Some big name companies going out of business over vax mandates may give future employers pause before going full sheep mode to whatever the cabal is pushing in the future.
I believe this is exactly why many large companies pulled back right before the cutoff date to be vaxxed. I think it was like November 15th or something and I remember my employer notifying everyone like a week before. I called their bluff and never got vaxxed but most of my co-workers did.
I also resisted the injections under extreme pressure and threats of disciplinary action and dismissal from HR. I asked them why couldn't I use Ivermectin, Fen Ben or HCQ and would they cover any injuries or sick days if there were side-effects from the injections. They said they passed my questions upwards to the legal and medical groups so they could respond, but there was never a response.
They demand, you resist. They threaten, you try reason and hold fast. Then they fold as if nothing ever happened. Bastards. Do you think they ever consider the number of employees they have injured or killed?
I was sorely tempted by the latest buyout, but decided to hang on. I figure some kind of paycheck, even of a declining currency, will be better than nothing in the coming economic maelstorm. Assuming that the company can stay afloat that is. Hopefully POTUS will be back in control by then.
Anyone who was fired specifically for not getting vaxxed should have a lawsuit. I know in right to work states that may not be so but being threatened with an experimental drug that isn't a vaccine ought to outweigh any of those rules.
The language is powerful. Hope there is more of this so it NEVER happens again. Thx for posting this.
Some big name companies going out of business over vax mandates may give future employers pause before going full sheep mode to whatever the cabal is pushing in the future.
I believe this is exactly why many large companies pulled back right before the cutoff date to be vaxxed. I think it was like November 15th or something and I remember my employer notifying everyone like a week before. I called their bluff and never got vaxxed but most of my co-workers did.
I also resisted the injections under extreme pressure and threats of disciplinary action and dismissal from HR. I asked them why couldn't I use Ivermectin, Fen Ben or HCQ and would they cover any injuries or sick days if there were side-effects from the injections. They said they passed my questions upwards to the legal and medical groups so they could respond, but there was never a response.
FYI: u/corrbrick
Thanks for the ping! I missed this one.
They demand, you resist. They threaten, you try reason and hold fast. Then they fold as if nothing ever happened. Bastards. Do you think they ever consider the number of employees they have injured or killed?
I was sorely tempted by the latest buyout, but decided to hang on. I figure some kind of paycheck, even of a declining currency, will be better than nothing in the coming economic maelstorm. Assuming that the company can stay afloat that is. Hopefully POTUS will be back in control by then.
Anyone who was fired specifically for not getting vaxxed should have a lawsuit. I know in right to work states that may not be so but being threatened with an experimental drug that isn't a vaccine ought to outweigh any of those rules.
If this is ruled in our favor, it will set precedent for every employer that participated to be sued for forcing the vax.
It will not ever happen again when they are hung for their purposeful crimes against humanity!