I live in Ohio and what Oberlin College did to this bakery is indefensible. I am rooting for these insurance companies and hope that LIBERAL Oberlin College is financially destroyed. To stand up for a black student, who was shoplifting, just to show how woke they are, to all liberals and the community, is disgusting.
The USA educational system is very different from my own country. But I think I can fairly assume that the mission statement for a "College" could be summarised as "improving people by teaching them stuff."
Why don't they just get on with that instead of getting into legal fights all the time?
Go woke, go Broke! Or as Trump so eloquently stated: "Everything woke turns to shit."
I live in Ohio and what Oberlin College did to this bakery is indefensible. I am rooting for these insurance companies and hope that LIBERAL Oberlin College is financially destroyed. To stand up for a black student, who was shoplifting, just to show how woke they are, to all liberals and the community, is disgusting.
Let them take the money away from their leftist professors.
Or their precious endowments.
It will probably be decades before a collage education gets any credence.
And the concept downsized Its a big business
There are some good colleges still, few and far between however. Hillsdale is good, and incredibly focused on the Constitutional side of things.
What kind of policy would cover what Oberlin did to this bakery?
It looks like none.
It might be hard to win a case where you were committing an act like intentionally destroying someone's business for an agenda.
I can’t hear anything but waaah waaah waaah
The USA educational system is very different from my own country. But I think I can fairly assume that the mission statement for a "College" could be summarised as "improving people by teaching them stuff."
Why don't they just get on with that instead of getting into legal fights all the time?