The answer is, they do not fight for the interests of the countries where they have been sent. They have no national interest skin in the game and no incentive other than a paycheck, or worse yet, their own sick agendas. Ask anyone that has had to deal with UN forces brought into their countries - especially women and children. Any foreign forces deployed in a country is never a good thing for private citizens.
Agreed. The powers that should not be understand that when push comes to shove the majority of Americans will not turn against other Americans in that way - no matter how much we may squabble amongst ourselves. That is why they will need foreigners to do their dirty work. UN forces are worse than animals.
They have never had to confront Americans. We are not the simple minded vulnerable people they are used to abusing. I have no doubt that they have grossly underestimated us by thinking we will just roll over. We have always risen to the challenge when pressed.
There’s no doubt they are soldiers, there are no women and children and no old people. Who they will fight for is the question. We’ve seen some hold credit cards paid by the UN, which is not a good sign if true.
"The pathway to citizenship program, in partnership with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), allows service members who have served honorably for at least one year to apply for U.S. citizenship through a streamlined process."
I don't know about White Hats bringing them in, but offering a path to citizenship if they join the MAGA side and serve honorably would be ok by me. We need cannon fodder too! That is if large scale conflict evolves.
Catholics are anti-abortion in many countries in the Americas, Philippines etc...
I'm sorry, but if it were the good guys, they would not be committing illegal acts of invasion and unethical recruiting. Think people.
Good guys wouldn't need to import anything.
It sounds like somebody is importing soldiers. What evidence that it is the good guys rather than the bad guys?
Why would foreign soldiers fight for American interests? Not likely.
This. There are already armed patriots aplenty in America. Why would foreigners be needed?
How could we know that they would be fighting FOR American interests?
This could just as easily be the UN bringing them in.
They get trained here, and then tasked with going after Americans.
Just like the private sector job market.
The answer is, they do not fight for the interests of the countries where they have been sent. They have no national interest skin in the game and no incentive other than a paycheck, or worse yet, their own sick agendas. Ask anyone that has had to deal with UN forces brought into their countries - especially women and children. Any foreign forces deployed in a country is never a good thing for private citizens.
Sounds like I should clear my context up.
The UN is a bunch of baby rapers. Their mere existence on American soil is an affront to humanity and an act of war.
Agreed. The powers that should not be understand that when push comes to shove the majority of Americans will not turn against other Americans in that way - no matter how much we may squabble amongst ourselves. That is why they will need foreigners to do their dirty work. UN forces are worse than animals.
They have never had to confront Americans. We are not the simple minded vulnerable people they are used to abusing. I have no doubt that they have grossly underestimated us by thinking we will just roll over. We have always risen to the challenge when pressed.
There’s no doubt they are soldiers, there are no women and children and no old people. Who they will fight for is the question. We’ve seen some hold credit cards paid by the UN, which is not a good sign if true.
No, this is a psy-op
☝ This is correct.
I have to ask, what is getting lost in translation?? Always hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.
"The pathway to citizenship program, in partnership with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), allows service members who have served honorably for at least one year to apply for U.S. citizenship through a streamlined process."
I don't know about White Hats bringing them in, but offering a path to citizenship if they join the MAGA side and serve honorably would be ok by me. We need cannon fodder too! That is if large scale conflict evolves.
Catholics are anti-abortion in many countries in the Americas, Philippines etc...