How bad is PDW? Salty talks about it a lot, and I started there after the election, but I can't imagine what it's like now. They don't fully appreciate Trump's genius or the plan like we do. Salty is very bright in his own way, but doesn't think Trump knows what all is going on. Is that a shared sentiment over there?
It blows my mind how short sighted my democrat co workers are
Very accurate post, thank you!
This should be etched on a cave wall so the next timeline will know
Good call
Love it.
I has to work 'this time'?
How bad is PDW? Salty talks about it a lot, and I started there after the election, but I can't imagine what it's like now. They don't fully appreciate Trump's genius or the plan like we do. Salty is very bright in his own way, but doesn't think Trump knows what all is going on. Is that a shared sentiment over there?
I guess they haven't been paying attention to all of the time stamped Truths lately that coincide with Q posts.
They're busy saying, "TrUsT tEh pLaN!" and "2 mOrE wEeKs!"
Just let them finish. They are just upgraded normies at this point.
Everyone has caught everyone else.
What an amazing amount of justice we have!
Very accurate, nice one.
I like it but I have to change it to Democrats, Republicans, Me for my normies. 😆
Perfect meme.
This is exactly how I feel.
It would be cool if they took Pepe and made it to where he's lying on a beach sipping a pina colada with the same look on his face :)
if they had any actual evidence it'd be on television more than the access hollywood tape was.
Well played.
The three Spiderman pointing at each other would also be appropriate.