I remember when they tossed us out on Reddit. And then we went to Voat , Poal, Reddit, and here. I am on truth social droping all kinds of stories for anyone to use to help get the truth to the people.
Thank you for your kind words and always happy to meet old forever friends again. We are all Gods children the real reason they hate us. We will meet one day if not here then with God and Jesus.
I am a Brother or pain in the butt depends on who you ask . LOL
Thank you Brother, all I would ask is pray, give all glory and credit to God and Jesus. And lets get the truth out to all Gods children around the world.
May God do the same for you and all his children.
Just stay on the good path and you will never be lost.
This is now waking up more people. They are actually helping us without realizing it. Look at Atlanta and President Trump's support down there. Their world and support groups keep getting smaller.
I love it when these guys get all excited, only to let down when he does win. The left is going to be very dissapointed when a truly fair election shown they are only about 20% if not less.
Amen, TDS in progress.
Celebrities who went wild over the mugshot include John Cusack, Alyssa Milano, Jon Cryer, and Disney tool Josh Gad.
“The lying -treasonous child abducting rapist sack of shit,” John Cusack wrote on X, or Twitter.
Using Projection by blaming others for what they may be guilty of ?
John Cusack has had a very punchable face since he was a teen actor. Never understood his popularity.
Milano, well she always had two things going for her, neither of which were brains.
Don't even know who the other two nimrods are.
TDS is real.
Are those 2 things that Milano has going for her separate easily?
I'm sure she's done some time on the couch to benefit her "career".
Well, if you're talking about her legs ...
To think like that, why would you? 😉👌😉👌😉👌
Its a side effect of the fear they are feeling.
I always heard guilty dogs bark the loudest.
Right now I am playing the guess their prescription game.
When they hand you lemons make lemonade and enjoy the day. I refuse to be miserable.
Guilty as charged on your Voat question.
I still thank God in prayer he gave me the ability to piss evil off. Enjoy it so much I volunteered for a second tour of duty.
I remember when they tossed us out on Reddit. And then we went to Voat , Poal, Reddit, and here. I am on truth social droping all kinds of stories for anyone to use to help get the truth to the people.
Thank you for your kind words and always happy to meet old forever friends again. We are all Gods children the real reason they hate us. We will meet one day if not here then with God and Jesus.
I am a Brother or pain in the butt depends on who you ask . LOL
Thank you Brother, all I would ask is pray, give all glory and credit to God and Jesus. And lets get the truth out to all Gods children around the world.
May God do the same for you and all his children.
Just stay on the good path and you will never be lost.
All these folks are on the visitor logs of Epstien's Island, his New Mexico ranch, etc.
Time for the whole Epstein visitors list to come out.
I'm not going to be genteel.
To these creatures, children are playthings to TORTURE, RAPE, SACRIFICE and hope it's true that their blood 'rejuvinates' them.
Aside from 'actors', the most voracious media establishment PEDOVORES are Steven Colbert and Joy Behar.
Their past will soon be exposed.
This scum turns my stomach. Just imagine what they had to do (besides selling their souls) to get where they are.
They are only legends in their own minds. I suspect we know the answers already.
Panicking with desperate bs
Amen, that is all they have left.
That is Amazing..... I did not think they had the IQ to put a sentence together. They must have got Karine Jean-Pierre to put these tweets out.
Possibly their Handler ?
Spelled commie fags wrong.
This is now waking up more people. They are actually helping us without realizing it. Look at Atlanta and President Trump's support down there. Their world and support groups keep getting smaller.
Yes, I'm not tired of winning yet and my tits are jacked, as they say on the stonk boards.
My President went through Atlanta like a leader and not a sniveling coward like we see with Chyna Joe and DS BS Puppets.
These people INVENTED tds
I wonder if they have a patent on it ?
I love it when these guys get all excited, only to let down when he does win. The left is going to be very dissapointed when a truly fair election shown they are only about 20% if not less.
Exactly but the beauty is they are now incriminating themselves and people are seeing who they really are.
Like their opinions ever mattered
Appears reality is not a requirement in their world.
Cry moar.
Your tears water my popcorn.
Let them show their true faces. They are exposing who they really are. They are waking up more people to the fact that we were correct.
John Cusack....project much?