Did you actually check it out, Brent, before the sticky, or did you just gobble up the headline, like <ahem> The People's Voice disinfo website is counting on?
u/Oldpatriot, this is getting old. Not to be too harsh, but even YOU repeated the fake "Demands" world governments bit. That's how effective the clickbait is, it seems.
Let's see what bullshit clickbait spin they are selling this time, shall we?
JPMorgan CEO Demands World Governments ‘Seize Private Property To Save The Planet’
The follow up statements (TPV always uses this pattern, of clickbait sensationalist headline, 2 or so paragraph/statements of distorted content after the headline, then actual factual content making the clickbait headline seem legit.
let's see:
World governments must begin forcibly seizing private property from citizens to build wind and solar farms to “fight climate change,” according to JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon.
According to Dimon, world governments should invoke “eminent domain” to seize private property from ordinary people and begin investing in solar projects and other green initiatives.
Then, like clockwork, TPV quotes actual material to justify their clickbait. Baxter Dmitry (Cross reference similarities with Michael Baxter of Real Raw News - different guys? or the same guy? You will NOT find any images showing the face of Michael Baxter, btw) references JP Morgans CEO Jamie Dimon's Letter:
The headline uses quote marks, BUT notice, not 'real' quote marks ("" "") but coining phrase single quote marks ' ' . Why? Using the quote marks directly gives the impression that Dimon said this and that this is a direct quote. But is it?
Neither the word "seize" nor the expression "private property" appear in the letter at all. So, why is TPV 'quoting' "‘Seize Private Property To Save The Planet’"?
Clickbait. Pure and simple.
1st paragraph: "must begin" is not used anywhere in the letter. Either in direct expression "must begin" or another form of expression. Instead, Dimon writes: "We may even need to evoke eminent domain..."
So where does the demand!!!! "World Govts MUST begin forcibly seizing...." come from? Clickbait. Pure and simple.
2nd paragraph: "world governments should invoke..." But again, no where does Dimon say this. "we may even need to..." So where does the "should invoke" declaration come from? Clickbait. Pure and Simple.
So, now, Paragraph 3, TPV and Dmitry continue their formula. Tehy use actual content now, once the clickbait and disinformation has been planted and seeded, to make it seem like they are legitimate:
“At the same time, permitting reforms are desperately needed to allow investment to be done in any kind of timely way. We may even need to evoke [sic] eminent domain – we simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives,” Dimon wrote.
Then, unrelated factual content continues, continuing to give the veneer of legitimacy to the Headline and 1st and 2nd paragraph clickbait.
"Eminent domain allows the government ..."
Another quote from Dimon, then a report about an Iowa state bill:
Dimon’s suggestion came just weeks after the Iowa state House passed a bill in March that would limit carbon pipeline companies’ ability to exercise eminent domain.
Then a quote from a state rep about the bill "Democratic state Rep. Steven Holt said...."
This is TPV's stock standard methodology.
But asked yourself, who reads past the first two paragraphs? Why use inaccurate, misleading content and statements in your headline and leading paragraphs? Simple. Clickbait.
Truth seekers are being targeted here. Who among us, for example would doubt that Dimon is a POS, and that he is part of the globalist clique? No one. But that is not the point. The point is, to get people to accept without thinking and without discernment overtly false and deceptive statements and to spread that around.
This has a number of bad effects.
One, the target audience is triggered to use the programming that made them simply swallow MSM news without really thinking or applying discernment, and get them to simply apply the same programming but now to an alt-news source. In this way, no discernment or thinking for one's self is promoted, and the old programming is simply diverted to a new direction.
Two, the spread of the disinfo clickbait lays a foundation for the MSM arm of the propaganda machine to 'debunk' actual truth tellers and actual news content.
Problem - reaction - solution
Problem: Actual Cabal and actual globalists are doing bad crap, and information about this is leaking out
Reaction: post exaggerated fake content THIS that people swallow and repeat without discernment -
Solution: see? All that conspiracy theory stuff is rubbish, just like THIS.
The article in this case (ooooh, fact checked with a DOUBLE check mark. MUST be accurate, right?) works really hard to implant the idea that Dimon demanded, asserted and aggressively pushed the idea that 'govts MUST use SEIZE private property. Why? Clickbait.
This sort of disinformation muddies the water and inserts poison in the truth sphere. And TPV is always refining and subtly modifying their content. This 'exaggeration' (distortion) here may seem mild, but this is a very light case, and accumulatively, the whole operation has a very negative impact on the truth sphere and people who are just now potentially beginning to apply discernment, by triggering non-discernment patterning.
In case you were wondering....
Do you think I am taking this too far? Look at the responses to the OP. ONE pede dug for a referenced a FGox News report on the topic, but almost every other GAW pede commenting responded exclusively by <emotional reaction>. And that is the objective of clickbait.
Here's more on TPV and their work and negative impact.
The media has completely smeared Trump in this way. I tell normies who express disdain for Trump that had I not actually listened to the man himself, and personally researched the claims made against him, that I might be confused too. But the truth is NEVER what the media says is happening. Like, never. The lack of discernment is what makes debates with many people unbearable. Even if you fundamentally agree with one another many people throw around mistruths and hyperbole like oxygen and it’s clear they aren’t really helping the cause. They may vote like me and fight by my side but they’re not helping with the Great Awakening, which requires the entire public to wake up regardless of ideology.
To be honest, I felt a bit hesitant after posting this, that I was a bit too .... zealous ... in my denouncement of the bullshite. However, responses from pedes like you are an important feedback that reaffirms to me that I'm on the right track.
Kudos. At least someone is following up. TPV is clickbait, but as this report more accurately indicates, he's 'suggesting'. He's still a globalist scumbag, but at least the report pretends to be more accurate.
Seems a couple of 1% buddies are sharing a thought about your rights and property (certainly not theirs)...
Michael Bloomberg will spend $500 million on the "next phase" of his energy transition lawsuit campaign. He aims to shutter "every last" coal plant in the U.S. and cut natural gas energy production in half by 2030. https://www.disclose.tv/id/v0oo93j6ux/
Sticky for the Wow just stupid people Wow!
Did you actually check it out, Brent, before the sticky, or did you just gobble up the headline, like <ahem> The People's Voice disinfo website is counting on?
u/Oldpatriot, this is getting old. Not to be too harsh, but even YOU repeated the fake "Demands" world governments bit. That's how effective the clickbait is, it seems.
Let's see what bullshit clickbait spin they are selling this time, shall we?
here is the article: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/jpmorgan-ceo-demands-world-governments-seize-private-property-to-save-the-planet/
What's the headline?
The follow up statements (TPV always uses this pattern, of clickbait sensationalist headline, 2 or so paragraph/statements of distorted content after the headline, then actual factual content making the clickbait headline seem legit.
let's see:
Then, like clockwork, TPV quotes actual material to justify their clickbait. Baxter Dmitry (Cross reference similarities with Michael Baxter of Real Raw News - different guys? or the same guy? You will NOT find any images showing the face of Michael Baxter, btw) references JP Morgans CEO Jamie Dimon's Letter:
First, notice a few things:
The headline uses quote marks, BUT notice, not 'real' quote marks ("" "") but coining phrase single quote marks ' ' . Why? Using the quote marks directly gives the impression that Dimon said this and that this is a direct quote. But is it?
Neither the word "seize" nor the expression "private property" appear in the letter at all. So, why is TPV 'quoting' "‘Seize Private Property To Save The Planet’"?
Clickbait. Pure and simple.
1st paragraph: "must begin" is not used anywhere in the letter. Either in direct expression "must begin" or another form of expression. Instead, Dimon writes: "We may even need to evoke eminent domain..."
So where does the demand!!!! "World Govts MUST begin forcibly seizing...." come from? Clickbait. Pure and simple.
2nd paragraph: "world governments should invoke..." But again, no where does Dimon say this. "we may even need to..." So where does the "should invoke" declaration come from? Clickbait. Pure and Simple.
So, now, Paragraph 3, TPV and Dmitry continue their formula. Tehy use actual content now, once the clickbait and disinformation has been planted and seeded, to make it seem like they are legitimate:
Then, unrelated factual content continues, continuing to give the veneer of legitimacy to the Headline and 1st and 2nd paragraph clickbait.
"Eminent domain allows the government ..."
Another quote from Dimon, then a report about an Iowa state bill:
Then a quote from a state rep about the bill "Democratic state Rep. Steven Holt said...."
This is TPV's stock standard methodology.
But asked yourself, who reads past the first two paragraphs? Why use inaccurate, misleading content and statements in your headline and leading paragraphs? Simple. Clickbait.
Truth seekers are being targeted here. Who among us, for example would doubt that Dimon is a POS, and that he is part of the globalist clique? No one. But that is not the point. The point is, to get people to accept without thinking and without discernment overtly false and deceptive statements and to spread that around.
This has a number of bad effects.
One, the target audience is triggered to use the programming that made them simply swallow MSM news without really thinking or applying discernment, and get them to simply apply the same programming but now to an alt-news source. In this way, no discernment or thinking for one's self is promoted, and the old programming is simply diverted to a new direction.
Two, the spread of the disinfo clickbait lays a foundation for the MSM arm of the propaganda machine to 'debunk' actual truth tellers and actual news content.
Problem - reaction - solution
Problem: Actual Cabal and actual globalists are doing bad crap, and information about this is leaking out
Reaction: post exaggerated fake content THIS that people swallow and repeat without discernment -
Solution: see? All that conspiracy theory stuff is rubbish, just like THIS.
The article in this case (ooooh, fact checked with a DOUBLE check mark. MUST be accurate, right?) works really hard to implant the idea that Dimon demanded, asserted and aggressively pushed the idea that 'govts MUST use SEIZE private property. Why? Clickbait.
This sort of disinformation muddies the water and inserts poison in the truth sphere. And TPV is always refining and subtly modifying their content. This 'exaggeration' (distortion) here may seem mild, but this is a very light case, and accumulatively, the whole operation has a very negative impact on the truth sphere and people who are just now potentially beginning to apply discernment, by triggering non-discernment patterning.
In case you were wondering....
Do you think I am taking this too far? Look at the responses to the OP. ONE pede dug for a referenced a FGox News report on the topic, but almost every other GAW pede commenting responded exclusively by <emotional reaction>. And that is the objective of clickbait.
Here's more on TPV and their work and negative impact.
See also the discussion b/t myself and u/Tewdryg under this post:
The media has completely smeared Trump in this way. I tell normies who express disdain for Trump that had I not actually listened to the man himself, and personally researched the claims made against him, that I might be confused too. But the truth is NEVER what the media says is happening. Like, never. The lack of discernment is what makes debates with many people unbearable. Even if you fundamentally agree with one another many people throw around mistruths and hyperbole like oxygen and it’s clear they aren’t really helping the cause. They may vote like me and fight by my side but they’re not helping with the Great Awakening, which requires the entire public to wake up regardless of ideology.
Wew! Savage, yet truthful, breakdown. This is the stuff I hang out for.
To be honest, I felt a bit hesitant after posting this, that I was a bit too .... zealous ... in my denouncement of the bullshite. However, responses from pedes like you are an important feedback that reaffirms to me that I'm on the right track.
Much appreciated.
Keep up the good work anon.
"Reasoned argument" ...first paragraph of the sidebar. Your argument is reasoned and you bring the receipts.
Any article with his name on it should be immediately trashed.
Kudos. At least someone is following up. TPV is clickbait, but as this report more accurately indicates, he's 'suggesting'. He's still a globalist scumbag, but at least the report pretends to be more accurate.
Globalists gonna be globalists...
Seems a couple of 1% buddies are sharing a thought about your rights and property (certainly not theirs)...
Michael Bloomberg will spend $500 million on the "next phase" of his energy transition lawsuit campaign. He aims to shutter "every last" coal plant in the U.S. and cut natural gas energy production in half by 2030. https://www.disclose.tv/id/v0oo93j6ux/