184 Chuck Schumer and Thomas Massie getting into it on X.kek link below (media.greatawakening.win) 🫡 THE GREAT AWAKENING 🔆 posted 1 year ago by mmtwo 1 year ago by mmtwo +184 / -0 31 comments download share 31 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
How exactly is it antisemitic?
What a ridiculous statement, even for this empty sack of skin
Opposing jewish interests in any way is tantamount to loading them into gas chambers, don't you know?
It’s the new Godwin..
Ha ha ha ha....we are the news
its a powerful meme. should make for a shit-ton of libs salty tears. kek
Perfection. Same meme application for schumer wanting to disarm law abiding Americans while fully arming (((other countries citizens))). Fuck you chuck schumer.
Isn't Schumer a duel citizen?
nailed it
I can't believe anyone voted for Schumer.
The majority probably didn't vote for him......
They do get around, don't they? Every election period the cemeteries have to do a lockdown so the uniparty doesn't come round up their voters.
Struck a nerve with Chuckie
chuck schumer is such a putzhead.
Thank you!
Chucky Shlomo doesn’t understand the Streisand effect
Suck it Schumz! Hahaha
you love to see it!!
Demonrats burn in the light of truth.
Crying Chuck still crying about memes! Glorious!
If you say anything that's even remotely anti-Israel, you're "antisemitic". Sorry you fucking yid, that shit doesn't fly anymore!
damn right
chuck needs his jaw broken
Winning hearts and minds with memes
Heck yes
PATRIOTISM is DaNgErOuS. Shut up and sit down you evil fool.
Says the senator with duel citizenship
Schmuck Schumer