Childhood Vaccination Rates Are Declining. You Can Blame MAGA.
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Just went to my daughter's 1 year checkup and denied every vaccine. Dr was visibly upset. Ha.
I have a 4 month old and we just had a check up this week. Once again, refused every shot. The doctor once again tried to shame me, questioned the validity of my conscientious objection, and tried to appeal to his authority to try to get me to give in. We're looking for another primary care doctor now. It's so frustrating.
Kudos...your doctor has NO authority over you or your child...good job...
I wonder if the problem for Drs is that they are feeling their "moral authority" has disappeared. First their ability to make medical decisions in the interests of their patients was taken away from them under threat of de-licencing. Now their patients are openly distrustful of their advice.
It used to be a trusted profession, now they have the same brand value as shithouse cleaners.
That's gotta burn for a profession with a god complex.
I think it is only the good doctors that ar threatened with delicensing. But generally, I believe doctors lost their "moral authority" once they started worshipping $$$ over the lives and health of their patients. Originally doctors didn't have to be licensed or uniformly schooled...they may have been mid-wifes or homeopaths or herbalists and learned by study and experience. People took care of much themselves...ergo. folk medicine.
Once the Rockefellers took over the schooling, licensing etc they become indoctrinated and then bought off by big pharma which they had learned was the cure all. In reality they quit learning about natural healing, nutrition etc. It is VERY healthy for a patient today to be mistrustful of this profession because they often care zero about you or your health. I once had a doctor tell me I read too much...I don't think so...his God-complex on full display.
Doctors get a sizable kick back for a percentage of their practice being vaccinated.
Chiropractors can be decent alternative doctors.
My A&P professor was a chiropractor. One of the most knowledgeable physicians I've met and he was against the COVID bullshit. He even mentioned a "Nuremberg 2.0" in class, albeit he said it'd probably take about 15 years to get all of the physicians who were involved in harming people during the scam.
When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail…
Same with doctors. They are a one-trick pony. Their one trick is “prevention” which of course is impossible to prove if it actually worked or not because (as vaccine quacks like to remind us, correlations arent necessarily causations).
Weird how hung-up they are on their ONE tool, and yet when was the last time your doctor asked you about your nutrition, or sleep and exercise habits?
Prevention is the best medicine, it's just that they were paid and shamed to stop other prevention techniques like "don't be a 500 pound mattress eater" and "touch grass now and then" as well as "maybe cut back on the McDonald's".
I still can't believe that the world let "healthy at any size" go as far as it did. Like, damn.
Curious if you ran his name in this site to see how much money he is taking from Big Pharma. If it's significant, then ask him to explain his position.
Thanks for sharing. He's on there, but hasn't taken much. Less than $1k. I had considered asking him about how he is compensated for administering shots because my stated rationale behind my objection is due to the vaccination program being structured as a financial moral hazard, avoiding any sort of scientific or medical debate.