you nailed it!! it's hard to sober up from the msm koolaid... we shut the tv off 27 years ago ..... we knew it was bullshit back then..... and it's amazingly disgusting how many sheep are still in the trance of the glowing rectangular god hung up on their walls that tells them 24-7 what to think.
That was my point. Calling NAZI in a crowded theatre will cause confusion:
NAZI is a Western-coined Term - a contraction for National Socialism in the first half of the 20th C - the latter term was used by proponents of that movement. The key word is Socialism.
That is a left-wing thing BTW.
I am still scratching my head over how NAZI-ism has since turned into a Right-wing thing, according to lefties. The left imagine uniforms, tattoos, parades and flags, just like what happened in Ukraine recently (oopsie - no, those were not REALLY NAZIs, just ordinary folk protesting the decision to stick with the Russian proposal to allow Ukrainians a very generous reprieve on the vast energy-debt they owed Russia - the protestors [honest] wanted to join the EU, and ditch Russia! But please ignore the Swastika symbols and torches).
IMO NAZISM is an ideology, a leftist one, that is currently worn on the inside. Does Victoria Nuland LOOK like a NAZI? Does Ursula van der Leyen? Maybe Anthony Blinken? Or what about Freeland in Canada? No - they all look like normal people, sorta, kinda.
I think they are all ugly to the bone, but that's an opinion.
Speaking of Nazis... the vast majority of doctors and nurses who "just followed orders" and adhered to the Covid Hospital Protocols are no different than Nazi prison guards sending innocents to the showers.
They claim its 'right wing" because of the nationalism part. They conveniently ignore basically EVERYTHING else because soon as they Godwin's law an argument/debate there is no more argument/debate. Which works in their favor.
Spssss... I think he means us
little does he know, he really means turdeau and ukraine
Probably. Bc he's drunk on the msm koolaid he's been drinking all these years. Still has a bit more awakening to do.
you nailed it!! it's hard to sober up from the msm koolaid... we shut the tv off 27 years ago ..... we knew it was bullshit back then..... and it's amazingly disgusting how many sheep are still in the trance of the glowing rectangular god hung up on their walls that tells them 24-7 what to think.
That was my point. Calling NAZI in a crowded theatre will cause confusion:
NAZI is a Western-coined Term - a contraction for National Socialism in the first half of the 20th C - the latter term was used by proponents of that movement. The key word is Socialism.
That is a left-wing thing BTW.
I am still scratching my head over how NAZI-ism has since turned into a Right-wing thing, according to lefties. The left imagine uniforms, tattoos, parades and flags, just like what happened in Ukraine recently (oopsie - no, those were not REALLY NAZIs, just ordinary folk protesting the decision to stick with the Russian proposal to allow Ukrainians a very generous reprieve on the vast energy-debt they owed Russia - the protestors [honest] wanted to join the EU, and ditch Russia! But please ignore the Swastika symbols and torches).
IMO NAZISM is an ideology, a leftist one, that is currently worn on the inside. Does Victoria Nuland LOOK like a NAZI? Does Ursula van der Leyen? Maybe Anthony Blinken? Or what about Freeland in Canada? No - they all look like normal people, sorta, kinda.
I think they are all ugly to the bone, but that's an opinion.
Overton Window movement I suppose, or maybe a general whitewash that happened in Western countries to hide the NAZIs who Westerners willingly took in, (because the Red Army would have shot them on the spot - and that's mean - never mind that USA left hundreds of thousands of German soldiers [to starve to death in an open-air prison compound](,after%20the%20Second%20World%20War.)
Ukrainian SS were deemed to be fine to import, apparently.
Speaking of Nazis... the vast majority of doctors and nurses who "just followed orders" and adhered to the Covid Hospital Protocols are no different than Nazi prison guards sending innocents to the showers.
Prove me wrong.
Dead accurate. Literally.
They claim its 'right wing" because of the nationalism part. They conveniently ignore basically EVERYTHING else because soon as they Godwin's law an argument/debate there is no more argument/debate. Which works in their favor.
I got your point I was just making a homer-esque style quip
They’re glozis now