JS, Ruby, Python, Go, For devops terraform, helm, etc. The amount of rubber-ducking I do, talking through patterns and Ideas with it, it's worth $1000 a month let alone the $20 I pay. Not to mention u/catsfive's Dall-E memes worth the $20 to him ;)
This got me hyped up because I'm currently in my last year of my Bachelors pursuing a career in cyber security (and if any frens can suggest where to go where this would best serve the patriots of our country I'd greatly appreciate it and open to suggestions) and I'm ready to get to work!
Hmm. I do know an owner of a cyber security company. He is very conservative x-military most active enough that the local police call him when issues are occurring in his area. I will check with him to see if he is looking for new hires.
That's what he was trying to test. I don't mess with it at all. Already gifted an Alexa speaker for Christmas. Exchanged it for my daughter's 1st bike.
If I could build a little box that peeps could carry in their pockets and would detect an Alexis or a Siri and vibrate, I could shill it on X22 and make bank!
Why do people mess with AI?
It is tilted left.
Because it increases my output by 1000%. And the code it writes, rubber-ducking it offers, etc, is hard to tilt (in my field at least) :)
What lenguage? I use it for javascript and unreal flavored c++
JS, Ruby, Python, Go, For devops terraform, helm, etc. The amount of rubber-ducking I do, talking through patterns and Ideas with it, it's worth $1000 a month let alone the $20 I pay. Not to mention u/catsfive's Dall-E memes worth the $20 to him ;)
Lol. Yeah for it it's usually like 80% right with complex code but can give you good insights with the logic
This got me hyped up because I'm currently in my last year of my Bachelors pursuing a career in cyber security (and if any frens can suggest where to go where this would best serve the patriots of our country I'd greatly appreciate it and open to suggestions) and I'm ready to get to work!
Hmm. I do know an owner of a cyber security company. He is very conservative x-military most active enough that the local police call him when issues are occurring in his area. I will check with him to see if he is looking for new hires.
That's what he was trying to test. I don't mess with it at all. Already gifted an Alexa speaker for Christmas. Exchanged it for my daughter's 1st bike.
Good for you.
I want none of that crap.
If I could build a little box that peeps could carry in their pockets and would detect an Alexis or a Siri and vibrate, I could shill it on X22 and make bank!
That suckered would go off nonstop
And it back feeds the offending machine and fries it...with a little puff of smoke for dramatic effect.
Typical non-apology apology.
Is AI narcissistic?
Probably, or it's reflecting his.
Next have the AI write a song from Potato Head called Dream On, the unpublished version
It forgot to include him inserting some made up random story about his oldest son