I saw a pic of her being wheeled out ,her breast is exposed (thought why didn’t the EMT cover her up) blood on her looked fake. But I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn last night so I’m no doctor
You mean the EMT JR made sure to catch on his live video? Didn’t Trump start his speech almost 2 hours late that day? 1:50 on is when it starts, then Scavino is celebrating and DT flashes the red fucking folder. LFG
Too long to get into now, but do some research. None of the officers behind Babbitt flinched or reacted when she was shot. There was no arterial spray. They did not render medical. The list goes on.
Bullet holes esp a 9mm are pretty small and depending on where the bullet hit there might not be any arterial spray. Some people bleed out internally with minimal blood loss on the outside of their body or even from hydrostatic shock. There not being arterial spray is not at all conclusive of it being fake.
**None of the officers behind Babbitt flinched or reacted when she was shot. **
Says who? Is there video that even shows their faces.
There was no arterial spray
OK. That seems true.
But why does that mean she wasn't shot?
I'm no expert but it was January. if someone gets shot through couple of layers of clothes would we see any spray? Seems pretty likely the blood hits the clothes first. So unclear if this is true (She was shot in the shoulder. See evidence below.)
Let's say it is true. Does that mean she wasn't shot? Every single time someone is shot there's arterial spray? I don't think that is possibly true.
They did not render medical.
What's this based on? All the videos I've seen end with a still chaotic situation and people still there and screaming. And this video shows someone come over and attends to her. In a suit with a mask and then a guy in an olive green hoody.....he has a penlight in his mouth and seems to be getting stuff out of his bag.
A cop who was behind the door about 25 feet away, he says he saw the guy in the suit attend to her and he work in the House Sergeant-at-Arms office And they called over the radio for medical help from DC Fire. DCFEMS is observed leaving with her on stretcher
She was shot in the "left anterior shoulder"..."near the clavicle." Would we expect arterial spray from this kind of wound?
An officer with the USCP Containment Emergency Team (CERT) observed Babbit fall back and begin coughing up blood. An officer attended to her along with a non officer...probably the Sergeant at Arms guy.
Officer------ advised that Officer------- and Mr. -------- put a chest seal on Ms. Babbitt and moved her to a safer location.
DCFEMS is observed leaving with her on stretcher
Here's the Sergeant at Arms guy on page 203
He described Ms. McEntee as "bleeding really bad" and he immediately began to administer aide along with members of the CERT. Mr. ------ indicated that Ms. McEntee's clothing was cut away to expose a gunshot wound to the left shoulder area which was eventually covered with a chest seal by Mr. -------
The Forensics report is multiple pages starting at 238.
Summaries of social media videos start at 279.
Video titled-"shooting2"
00:01-Ms. McEntee was observed lying prone with her back on the floor. There is apparent blood observed on the left side of Ms. McEntee's mouth and cheek. Several demonstrators began yelling for help and stating that she (Ms. McEntee) needs help; 00:34-A USCP CERT member appeared to be administering first aid;
Autopsy info....from page 508
Dr. - explained that Ms. Babbitt suffered a gunshot wound to the left anterior
shoulder . The bullet travelled left to right causing injuries to blood vessels, her trachea, and her right lung, before lodging in the right anterior shoulder area. The bullet was recovered as evidence and provided to the DFS
So I don't think you're engaging with the evidence.
I saw a pic of her being wheeled out ,her breast is exposed (thought why didn’t the EMT cover her up) blood on her looked fake. But I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn last night so I’m no doctor
You mean the EMT JR made sure to catch on his live video? Didn’t Trump start his speech almost 2 hours late that day? 1:50 on is when it starts, then Scavino is celebrating and DT flashes the red fucking folder. LFG
They, Trump, Dan, Don Jr and Eric all KNEW Piglosi and her Daughter were coordinating another False Flag.
Nothing about the entire incident is forensically credible, IMO.
What do you mean?
Too long to get into now, but do some research. None of the officers behind Babbitt flinched or reacted when she was shot. There was no arterial spray. They did not render medical. The list goes on.
Bullet holes esp a 9mm are pretty small and depending on where the bullet hit there might not be any arterial spray. Some people bleed out internally with minimal blood loss on the outside of their body or even from hydrostatic shock. There not being arterial spray is not at all conclusive of it being fake.
First video I found is this one https://greatawakening.win/messages?type=unread
let's look at your claims.
**None of the officers behind Babbitt flinched or reacted when she was shot. **
Says who? Is there video that even shows their faces.
There was no arterial spray
OK. That seems true.
But why does that mean she wasn't shot?
I'm no expert but it was January. if someone gets shot through couple of layers of clothes would we see any spray? Seems pretty likely the blood hits the clothes first. So unclear if this is true (She was shot in the shoulder. See evidence below.)
Let's say it is true. Does that mean she wasn't shot? Every single time someone is shot there's arterial spray? I don't think that is possibly true.
They did not render medical.
What's this based on? All the videos I've seen end with a still chaotic situation and people still there and screaming. And this video shows someone come over and attends to her. In a suit with a mask and then a guy in an olive green hoody.....he has a penlight in his mouth and seems to be getting stuff out of his bag.
This video show synchronized views and shots the "medic" from the crowd better and you can hear him say flashlight.
All the evidence
On the other side of your claim.
There's a gunshot.
She goes down immediately
There were what two dozen people in that hallway? Lots of eye and earwitnesses.
Multiple people making videos of her body after being shot including people one guy right over her body. She's bleeding.
Reports/Witness Statments Judicial Watch got 500 pages of investigation material https://www.judicialwatch.org/documents/tags/babbitt/
A cop who was behind the door about 25 feet away, he says he saw the guy in the suit attend to her and he work in the House Sergeant-at-Arms office And they called over the radio for medical help from DC Fire. DCFEMS is observed leaving with her on stretcher
She was shot in the "left anterior shoulder"..."near the clavicle." Would we expect arterial spray from this kind of wound?
MEDICAL HELP EVIDENCE https://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/JW-v-DC-Babbitt-October-2021-001710-pgs-165-166.pdf
An officer with the USCP Containment Emergency Team (CERT) observed Babbit fall back and begin coughing up blood. An officer attended to her along with a non officer...probably the Sergeant at Arms guy.
DCFEMS is observed leaving with her on stretcher
Here's the Sergeant at Arms guy on page 203 He described Ms. McEntee as "bleeding really bad" and he immediately began to administer aide along with members of the CERT. Mr. ------ indicated that Ms. McEntee's clothing was cut away to expose a gunshot wound to the left shoulder area which was eventually covered with a chest seal by Mr. -------
The Forensics report is multiple pages starting at 238. Summaries of social media videos start at 279.
Video titled-"shooting2" 00:01-Ms. McEntee was observed lying prone with her back on the floor. There is apparent blood observed on the left side of Ms. McEntee's mouth and cheek. Several demonstrators began yelling for help and stating that she (Ms. McEntee) needs help; 00:34-A USCP CERT member appeared to be administering first aid;
Autopsy info....from page 508 Dr. - explained that Ms. Babbitt suffered a gunshot wound to the left anterior shoulder . The bullet travelled left to right causing injuries to blood vessels, her trachea, and her right lung, before lodging in the right anterior shoulder area. The bullet was recovered as evidence and provided to the DFS
. . . So I don't think you're engaging with the evidence.
also the contraption around her waste looke like a squib thingy from hollwood.
sounds messy, unless you meant 'waist' ;)
also the contraption around her waste (waist is correct) look like a squib thingy from hollwood. edit: spelling. thanks u/JonathanE.