Stollen is the German word for tunnel, dumb, mine.
It is also the word for a Christmas Fruit Cake. But every time Trump mentions STOLLEN elections, I don't think of fruit cakes, which nevertheless are delicious, especially those from Dresden Germany!
Do you really want to save the planet and reverse global warming? Start producing more fruit cakes.
Those things are so nutrient dense and high in calories, you could air drop a few thousands kilos of them into a starving country and not have to ship anymore humanitarian food aid for another 12-18 months. Think of the fuel savings!
And when Obama left the White House instead of leaving town he bought a house near by. Something tells me he has a tunnel system to the Whitehouse so he can go back and forth like a sneaky faggot. Oh…. And when Trump says fruitcake. He’s def talking about Obama. lol.
Interesting... but where does the word "stollen" come into it?
Stollen is the German word for tunnel, dumb, mine.
It is also the word for a Christmas Fruit Cake. But every time Trump mentions STOLLEN elections, I don't think of fruit cakes, which nevertheless are delicious, especially those from Dresden Germany!
Ah, I learn something new every day, thanks.
You are welcome - and me too!
Wow I've never met anyone who actually liked fruit cake
So the tunnel is in the shape of a fruitcake…. Got it.
terrific dig fren. all i saw was fruit cake too, i'm willing to bet they dropped the added meaning recently.
You guys almost look like you could be twins!
Do you really want to save the planet and reverse global warming? Start producing more fruit cakes.
Those things are so nutrient dense and high in calories, you could air drop a few thousands kilos of them into a starving country and not have to ship anymore humanitarian food aid for another 12-18 months. Think of the fuel savings!
kek! I agree about the fruit cake, but I've had Stollen, and it's not as yucky.
And when Obama left the White House instead of leaving town he bought a house near by. Something tells me he has a tunnel system to the Whitehouse so he can go back and forth like a sneaky faggot. Oh…. And when Trump says fruitcake. He’s def talking about Obama. lol.
Don't call me a dumbmine
There it is. You beat me to it, lol
Stolle Substantiv, feminin (Kochen) fruit cake n seltener: stollenAE n (eaten at Christmas) ·fruit loaf n
*** Stollen Substantiv, maskulin ***tunnel n
cleat n
stud n
***seltener: gallery n ·
· fruit loaf n (Kochen) · mining gallery n · fruit cake n (Kochen) *** Stollen Substantiv, Plural studs pl
***seltener: tunnels pl · cleats pl · adits pl · drifts pl · ***mining galleries pl