It's Called Trolling...We Do A Little Trolling...
17 Senators Plus 1 is Me! 17+ = Q+ 🐸
🐸 17 Ain’t Nothin But Us!
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We are the 17! WWG1WGA.
We absolutely are...a happy band of anons! of my favorites! Thanks fren!
My only nitpick is there are only 13 men in the image. I know it's historically should be 17!
That made me happy 😃
Let's go Pres.
17th letter = Q
Also........ Q = 17th letter.
That compilation is stunning
It's hard to imagine the amount of work involved
This makes me smile!
We, the seventeen, protect the free!
It would be interesting how this compares to how often he says other numbers. 16? 18? I love it, but wonder if it is an outside the norm amount of usage.
My thoughts as well. Also, how do we know that's what he is actually saying in these many clips? They could be dubbed.
17% of the public will fail to wake up.
If it only took 3% of the population the last time we faced this, what's it gonna look like now that it's 17%?
I know seventeen fits, but I am hearing sabbatean.