogan have in common with Alex Jones? Joe Rogan is controlled opposition. This knucklehead didn't get to being #1 podcaster in the world without cutting a Faustian bargain. I don't trust Rogan simply because he's not a straight shooter. He's way too smooth. There's too many people who are willing to follow this pied piper. Just wait for it. He'll have his moment when he betrays everyone.
They don't have to beat Trump legitimately in the primaries. They just have to sow enough doubt that it gives the fake news enough of a story to run with. If the news doesn't report it people won't do anything. That's the game plan they have run with for decades. It's why the "fake poles" are always so close. When everything thinks it's a toss up they always shrug when the guy the deep state really wants wins. But I don't think it will work this time. But it still doesn't stop them from running with the same game plan over and over again.
Maybe Rogan being around a lot of MAGA in the UFC is rubbing off on him a little. We'll see if he requests an interview with PDJT before the election next year.
Rogan is good, but I really would like to see him host DJT and get some schooling. For as "enlightened" as he thinks he is, he's still very much what I call a "surface dweller." And he purposely stays away from topics that he thinks he'll lose viewership. He's also a major reason why prices in Austin, everything from rent/mortgage to food, gas, etc are skyrocketing.
Patrick Bet-David is very much a "surface dweller," too. And also a very smooth talking salesman.
My jury's still out on both of these two. It doesn't stop me from listening to their podcasts, though. Just be very aware of who/what they really are when listening to them. And if you've done your due diligence correctly on the subjects they both talk about, you'll understand why I have reservations about them. They both very much have a gate keeper-esque, controlled opposition vibe to them.
Rogan isn’t controlled opposition, just very slow to awake. Back in 16 he was very open about being a Bernie bro and was very loud about what happened with Bernie and Hillary. Since he has come out and has said that Geotus was great for America. You have to go way back in his podcast but can find and hear what he actually believes in. Besides if he’s controlled opposition Dana white wouldn’t keep him around and he wouldn’t have been one of the first questioning the vax and as vocally against as he was from the beginning of it
Rogan was pretty outwardly anti-Trump for years; including refusing to have him on the show to "not give that a platform."
Another sleeper about to flip and wake more masses?
I don't think he's a sleeper at all. I don't think he likes Trump, but unlike most liberal minded people, he's willing to give credit where it's due.
That's incredibly important in it's own right
Jimmy Dore being another one that doesn't like Trump but likes him better than Bribems.
Its gatekeeping. Rogan is intentionally leading the sheep to the conclusion this is merely a fight over policy.
It isnt. This is a fight between good vs evil, between the free people of the earth and the satanic pedophile death cult that wishes to enslave us. This isnt politics as usual. This isnt a fight over the vision of a patriotic right vs a patriotic left because neither is patriotic and both are evil cunts.
I agree. You can get a really good look into who he really is anytime he has a Christian guest on. He’s definitely a snake.
I don't follow Rogan - do you have a suggestion? I'd like to listen to one.
There was one fairly recently. I can't remember the persons name off the top of my head, but I believe he was a scientist who happened to be a christian. He wasn't on the show because he was a christian, but to talk science. I'll try to find the name and post back.
*Edit: I think it was Stephen Meyer.
I appreciate that. I love to listen to podcasts while I’m in the kitchen cooking. Multitasking!
I think he’s done flipped. He’s been sounding pretty based for awhile now.
Disagree completely. He is a gatekeeper. He herds the sheep to the wrong conclusion.
"Unemployment was down. Business was booming. Regulations were being relaxed. More things were getting done. When you look at it from a policy perspective, what he did on paper was effective...
Everybody thinks there needs to be a wall. Even the Mayor of New York City is now calling to stop immigration into his city...
When you look at the Russia collusion. When you look at the Steele dossier. When you look at all the bullshit, they tried to throw at him that we now know is bullshit.
Not just bullshit, but coordinated bullshit. When you look at the fact that they suppressed this Hunter Biden laptop story.
And 51 intelligence agency representatives signed off on that to say that this is Russian disinformation, which we know they know is not true. That's scary.
Because now you have the intelligence agencies colluding to keep a guy from being president, who was president during a time when the country was thriving economically."
makes me think they are really afraid of him for some reason. More Q proof to me.
.... and it "looked like" his policies were actually effective??? uhhh hello? I would say more like, Bigly Effective!!
It's a good post, and Rogan is speaking what is clear to even democrats. I like Joe Rogan, but I believe he's not who he presents himself to be. I believe when the time is right, he will turn on patriots in a moment without any hesitation. Rogan is ultimately a high paid stooge subject to his masters See "Hotez Elevated By Rogan; And Has Something In Common With Many Rogan Guests".
The following are bold and outspoken words, but I believe will be found to be correct. Joe Rogan is a New Jersey (and later Boston) boy, who has been bathed, toweled, and dressed in liberal surroundings all his life. Joe Rogan, when given the chance will show his true colors as a liberal social Marxist.
He self identifies as being 3/4 Italian and 1/4 Irish and there's actually someone (probably paid) pitching this on YouTube!. Why? And why is this important? You tell me. Who the hell gets a near top of a Search Engine listing placement (currently #4 highest) when searching for -- "Joe Rogan Jewish" only to find a prominent YouTube video dispelling this rumor? You can't make this shit up, folks.
So, Is Joe Rogan Jewish? It appears Joe Rogan and his crew don't want you to know. YouTube has videos just for dispelling this rumor. Amazing, no? Who else goes to this length? Joe Rogan must be very important to have professionals dispelling the rumor that "Joe Rogan is Jewish." .... especially having by far the number one popular podcast. All the eggs are gathered in one basket. That's one big omelet or is it the makings of quiche?
I don't know about you, but the hide the "Joe Rogan is Jewish" screams out, 'Someone is covering their own tracks'. But why? The write up about Joe Rogan, "Hotez Elevated By Rogan; And Has Something In Common With Many Rogan Guests"]( discusses the statistics of who Rogan's Podcast guests are. It turns out that 42% are Zionists. Hmmmm....
What does Joe Rogan have in common with Alex Jones? Joe Rogan is controlled opposition. This knucklehead didn't get to being #1 podcaster in the world without cutting a Faustian bargain. I don't trust Rogan simply because he's not a straight shooter. He's way too smooth. There's too many people who are willing to follow this pied piper. Just wait for it. He'll have his moment when he betrays everyone.
They don't have to beat Trump legitimately in the primaries. They just have to sow enough doubt that it gives the fake news enough of a story to run with. If the news doesn't report it people won't do anything. That's the game plan they have run with for decades. It's why the "fake poles" are always so close. When everything thinks it's a toss up they always shrug when the guy the deep state really wants wins. But I don't think it will work this time. But it still doesn't stop them from running with the same game plan over and over again.
Trump's political baggage is what will get him reelected.
Joe is learning, but man, he's slow.
Maybe Rogan being around a lot of MAGA in the UFC is rubbing off on him a little. We'll see if he requests an interview with PDJT before the election next year.
Finally Rogan can admit he’s been wrong. Taking way to long for him to warm up to trump
Very "normie" of you Mr. Rogan, but there is so much more to it than typical sound bites.
Rogan is good, but I really would like to see him host DJT and get some schooling. For as "enlightened" as he thinks he is, he's still very much what I call a "surface dweller." And he purposely stays away from topics that he thinks he'll lose viewership. He's also a major reason why prices in Austin, everything from rent/mortgage to food, gas, etc are skyrocketing.
Patrick Bet-David is very much a "surface dweller," too. And also a very smooth talking salesman.
My jury's still out on both of these two. It doesn't stop me from listening to their podcasts, though. Just be very aware of who/what they really are when listening to them. And if you've done your due diligence correctly on the subjects they both talk about, you'll understand why I have reservations about them. They both very much have a gate keeper-esque, controlled opposition vibe to them.
Rogan isn’t controlled opposition, just very slow to awake. Back in 16 he was very open about being a Bernie bro and was very loud about what happened with Bernie and Hillary. Since he has come out and has said that Geotus was great for America. You have to go way back in his podcast but can find and hear what he actually believes in. Besides if he’s controlled opposition Dana white wouldn’t keep him around and he wouldn’t have been one of the first questioning the vax and as vocally against as he was from the beginning of it