I assume this is the beginning of the crazy violence and bad times we have all been expecting as this all plays out. I got extra food, water and ammo… Anything else? I know it’s a dumb question, but how would a survivalist get through a situation like this? What’s everyone’s tricks to survival in a situation like what we are about to experience?
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Turn of your tv and phone. Go outside and reconnect with nature, family, friends, and the divine.
Kevlar sleeves. It was said long ago that these invaders would be armed with machetes. People have a natural instinct to defend themselves with their forearm. A swinging piece of metal will still hurt like hell but you got a better chance of being able to fight back and/or escape if you weren't losing blood.
Avoid crowds.
Good idea .. I also like cattle prods - pretty inexpensive too
I’m a sai man myself.
Stock up on medications. Because eventually you're probably going to have to be your own doctor. Also, a way to communicate with others (like radios) so you're not dependent on your phone.....which will basically be useless anyways, when the internet/data is cut off.
If any way possible, if you have a very trusting friend/family member/s who shares the same ideas as yourself, meet up and work out a plan to meet somewhere and survive together should something really bad happen.
And for myself personally, I'll have my Bible, because that's the thing that's going to get me through whatever troubles lay ahead.
My pharmacy has been tractor supply for three years
Butane canisters. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001D7FYCI?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
Small butane stove. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B097MC6PL8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Water purifying straw. https://www.amazon.com/LifeStraw-Personal-Camping-Emergency-Preparedness/dp/B006QF3TW4/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=water+purifying+straw&qid=1697062633&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
The solar lights is a great idea.
And Vaseline.
Petro jelly good for starting fire(s).
No KEK just Chemistry
Wow, if you're going to mix drinks like that, dedicate a funnel for speed and accuracy. Not a bad idea, gonna get some bottles lined up too...
I've already tried the solar lights. Big disappointment. They dont have a strong enough beam. The light is more radiant and only go a few feet. Defjnnot enough for a trip to the bathroom.
Psalms 60:11-12 Give us help from trouble: For vain is the help of man. Through God we shall do valiantly: For he it is that shall tread down our enemies
Night vision, vest, satellite radio for comms if you have people
A dozen 5 gallon water jugs. Lots of cases of water (Costco has the best deal).
Supplements: C, D, Zinc, Quercetin. Aspirin. Ivermectin, hcq, antibiotics (order bulk online).
Potassium Iodide tablets on hand (always) and in bulk for your family long term increase of radiation exposure.
Calorie dense canned foods. Boxed foods too. Garage freezer full of meat. Emergency food buckets. You can also make 5 gallon buckets of beans, rice and oats easily with mylar food bags and oxygen absorbers. Emergency heirloom seed kit.
Lots of ethanol free gas cans and propane tanks. A large generator.
Build a first aid kit with the basics, heal creams, peroxide, iodine, gauze, tape, wraps and a tourniquet.
1 shortwave radio per family member https://a.co/d/3UrGfk3
These are just a few ideas off the top of my head.
Keep the view from the top row of the stadium.
I have been stocking up on distilled water, cans of pea soup, and cat food for the kitties.
Tarps, spare lumber, plywood, fasteners, and tools to make temporary repairs.
Have plenty of small bills on hand. If power goes out stores won’t be able to take credit cards and will also run out of change.
First thing is mental attitude - Like Josey Wales said, you gotta get plumb mean or you're gonna die. Be flexible and adaptable. I personally believe Spiritual strength is critical.
Physical fitness: Hike with a ruck at least 5 miles with 30 pounds. do functional workouts - body beautiful in the gym is of marginal value...you need to be able to work and sustain the effort every day forever.
Communications: weather and ssb battery powered radio; local comms like GMRS; short to long range comms like ham radio
Hygiene: personal hygiene (soap, wipes, tooth care); environmental hygiene (vinegar, baking soda, pool shock --> bleach); waste disposal (esp human waste)
Medical: extensive stack of first aid (you can't imagine how much gauze you will use for a significant wound); OTC meds (analgesics, antihistamines, anti-diarrhea, antibiotic ointment, alcohol, etc). stack up on long term meds for any conditions, get prescription antibiotics
None of this will do you a lick of good if you don't know how to use it - how to cut an antenna for a given freq band, measurement for pool chock to bleach to water purification, CPR, application of a tourniquet....
Decide if you want to shelter in place, or leave when the shit hits the fan. I would still prepare a bit for both. Keep emergency gear packed and ready, and never let your car get low on gas....
Fresh Water
Non Perishable Foodstuff
I live in an area affected by hurricanes, so I have bathtub liners called Water Bob. They are enclosed with syphon pumps to draw water which you can drink and/or flush the toilet. If power goes off the water towers are able to dispense water until empty so fill the liners in the first few hours. Even if you don't get the liner, fill the tub for toilet flushing.
No one can prep for every possible event. A lot depends on where you live. My best advice is knowing all power will be cut off (incl fridge, stove, toilet, water pump, heat/cool unit, lighting) test your needs for a few days to a week by not using any of these and see what you need, how to get around things.
I also plan for the rule of 3 - 3 methods of a need. Eg, cooking using a fire pit, a propane stove, fondue with canned fuel. Foods - regular grocery items, home pressure canned, dehydrated/freeze dried foods.
Be organized so youre not overwhelmed or at a loss. There are survival books that are very helpful.
Watch bushcrafting videos. Videos on find and growing plants.... Ways to create a quick shelter.
If nothing else it can serve as a break from the chaos.
Know what is edible in your area. Explore and memorize escape routes. Know your neighbors.