posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +34 / -0

You can't have both. You can't have good guys in control, and then kill off a bunch of people.

Will there be another attempt to lock us down and disrupt our lives? Probably... but if it is, it's just an orchestrated effort to show us the precipice. (Yes, I do think that the DS/Cabal still pulls off horrendous strikes to hurt, maim, kill, and cull... but it is no longer able to orchestrate something huge and global).

I realize that my premise sounds ridiculous... that good guys will either orchestrate or allow pain (short of mass killing)--but it is a necessary process to wake people up to become better stewards of our Republic.

And that is why Q guided us, so that we could help people understand and prevail. We all suffer through the precipice, but Anons are the shepherds who assist others to cope.

That's my personal belief, anyway. Keep the faith... in our movement and in God's hand in our movement.