Joe is just another toadie all be it a very greedy one, but really no different than 80 to 90 percent of our elected officials.
One of the very first things that has to happen is that the spigot on the foreign aid has to be shut off. Foreign countries have been using that money to buy our politicians for decades now, which in turn garners them even more foreign aid dollars.
In Free-Masonry, Jerusalem is to be the capital of the world. From Bibi's point of view, it follows more than 70 years of goals and planning.
"The Partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never be recognized . . . Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital. Eretz Israel (Greater Israel) will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for Ever," “The Iron Wall,” by Avi Shlaim, p. 25.
"The acceptance of partition does not commit us to renounce Transjordan. One does not demand from anybody to live up to his vision. We shall accept a state in the boundaries fixed today--but the boundaries of the Zionist aspirations are concern of the Jewish people and no external factor will be able to limit them." – quote by David Ben-Gurion, “The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities”, by Simha Falpan, p. 52-53.1
To Obama it is similar, but Jerusalem will be the capital of the world with Islam prevailing.
There are competing factions for the same place, same purpose..... but, who is really in control? Free-Masonry is found in every religion worldwide. Each uses the prevailing religion within the culture for promoting and indoctrinating wanting individuals. Through initiations from their dedicated work and involvement, each individual is tested. Rising to higher levels more secrets are revealed....... at the highest levels, it is revealed to them that it is Lucifer himself that rules all these bodies of the world.
But, you already knew this though......Obama and Bibi have been raised from different lodges all controlled under a worldwide organization..... who worship Lucifer.
Slavery and the Eight Veils video explains this quite well... The article from which this video was created was written by Don Harkin, the late great editor of the Idaho Observer. The Idaho Observer was a "Breitbart" style investigative journal before anyone ever heard of Andrew Breitbart.
Isn't that something? Free-Masonry is found in every religion worldwide. Each uses the prevailing religion within the culture for promoting and indoctrinating wanting individuals. I'm sure Astana promotes the same.
You don't think Netanyahu may be working against the DS, like Putin and Xi?
The relatively recent fight over the Israeli judiciary seems to have had him on the right side of things vis-a-vis the Israeli DS. And it seems that his legal fights in Israel also indicate he's not the DS's favorite.
When I try to reconcile Trump's position against what we know about Hamas, and Trump's speech to the Muslim world at the beginning of his administration, I can only conclude that taking down Hamas will lead to exposure of the Israeli DS, in the same way that taking down Antifa, BLM and illegal immigration in the states can only lead to DS exposure. I see Netanyahu's response to Hamas as being similar to Trump's threat to send NG after Antifa, in that its destruction will reveal its money train. (Acknowledging that absolute levels of violence are not comparable between Antifa and Hamas.) So I think that Netanyahu is working on Trump's side, willingly or not.
Mr_A “Bibi working against DS like Putin and Xi” I don’t trust Bibi…GAW quoted an MI6 agent as saying that Putin has resisted efforts to goad Russia into striking Ukraine because he knew it was a DS trap…Israel was also goaded by the DS but Bibi is not resisting like Putin, he is striking back. If Bibi was working against the DS why would he do what the DS wants him to do?
"I can only conclude that taking down Hamas will lead to exposure of the Israeli DS, in the same way ...."
Trump brought down ISIS. ISIS is another Israeli-Mossad organization. Remember John McCain getting his photo taken with Al-Baghdadi? Edward Snowden revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the ex-EIIL or Islamic State Iraq and the Levant, according to Iranian news agency Farsnews. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called “Caliph,” the head of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is, according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor named Elliot Shimon, a Mossad trained operative.
Obama was supplying ISIS with weapons, cash, uniforms, and military vehicles. If ISIS is an Israeli run operation, then this makes Obama complicit as well in this conspiracy. We know from former congressman Ron Paul's revelation before Congress that was entered in the congressional record, Hamas was also created by the Israel Mossad to counteract the influence Yassir Arafat had over the Palestinian people. Hamas to this day is still a Mossad operation. In 2010, CNN mistakenly publicized a photo of a an M-4 brandishing Hamas militant wearing a Balaclava with sun-glasses. What was revealing was the star of David tattoo on chest. He was Mossad.
Netanyahu is "friends" with Trump, but works for the Rothschilds. In the world of politics, it is a survival game where lives are at stake. Friends are only useful for favors. Israel is run like a mafia outfit. If you don't perform and carry out the work the godfather wants, your life is in danger. I believe Ariel Sharon was taken out for not keeping the plan. The godfather is the Rothschilds, who created Israel. They are honored everywhere in Israel. The Rothschilds still run the government of Israel today behind the scene.
My question was sincere not rhetorical. I guess your answer is no, Netanyahu is not working with Trump to expose and bring down the cabal.
My thought was that Trump is backing Netanyahu's push because he knows it will expose Hamas as being a Mossad op.
But if that's not the case, can you explain why Trump truthed "I stand with Bibi?" Or is he just wrong? Or possibly pushing Bibi so prominently in order to expose him? Serious question.
"....can you explain why Trump truthed "I stand with Bibi?" Or is he just wrong? Or possibly pushing Bibi so prominently in order to expose him? Serious question."
I took your question as being sincere. However, nothing in politics is as it appears. Also, the quote, "Keep your friends close, but hold your enemies closer" is an axiom that comes directly from Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part II (1974) that helps explain the world of politics. I'll talk more about The Godfather later. IMHO, Trump is not always right or always makes good decisions. He seems to give people chances to prove themselves..... some of these arguably have been harmful to Trump. Jeff Sessions and General Mattis and John Kelly are a few examples. Others will say it had to be this way to expose these individuals and the depth of the DS infiltration. We can only speculate on these dynamics. However from this, we can correlate it to a larger dynamic. Perhaps, a more expansive explanation of this response will help.
Under the context of high levels of free-Masonry, always remember that the elite Zionists are the ones, who are part of a fraternal order, which is often hidden from the public. These selected politicians will wrap themselves with the flag of the nation's religion pretending to be its vanguard, but will readily kill their own citizens that they 'claim' to represent, in order to advance the fraternal order's one world government goal. They look at these acts of 'Democide' as harvests. When they talk about the 'time for the harvest', they are really talking about spilling blood of innocents for a sacrifice to their god. I will talk about this a little later, but first let me talk more about the harvests. Masonic-Zionists openly tell us this, but disguise it in metaphors and symbolic terms. Rahm Emmanuel, who was Obama's Chief of Staff is the son of Benjamin Emanuel, who worked in the 1940s with Irgun, the militant Zionist group that committed acts against Palestinian and British targets that have been widely categorized as terrorism. In 1946, members of the group bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people.) To the elite Masonic-Zionists, this was a harvest; a sacrifice to their god and getting rid of the British, who were obstructing the goals of the fraternal order. This goal envisions Jerusalem as the capital of the world for the one world government. The “Never allow a crisis to go to waste” statement made by Rahm Emmanuel on ABC’s This Week on Sunday was a boastful mockery of the chaos that's used from terrorist acts. Was it a coincidence? No, I don't believe so.
Who is this god that the masonic order pay tribute to? Make no mistake that the worship of Lucifer is found at the highest levels. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, former top Administrative Aide to then Senator Jacob Javits, in an Interview in 1976, said after being asked the following question: "Do you have knowledge of WHEN and WHY the story began about the Jews being God's chosen people?" That is when he [Rosenthal] said in part: "Most Jews [in his inner circle] do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."
Like many other people of different religions (Catholics, Protestants, Islam, etc.), the Jews have also been easily manipulated and caused to stumble. As a trusted Aide to one of the most powerful Senate politicians at the time, NY Senator Jacob Javits, who single-handedly changed America's Immigration policy forever and opened the doors to mass immigration, Rosenthal was privy to some of the highest levels of Masonic-Zionism. To be clear, Rosenthal was talking about an inner circle of Masonic-Zionists, and not the typical Jew. For this act of betraying the Masonic-Zionist trust, they assassinated Rosenthal a few months later in an alleged sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey, August 12, 1976. He was the only passenger that was killed.
Netanyahu is said to be "friends" with Donald Trump, but actually works for the Rothschilds. In the world of politics, it is pretty much a survival game where politician's lives and careers are at stake. In this world, friends are only useful for favors and not to be trusted. There are forces there that supersede all that is personal and loved. Israel is run like a mafia syndicate. Think of the movie The Godfather to get an idea of this when the call for a meeting of families were brought together to iron out a truce. On the world stage of politics it is this and more. In each family if you don't perform and carry out the work the godfather wants, your life is in danger. I believe Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin was taken out for not keeping the plan. The godfather are the Rothschilds, who founded Israel. They are honored everywhere in Israel. The Rothschilds still run the government of Israel today behind the scene.
Thanks for the detailed insights and history. Much appreciated.
I still harbor hope that Bibi has somehow been turned and is acting for Q's plan, for with God all things, even this, are possible. But aside from prayer, I will guard my earthly expectations and include the reasoning you shared.
Did Bibi ball sucker thank DJT for his “ Stand with Israel “ “ stand with Bibi “ support ??
What in the actual hell, he just slobbered all over the pedo - I’m lost and pissed !
The majority of Israelis blame Israel for the attacks........ They've lost the narrative, so they will ignore it by raining down terror on the Israeli population.
Horrifying . I’m glad that they are waking up but damn , this is the price they pay . Thank God thst will not happen to us God and Q team will step in before it gets that bad !!
President Trump posted this at 14:54, post 1454 seems relevant.
My theory is the Speaker fight is cutting off money funneled through Ukraine. The next goal is to cut off laundering money through Iran.
Israel is being saved for last.
He's a snake himself
Joe is just another toadie all be it a very greedy one, but really no different than 80 to 90 percent of our elected officials.
One of the very first things that has to happen is that the spigot on the foreign aid has to be shut off. Foreign countries have been using that money to buy our politicians for decades now, which in turn garners them even more foreign aid dollars.
In Free-Masonry, Jerusalem is to be the capital of the world. From Bibi's point of view, it follows more than 70 years of goals and planning.
"The Partition of Palestine is illegal. It will never be recognized . . . Jerusalem was and will forever be our capital. Eretz Israel (Greater Israel) will be restored to the people of Israel. All of it. And for Ever," “The Iron Wall,” by Avi Shlaim, p. 25.
"The acceptance of partition does not commit us to renounce Transjordan. One does not demand from anybody to live up to his vision. We shall accept a state in the boundaries fixed today--but the boundaries of the Zionist aspirations are concern of the Jewish people and no external factor will be able to limit them." – quote by David Ben-Gurion, “The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities”, by Simha Falpan, p. 52-53.1
To Obama it is similar, but Jerusalem will be the capital of the world with Islam prevailing.
There are competing factions for the same place, same purpose..... but, who is really in control? Free-Masonry is found in every religion worldwide. Each uses the prevailing religion within the culture for promoting and indoctrinating wanting individuals. Through initiations from their dedicated work and involvement, each individual is tested. Rising to higher levels more secrets are revealed....... at the highest levels, it is revealed to them that it is Lucifer himself that rules all these bodies of the world.
But, you already knew this though......Obama and Bibi have been raised from different lodges all controlled under a worldwide organization..... who worship Lucifer.
Slavery and the Eight Veils video explains this quite well... The article from which this video was created was written by Don Harkin, the late great editor of the Idaho Observer. The Idaho Observer was a "Breitbart" style investigative journal before anyone ever heard of Andrew Breitbart.
Astana in Kazakhstan has a lot of masonic buildings, city layout etc. symbolism everywhere and closer to the heartland of KM
Isn't that something? Free-Masonry is found in every religion worldwide. Each uses the prevailing religion within the culture for promoting and indoctrinating wanting individuals. I'm sure Astana promotes the same.
My sincere condolences....... 100 percent agreed.
Ya gotta wonder what that special alliance is...... We Know both Netanyahu and Obama are part of the Free-Masons hierarchy.
You don't think Netanyahu may be working against the DS, like Putin and Xi?
The relatively recent fight over the Israeli judiciary seems to have had him on the right side of things vis-a-vis the Israeli DS. And it seems that his legal fights in Israel also indicate he's not the DS's favorite.
When I try to reconcile Trump's position against what we know about Hamas, and Trump's speech to the Muslim world at the beginning of his administration, I can only conclude that taking down Hamas will lead to exposure of the Israeli DS, in the same way that taking down Antifa, BLM and illegal immigration in the states can only lead to DS exposure. I see Netanyahu's response to Hamas as being similar to Trump's threat to send NG after Antifa, in that its destruction will reveal its money train. (Acknowledging that absolute levels of violence are not comparable between Antifa and Hamas.) So I think that Netanyahu is working on Trump's side, willingly or not.
Mr_A “Bibi working against DS like Putin and Xi” I don’t trust Bibi…GAW quoted an MI6 agent as saying that Putin has resisted efforts to goad Russia into striking Ukraine because he knew it was a DS trap…Israel was also goaded by the DS but Bibi is not resisting like Putin, he is striking back. If Bibi was working against the DS why would he do what the DS wants him to do?
Well, if he destroys the DS tool of Hamas and thereby exposes how it was controlled by the DS, that would work against the DS.
That's the theory. Time will tell.
"I can only conclude that taking down Hamas will lead to exposure of the Israeli DS, in the same way ...."
Trump brought down ISIS. ISIS is another Israeli-Mossad organization. Remember John McCain getting his photo taken with Al-Baghdadi? Edward Snowden revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the ex-EIIL or Islamic State Iraq and the Levant, according to Iranian news agency Farsnews. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called “Caliph,” the head of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is, according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor named Elliot Shimon, a Mossad trained operative.
Obama was supplying ISIS with weapons, cash, uniforms, and military vehicles. If ISIS is an Israeli run operation, then this makes Obama complicit as well in this conspiracy. We know from former congressman Ron Paul's revelation before Congress that was entered in the congressional record, Hamas was also created by the Israel Mossad to counteract the influence Yassir Arafat had over the Palestinian people. Hamas to this day is still a Mossad operation. In 2010, CNN mistakenly publicized a photo of a an M-4 brandishing Hamas militant wearing a Balaclava with sun-glasses. What was revealing was the star of David tattoo on chest. He was Mossad.
Netanyahu is "friends" with Trump, but works for the Rothschilds. In the world of politics, it is a survival game where lives are at stake. Friends are only useful for favors. Israel is run like a mafia outfit. If you don't perform and carry out the work the godfather wants, your life is in danger. I believe Ariel Sharon was taken out for not keeping the plan. The godfather is the Rothschilds, who created Israel. They are honored everywhere in Israel. The Rothschilds still run the government of Israel today behind the scene.
My question was sincere not rhetorical. I guess your answer is no, Netanyahu is not working with Trump to expose and bring down the cabal.
My thought was that Trump is backing Netanyahu's push because he knows it will expose Hamas as being a Mossad op.
But if that's not the case, can you explain why Trump truthed "I stand with Bibi?" Or is he just wrong? Or possibly pushing Bibi so prominently in order to expose him? Serious question.
I took your question as being sincere. However, nothing in politics is as it appears. Also, the quote, "Keep your friends close, but hold your enemies closer" is an axiom that comes directly from Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part II (1974) that helps explain the world of politics. I'll talk more about The Godfather later. IMHO, Trump is not always right or always makes good decisions. He seems to give people chances to prove themselves..... some of these arguably have been harmful to Trump. Jeff Sessions and General Mattis and John Kelly are a few examples. Others will say it had to be this way to expose these individuals and the depth of the DS infiltration. We can only speculate on these dynamics. However from this, we can correlate it to a larger dynamic. Perhaps, a more expansive explanation of this response will help.
Under the context of high levels of free-Masonry, always remember that the elite Zionists are the ones, who are part of a fraternal order, which is often hidden from the public. These selected politicians will wrap themselves with the flag of the nation's religion pretending to be its vanguard, but will readily kill their own citizens that they 'claim' to represent, in order to advance the fraternal order's one world government goal. They look at these acts of 'Democide' as harvests. When they talk about the 'time for the harvest', they are really talking about spilling blood of innocents for a sacrifice to their god. I will talk about this a little later, but first let me talk more about the harvests. Masonic-Zionists openly tell us this, but disguise it in metaphors and symbolic terms. Rahm Emmanuel, who was Obama's Chief of Staff is the son of Benjamin Emanuel, who worked in the 1940s with Irgun, the militant Zionist group that committed acts against Palestinian and British targets that have been widely categorized as terrorism. In 1946, members of the group bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people.) To the elite Masonic-Zionists, this was a harvest; a sacrifice to their god and getting rid of the British, who were obstructing the goals of the fraternal order. This goal envisions Jerusalem as the capital of the world for the one world government. The “Never allow a crisis to go to waste” statement made by Rahm Emmanuel on ABC’s This Week on Sunday was a boastful mockery of the chaos that's used from terrorist acts. Was it a coincidence? No, I don't believe so.
Who is this god that the masonic order pay tribute to? Make no mistake that the worship of Lucifer is found at the highest levels. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, former top Administrative Aide to then Senator Jacob Javits, in an Interview in 1976, said after being asked the following question: "Do you have knowledge of WHEN and WHY the story began about the Jews being God's chosen people?" That is when he [Rosenthal] said in part: "Most Jews [in his inner circle] do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."
Like many other people of different religions (Catholics, Protestants, Islam, etc.), the Jews have also been easily manipulated and caused to stumble. As a trusted Aide to one of the most powerful Senate politicians at the time, NY Senator Jacob Javits, who single-handedly changed America's Immigration policy forever and opened the doors to mass immigration, Rosenthal was privy to some of the highest levels of Masonic-Zionism. To be clear, Rosenthal was talking about an inner circle of Masonic-Zionists, and not the typical Jew. For this act of betraying the Masonic-Zionist trust, they assassinated Rosenthal a few months later in an alleged sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey, August 12, 1976. He was the only passenger that was killed.
Netanyahu is said to be "friends" with Donald Trump, but actually works for the Rothschilds. In the world of politics, it is pretty much a survival game where politician's lives and careers are at stake. In this world, friends are only useful for favors and not to be trusted. There are forces there that supersede all that is personal and loved. Israel is run like a mafia syndicate. Think of the movie The Godfather to get an idea of this when the call for a meeting of families were brought together to iron out a truce. On the world stage of politics it is this and more. In each family if you don't perform and carry out the work the godfather wants, your life is in danger. I believe Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin was taken out for not keeping the plan. The godfather are the Rothschilds, who founded Israel. They are honored everywhere in Israel. The Rothschilds still run the government of Israel today behind the scene.
Thanks for the detailed insights and history. Much appreciated.
I still harbor hope that Bibi has somehow been turned and is acting for Q's plan, for with God all things, even this, are possible. But aside from prayer, I will guard my earthly expectations and include the reasoning you shared.
The DS in Israel has to go.
Master trolling.
Did Bibi ball sucker thank DJT for his “ Stand with Israel “ “ stand with Bibi “ support ?? What in the actual hell, he just slobbered all over the pedo - I’m lost and pissed !
Looks like Bibi has had the child rape videos of Biden for 40 years now.
So that nice message wasn’t really nice ! I hope not , I thought that message was real and I hate any praise for thr pedo ! TY
The majority of Israelis blame Israel for the attacks........ They've lost the narrative, so they will ignore it by raining down terror on the Israeli population.
Horrifying . I’m glad that they are waking up but damn , this is the price they pay . Thank God thst will not happen to us God and Q team will step in before it gets that bad !!