i've known what that is referring to since i read the books, long before any movies were made. Too bad there's no full series of movies that match the books.
The Bible isn't good enough on it's own without Hollywood and fiction books and names that only certain people in the know understand?
A film, whether good or bad, doesn't invalidate or obsolete the Bible. That line of reasoning could be used to call into question preaching that is anything other than reading the text of the Bible. "Why do we need preachers when the Bible is good enough on its own?"
To answer the question a different way, teaching Bible stories to young children is hardly done by reading word for word from a mainline English translation of the Bible. It is far above their grade level and understanding. Often a Bible story is told in a way that the children will understand.
Yea, I love the story too, but it always seemed a bit familiar as if I had heard it somewhere before...
Oh yea, I dd read that before.
Fortunately God welcomes copyright infringement.
Kek yes he does. 🙏😁
Great movie series for children and adults alike
The books are better, imo.
I agree...wonderful series of books...
Now your name makes sense.
I had forgotten all about the Chronicles of Narnia. Now I think I have books to read and movies to watch
In narnia the lion, in heaven the lamb, on earth he is Jesus Christ
i've known what that is referring to since i read the books, long before any movies were made. Too bad there's no full series of movies that match the books.
Netflix has the rights, and there are Ilana to do the whole set. I think maybe also a series too....? Let's hope they don't ruin it.
So what was the other name?
Jesus, the lion of the tribe of Judah.
Beautiful post fren! 🦁🙌
So you are Jesus the talking lion? Not trolling, honestly.
The Bible isn't good enough on it's own without Hollywood and fiction books and names that only certain people in the know understand?
No offense meant. I'm named after a 1968 Framus Caravelle guitar myself.
Mr. Beaver( Some the animals could talk) made the comment that Aslan was on the move to overthrow the evil that had enslaved the land of Narnia.
Investigate who C.S. Lewis was and what he wrote about
I know who C.S. Lewis was, thanks.
A film, whether good or bad, doesn't invalidate or obsolete the Bible. That line of reasoning could be used to call into question preaching that is anything other than reading the text of the Bible. "Why do we need preachers when the Bible is good enough on its own?"
To answer the question a different way, teaching Bible stories to young children is hardly done by reading word for word from a mainline English translation of the Bible. It is far above their grade level and understanding. Often a Bible story is told in a way that the children will understand.
So, a Multiverse Jesus for the kids? Jesus' with different names and shapes and stories?
You get my point or you don't. Not going to argue.
Beautiful. Thank you
And thankq
I've always liked your username fren.