3% overall cancer cure rate for chemotherapy, Radiation and Surgery combined.
Average yearly profit from a cancer patients is $42,000. While some treatments can exceed $1,000,000.
It's all about the money!
Life style change - Free
Number one cause of all diseases is Chronic inflammation. All forms of sugar become acidic (cane /corn) when ingested except for Organic honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar. Cancer thrives in an acidic low oxygen environment.
Pay attention to what you are eating we need healthy patriots.
And one of the main causes of chronic disease/inflammation/sugar cravings is fungus and parasites inside you. 80% of people have done nothing to treat this issue. It takes a 2 month cleanse and maintenance with a few simple supplements (NAC, oil of oregano, and black seed oil, etc)
Every part of your body has a different pH. Sugar is problematic for other reasons, especially in combination with vegetable oils. The plant-free diet is the only health diet.
Listen to Mikhaila Peterson's story. She has severe reactions to most foods except beef, and lamb. Her Father Jordan Peterson decided to follow her diet dropping all vegetables/carbs, and just eating meat, and had amazing results. You can hear him talk about it on a Joe Rogan podcast.
I heard about her story in 2019, and I proceeded to eat just beef, pork, chicken, eggs for about 6 months. It cured my body's inflammation, IBS, arthritis, and all joint pain. I got stronger than I ever was in my life, lost about 35 pounds, and I was lean af doing 15-20 pulls ups, and pushups like I Was 20 again.
I've since fallen off being strict on the diet thanks to covid, and I remain on a low carb, healthy fats, good quality meat diet.
I honestly wonder if it's the pesticides applied to non organic produce. Greedy corporations In a quest for profit spray their product and microwave it after they harvest it to kill off bacteria but alps some of the benefits.
Organic wouldn't have nearly as much pesticides, but is more expensive because more care has gone into them, along with certified gardening practices.
Fruits grow is warm climates. So your metabolism is different if you are in a warm climate If you lived in MN and bought into the 90s infomercial juicers and did that everyday... yeah you're going to get diabetes.
Fruits are the least poisonous part of a plant. However, avoid the skins and the seeds. Some fruits like kiwi, cherries, mangos, figs and starfruit are still very poisonous.
Also, some consider fructose to be a toxin. In that case, all fruits are poisonous.
Bottom line: Fruits are a treat, not food.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but five apples a day and the doctor you will pay."
Myth? Your position is a myth, and you have a fundamental understanding of what the body means. This is evident because of the paper you cited. Although, I'll give you that the authors seem confused about what the body means, too.
What is the pH of your stomach acid? Hint: It's not alkaline by a long shot.
What is the pH of your intestines? Bonus question: What is the pH of the vagina?
[Food affects the pH of your urine, but not your blood. There’s no way you could ever eat enough alkaline food that it impacts your blood.] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7797810/)
Leukemias and lymphomas do thrive in the alkaline environment of blood and lymph, which have a pH of around 7.4.
Keep in mind even that cure rate is bullshit, because one only has to stay alive for 5 years to be counted as "cured." And those treatments cause long term damage to the body, so it isn't uncommon to have cancer again after 5 years.
Especially these days, with those who received the injections that are reactivating cancers that had already gone into remission. Often times bringing them back in rapid progress, earning the name "turbo cancer."
My cousin died recently, about 10 years after they fried her throat (and brain?) with radiation. She, the past few years, couldn't talk and had to be tube fed because of the massive scar tissue in her throat. And then the cancer came back.
My father died a year to the day the cancer doctor said treatment would give him 5 years. The first chemo treatment sent him to the hospital. The second one caused a stroke and he died a couple of weeks later. Those two treatments were $50,000.
3% overall cancer cure rate for chemotherapy, Radiation and Surgery combined.
Average yearly profit from a cancer patients is $42,000. While some treatments can exceed $1,000,000.
It's all about the money!
Life style change - Free
Number one cause of all diseases is Chronic inflammation. All forms of sugar become acidic (cane /corn) when ingested except for Organic honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar. Cancer thrives in an acidic low oxygen environment.
Pay attention to what you are eating we need healthy patriots.
And one of the main causes of chronic disease/inflammation/sugar cravings is fungus and parasites inside you. 80% of people have done nothing to treat this issue. It takes a 2 month cleanse and maintenance with a few simple supplements (NAC, oil of oregano, and black seed oil, etc)
Interesting book…. https://nutesla.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Hulda-Clark-A-cure-for-all-disease.pdf
Fantastic info. Thank you so much for this article.
You’re welcome! Someone else shared this link a few weeks ago so I’m trying to do the same.
Every part of your body has a different pH. Sugar is problematic for other reasons, especially in combination with vegetable oils. The plant-free diet is the only health diet.
Plant free? I've never heard this before. Any resources you can share? I love a new rabbit hole.
Listen to Mikhaila Peterson's story. She has severe reactions to most foods except beef, and lamb. Her Father Jordan Peterson decided to follow her diet dropping all vegetables/carbs, and just eating meat, and had amazing results. You can hear him talk about it on a Joe Rogan podcast.
I heard about her story in 2019, and I proceeded to eat just beef, pork, chicken, eggs for about 6 months. It cured my body's inflammation, IBS, arthritis, and all joint pain. I got stronger than I ever was in my life, lost about 35 pounds, and I was lean af doing 15-20 pulls ups, and pushups like I Was 20 again.
I've since fallen off being strict on the diet thanks to covid, and I remain on a low carb, healthy fats, good quality meat diet.
I honestly wonder if it's the pesticides applied to non organic produce. Greedy corporations In a quest for profit spray their product and microwave it after they harvest it to kill off bacteria but alps some of the benefits.
Organic wouldn't have nearly as much pesticides, but is more expensive because more care has gone into them, along with certified gardening practices.
Nothing will beat growing it yourself.
This may also be the woman whose bone marrow reversed back to red?
Animal based diet.
Dairy, fruit, meat, eggs
I might be wrong, but I think it means carnivore diet. have noticed a lot of doctors, influencers, who were once vegan are now consuming only meat.
Dietary pesticides (99.99% all natural)
Man-made and Natural Carcinogens - Putting the Risks in Perspective
Harvard Study on the Carnivore Diet - Harvard School of Public Health
Oxalates: Sally K. Norton “Toxic Superfoods” Lectins: Dr. Steven Gundry “Plant Paradox”
Animal-Based: Shawn Baker MD (OG) Anthony Chaffee MD Paul Saladino MD
Mikhaila Peterson
Does this include fruits or no?
Classic carnivore diet does not include fruit.
Fruit is great
Fruits grow is warm climates. So your metabolism is different if you are in a warm climate If you lived in MN and bought into the 90s infomercial juicers and did that everyday... yeah you're going to get diabetes.
Fruits are the least poisonous part of a plant. However, avoid the skins and the seeds. Some fruits like kiwi, cherries, mangos, figs and starfruit are still very poisonous.
Also, some consider fructose to be a toxin. In that case, all fruits are poisonous.
Bottom line: Fruits are a treat, not food.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but five apples a day and the doctor you will pay."
Plant free… nope. Keto. It’s the only diet supported by science. Carnivore is more extreme but very healthy.
Why nope? Carnivores are keto by default.
Thats a myth, theres only a small window of pH that your body can operate within... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507807/
Myth? Your position is a myth, and you have a fundamental understanding of what the body means. This is evident because of the paper you cited. Although, I'll give you that the authors seem confused about what the body means, too.
What is the pH of your stomach acid? Hint: It's not alkaline by a long shot.
What is the pH of your intestines? Bonus question: What is the pH of the vagina?
[Food affects the pH of your urine, but not your blood. There’s no way you could ever eat enough alkaline food that it impacts your blood.] (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7797810/)
Leukemias and lymphomas do thrive in the alkaline environment of blood and lymph, which have a pH of around 7.4.
Candida albicans, the fungus that causes thrush, switches to a more virulent and dangerous form in a neutral-to-alkaline environment.
Keep in mind even that cure rate is bullshit, because one only has to stay alive for 5 years to be counted as "cured." And those treatments cause long term damage to the body, so it isn't uncommon to have cancer again after 5 years.
Especially these days, with those who received the injections that are reactivating cancers that had already gone into remission. Often times bringing them back in rapid progress, earning the name "turbo cancer."
My cousin died recently, about 10 years after they fried her throat (and brain?) with radiation. She, the past few years, couldn't talk and had to be tube fed because of the massive scar tissue in her throat. And then the cancer came back. My father died a year to the day the cancer doctor said treatment would give him 5 years. The first chemo treatment sent him to the hospital. The second one caused a stroke and he died a couple of weeks later. Those two treatments were $50,000.