Rolling Stone’s founder has outed himself as a racist after years of his magazine endlessly accusing Trump of racism....
Oh, the irony!...🙂😎
🧠 These people are stupid!
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If it wasn't for double standards, they would have no standards at all.
I’d say this is the pot calling the kettle black, but (a) that’s a racist saying /s, (b) Trump is NOT a kettle, and (c) The Rolling Stone staff are a bunch of racist commie globohomos.
Not a raciss saying
Hang on, I think I can explain this.
There is HATE racism which is a person disagreeing with lefties on anything they say or do. - NOT OKAY
There is PITY racism which is what white lefties practice in that they feel terribly sorry for BIPOCs. They sympathize with the ignorant masses knowing they cannot help but be their miserable selves. They know that they have to take care of BIPOC because they are too stupid to do so. - OKAY
You are speaking of the most pervasive racial supremacists on earth. Jan 'Wenner' is a variation of 'Weiner', which is a common name in the community and masters for using projection.... Every now and then, .. and its predictable, there's a slip up of overt hubris and chutzpah. Wenner will take this public slap-on-the-hands as a message and will be told to vacation on a beach somewhere for a while until things cool off. Afterwards, he'll be plugged into another gig in the all controlled media market.
In the late 60's some Brits tried to start a British Rolling Stone magazine, but Wenner wanted them to send him all that they were going to publish to vet it himself. They told him to go forth and multiply.
Once again showing that the one making the accusations and allegations is the guilty one. Kinda like the entire D party.
No need to check the ‘Early Life’ section of Wikipedia. I’m getting good at this.
Lol thanks for saving me a click, I fuckin knew it.
Is this the same guy that left his wife for a dude?
I still want to know.
Why do they care who is racist?!
As you guys know I am black.
If some white guy thinks he is better than me. Who cares! It’s just an opinion!