"The Fake News is sounding the alarm on the Biden campaign, conceding that Trump is beating Biden in key swing states. Even the leftist toilet paper like Vanity Fair and Daily Beast are jumping on this poll. Why would they admit this if they can just steal it like they did in 2020?"

They know Biden doesn't have a chance in 2024 so this is in preparation to roll out the next dem candidate. Big Mike maybe?
I would say Newsome if anyone tbh
Newsome + BigMike (VP)
Vice Penis
Vice Roy.
Voluminous Penis 😂
W barrack first lady
Newsome will be the candidate. He is already running a shadow campaign and went to China to see if his masters can rig another election.
I heard Darren Beatty from revolver news predict Newsom and Whitmer.
God help us if they win.
Oh lord, stretchin Gretchen. A woman VP is the new recipe for victory.
Likely Newsome. Even though he is the most terrible governor to ever exist, he's somewhat "handsome" (at least to normie leftist white women), and relatively "normal" so he's the best option the dems have right now. Unless they stage an all out coup and lay everything they have on the table and take everything by force, not caring at all what the American public will think or do.
Speaking as a Californian, I wouldn't wish Gov Newsom on anyone. But maybe that's why the lizards will choose him.
At this point, change of batter needs backstop, so this.
An all out coup is a possibility, but they must know they don't have the support and it is likely to fail w/o strong support and some good blackmail, like threats to nuke a city or two.
Hopefully this is all what eam good is doing all the wet work to avoid.
He is Paraded by the left as the ultimate Governor in all of history.
Because he brought forth the kind of failure and corruption they want in all 50 states.
I've been hearing rumblings about Cuomo from NY. I don't buy Mooch or Newsome. Mooch might get the hardcore dem base and regain some minority votes. Newsome would be toast. Too easy to run endless campaign ads showing what a shithole SF and LA are and asking suburban white soccer moms if they would like their nice burb to turn into a drug zombie wasteland.