General Mike Flynn tells us that we are closer to CONFORMITY than we think. Q writes the word CONFORMITY only a single time in post 2902, which deals with Uranium One. Decode: We are closer to the final chapter of the Clintons treasonous Uranium One arms deal. Are we going NUCLEAR soon?

I will remind Anons of the threat of Global Thermonuclear Warfare.
We are coming face to face with:
It should be transparently clear why the United States Government were smuggling uranium during the Obama Administration. There was a plan so heinous, so evil, and so unspeakable that few Americans were willing to entertain the mere thought of it. The sixteen year plan to destroy America, Russia, and the West began under the Obama administration during the aftermath of the mass formation psychosis that the Bush family set in motion.
The plan was for uranium to be smuggled covertly from the stockpiles of the United States during the Obama Administration for the creation of untraceable nuclear weapons that would be used against millions of United States citizens during the planned Hillary Clinton Administration that never happened. There is a reason why the DemoC(CP)rat Uniparty were so quick to pivot to Russian interference in the aftermath of the 2016 election. The goal was always to spark a war between Russia and America, and watch as we mutually destroyed one another.
Consider also the new chapter in the Global Thermonuclear Warfare threat. We now have an F-35 jet that has gone missing; the same aircraft that recently was making rounds in the news as having nuclear arms capabilities. This may be a covert attempt by the Deep State to once again get their hands on nuclear weapons, or it might be a White Hat comm indicating that the Deep State are planning a nuclear level event in the near future.
Be prepared Anons!
Eyes open!
No fear!
I hope so. This movie is kinda boring. The boat isn’t getting rocked enough and no matter how many people get a case of the suddenlies white liberals dig in even further.
This purgatory we are in is a hell in itself. Hard to plan for the future when I know shit is going down with in the next year and a half.
Threat of nuclear war and economic implosion are the only things that will rock the boat of the white liberal. Their world is a complete illusion. Other demographics are waking up. I have experienced it. But I don’t think the deep state will be defeated until the suburban white liberal is brought to a real life or death situation. So let’s get this show on the road already.
So what you're saying is.... they have to be at the precipice :)
Its painful. I have so many plans but have been putting them off because I am waiting for the worlds pendulum to snap back.
At this point I either have to accept that this normal is not changing and pull the trigger and capitulate or... we will see a big beautiful plan unfold to our glory.
Trying to plan when yo have a kid but I can’t when this clown show is going on. I won’t be able to afford a kid if things keep going south. I also don’t want to have to worry about a child if the precipice is that bad. I’ll already have to deal with my other family.
Just finally got married after already delaying the reception due to China flu, then Jan 6th then GME then the midterms madness...
same it sucks
We are all together in this. You are not alone.
I hope those idiots with the blue hair are the first females to be drafted if war does break out.
Those aren’t really the people I am referencing. I am talking about upper middle class to rich white liberals (especially the women) who are out of touch with reality in their quiet neighborhoods because they don’t really deal with the consequences of their vote. The best thing that could happen to the Seattle are is if the homeless started taking over the suburbs.
The blue-haired tattooed pierced up gender-confused freaks used to stay in the cities but seems COVID and rising rent plus employers in the city closing flushed them into the suburbs to where these middle-class libtards can no longer pretend that they don't exist.
Yep, I trust God and my savior in Christ who already shed his blood for us. I submit fully to HIS love and guidance. My soul is saved because he willed it to be, and I align with God's plan, not man's.
Humans are fallible, flawed and fallen. Only through Christ are we saved.
Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On EARTH as it is in Heaven
Yay! Can pepe grow a few more legs / arms from the nuclear fallout? I could use them to be more productive.
so what do you think? NK or Iran shoot a nuke. lands in the water. they start the 6 week "where did the uranium come from.?......No one knows." Fox News blitz. MSM can't just ignore this time...WTF do you do?.... Then Hillary and Obama put on the main stage?
I don't believe that the Cabalists have nuclear capabilities anymore. They may have the uranium stockpiled away, and they may also have nuclear weapons at the ready, but I firmly believe that the Q team operatives in the high levels of The Department of Defense and Space Force have neutralized their guidance capabilities. We have Eyes in the Sky that can sniff a nuclear weapon anywhere on Earth. The window of opportunity for the Cabal to drop a nuclear weapon closed when President Trump won in 2016.
What is most likely to happen is a psychological operation like COVID-19 where they will fake a nuclear explosion using other forms of explosives. Such a psyop would be a clever means for the Biden Administration to attempt a state of Martial Law going into the 2024 election season. I don't believe that they can redeploy the C19 psy-op effectively, and I believe that they are well aware of this fact.
Okay who did that :)
Research Uranium One.
Obama and Hillary were attempting to covertly smuggle uranium out of the stockpiles of America. They intended to relocate the uranium overseas for the production of untraceable (or so they thought) nuclear weapons.
Watch The Sum of All Fears.
We are living out the plotline of that film.
THIS! 👆 u/Qanaut
None of Uranium One was covert or involved smuggling though. I don't know how much you know about the mining business, but it certainly wasn't covert, see these articles from back when.
Russia already has lot of nukes don't they?
Like thousands?
They also mine uranium.
Russia produces thousands of tonnes of Uranium a year.
The uranium you dig up out the ground is not the stuff you make nukes with. It's way far away from the Tom Clancy book which was about the sale of an actual nuclear weapon. The stuff you dig out of the ground is just crushed up rocks and is not reactive -- pretty cheap $65 a pound. Standard uranium mining produces stuff that is not reactive because only less than 1% of the stuff you dig up is the isotope we are concerned with. Remember when Bush and Cheney lied to us about yellow cake?
Un-enriched uranium is bought and sold every day and not really dangerous. My aunt used to have dishes glazed with uranium.
So this all seems rather baroque or overly complicated.
Evergreen? Is that you?
When I hear Buckel up and in the next few weeks things are going to happen I believe the f35 is one.
The small arms fire garbage had me thinking they would try to say it’s white national terrorism because they say that over and over.
Those who know know the stories they put out are bullshit but can’t talk about it.