Unfortunately I can't stop bitching about this. For over six months I've been banned from entering the USA because my wife can't get an immigration visa. According to CDC guidance all green card applicants 6 months or older need to have had a shot within the last 12 months.
Unlike other vaccines there are no parameters around why you would not have the shot, and if you've taken other vaccines you are shit out of luck because a religious exemption requires you to oppose ALL vaccines.
My main hope right now is that these poison injections get pulled from the market. People talk about covid lockdowns like it was some crazy shit that happened in the past. And I'm still getting fucked by this.
Applicants must receive one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine if a dose is due at the time of the immigration medical examination.
For the purposes of the immigration medical examination only, applicants who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine dose in the 12 months prior to the date of the exam are considered due for a dose.
Whenever possible, use updated vaccine formulations according to the current CDC guidance to fulfill this requirement. For adults, if these formulations are not available, use any other approved* formulation. For applicants under the age of 18 years, use only the updated Pfizer, Moderna or Novavax COVID-19 vaccine according to CDC guidance, and if not available, use the “Not routinely available” blanket waiver.
If the applicant has not had a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in the past 12 months, but a law or regulation in the country where the exam is performed prevents the applicant from receiving a dose at the time of the exam, document the “Not routinely available” blanket waiver.
As with other vaccinations, additional doses recommended for people in older age groups, with certain health conditions, or who are immunocompromised are not required for immigration.
It's a weird feeling scoping out the Canadian boarder looking for potential places to cross. I bet boarder patrol would grow a pair and throw the book at me, while letting hundreds of people pass behind me. They seem to have the capacity to fuck over citizens when they have the chance.
This is inline with my hopes/expectations. More and more damning information is coming out about that vaxx, that the EUA could be revoked, or it gets removed from the market completely.
No joke. From what I've read here, you'd get free healthcare, free cell phones, food stamps. Hell, maybe even a free car and a house.
Seems like all you need to do is just walk a couple miles over the border and then just go ask the first DHS agent you see where all your free prizes are.
Boarder Patrol seems to selectively let in the invaders and then throw the book at everyone else. They'd probably stop just me and then report back to congress that they have operational control.
This is my main hope as well. Tried to get legal counsel on this, but the opinion that I got was the executive branch has discretion when it comes to immigration. The government can do an arbitrary ban like, "stop all Chinese immigrants" and there's no way to challenge that.
What's weird is the government can say, "here's this untested, non-approved drug that's knowingly harmful and you have to take it anyways". I don't understand how that's not a legal case. But in my situation I'm counting my blessing that i have the luxury of not worrying about blood clots.
DHS will not grant non-immigrant visas when someone is in the process of immigration. So i'd need to stop the green card application process entirely, get a tourist visa and then start it again.
That might be what ends up happening, but there's a fear of missing out. If I cancel the process only for the requirement to go away. Right now it just sucks being in purgatory.
Me and my children are all US citizens. I was born in the US and both my parents have citizens. My kids were born abroad but get citizenship from me. It's only my wife that can't get into the country. But that's effectively blocking all of us from entering, since that could keep us separated for a long time depending on her immigration status. I'm waiting until all of us can go.
Cartels have operational control over the Southern boarder. We see the last part where illegal immigrants walk up to the boarder and border patrols sits their with their thumbs up their asses letting them walk in. We don't see the process to get to that point, which is a lot more dangerous.
Similar situation here. US citizen. Pregnant (non-citizen) wife. Lockdowns. 9 month clock ticking. Had to leave US and my job to join her for birth. Then long wait for green card (and baby's CRBA). Then followed by vaxx restrictions to come back in. There have got to be thousands of us. Maybe tens of thousands. Who knows. The one smart thing we did is parlay the birth abroad into a secondary citizenship in a new country for all three of us (plus baby get her mom's country too). When the world gives you lemons...make lemonade.
How is she a non-citizen. I thought marriage to an American meant automatic citizenship? Do you mind saying which other country you are now a citizen of as well?
Are you sure there’s no legal wiggle room if your wife submits a religious exemption with an explanation that she’s found Jesus/whoever you believe in and didn’t have the same sense of faith previously?
It's a gamble. It's a religious waiver, so there's no clear criteria on what's needed to meet that threshold. If the officer reading your submission approves it, you're good to go, otherwise there's no mechanism to appeal to a court inside the waiver process.
I don't know what the chances are, but in the case it gets revoked then it's on record that you've been denied entry into the United States and that will stick with you for every process after that, versus withdrawing the application at the last second and going for a tourist visa or something.
Thanks for clarifying. What I like about Campbell is that because he didn't start off as an anti-vaxxer, but got there through evidence it makes it really hard to character assassinate him. And attempts to debunk or censor him don't go very well.
I watched his videos go from no vaccine problems to outright vaccine refusal. Redpilling at its finest.
Same, it's been great to see his opinion evolve over this as he follows the evidence.
It's been awesome to watch someone actually FOLLOW the evidence!!!
Unfortunately I can't stop bitching about this. For over six months I've been banned from entering the USA because my wife can't get an immigration visa. According to CDC guidance all green card applicants 6 months or older need to have had a shot within the last 12 months.
Unlike other vaccines there are no parameters around why you would not have the shot, and if you've taken other vaccines you are shit out of luck because a religious exemption requires you to oppose ALL vaccines.
My main hope right now is that these poison injections get pulled from the market. People talk about covid lockdowns like it was some crazy shit that happened in the past. And I'm still getting fucked by this.
Ref: https://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/panel-physicians/vaccinations.html#covid-19-vaccination
Just come over illegally. You'll be handed the keys to the kingdom
It's a weird feeling scoping out the Canadian boarder looking for potential places to cross. I bet boarder patrol would grow a pair and throw the book at me, while letting hundreds of people pass behind me. They seem to have the capacity to fuck over citizens when they have the chance.
As I've advised to those around me since the beginning of this hoax, be patient. This will all pass by the end of next year.
What’s the basis of your confidence in this timeline, if you don’t mind me asking?
Trump being back in office. Change of the game & movies being played.
It's a widely accepted & anticipated hypothesis by most anons. Finally see drastic and obvious moves & drops play out.
I hope you’re right
Over three decades of being correct with my assessments based on the data available to me.
This is inline with my hopes/expectations. More and more damning information is coming out about that vaxx, that the EUA could be revoked, or it gets removed from the market completely.
Go to the middle on nowhere in north Dakota. It's just a regular 5 strand wire fence that ranchers use. No signs no nothing.
This is an interesting idea, I hope i don't get shot in the process.
I was their once back in the 80s,maybe it's changed but I doubt it,
No joke. From what I've read here, you'd get free healthcare, free cell phones, food stamps. Hell, maybe even a free car and a house.
Seems like all you need to do is just walk a couple miles over the border and then just go ask the first DHS agent you see where all your free prizes are.
Boarder Patrol seems to selectively let in the invaders and then throw the book at everyone else. They'd probably stop just me and then report back to congress that they have operational control.
It's worth a try.
This is my main hope as well. Tried to get legal counsel on this, but the opinion that I got was the executive branch has discretion when it comes to immigration. The government can do an arbitrary ban like, "stop all Chinese immigrants" and there's no way to challenge that.
What's weird is the government can say, "here's this untested, non-approved drug that's knowingly harmful and you have to take it anyways". I don't understand how that's not a legal case. But in my situation I'm counting my blessing that i have the luxury of not worrying about blood clots.
Can you come over as a visitor? We give out Covid vaccinations here in Florida. (Wink smile.)
DHS will not grant non-immigrant visas when someone is in the process of immigration. So i'd need to stop the green card application process entirely, get a tourist visa and then start it again.
That might be what ends up happening, but there's a fear of missing out. If I cancel the process only for the requirement to go away. Right now it just sucks being in purgatory.
Do you mind saying which country you're from?
Me and my children are all US citizens. I was born in the US and both my parents have citizens. My kids were born abroad but get citizenship from me. It's only my wife that can't get into the country. But that's effectively blocking all of us from entering, since that could keep us separated for a long time depending on her immigration status. I'm waiting until all of us can go.
Just cross the Southern Border.
Shit, you will each get $5,000 ,Visa card too.
Cartels have operational control over the Southern boarder. We see the last part where illegal immigrants walk up to the boarder and border patrols sits their with their thumbs up their asses letting them walk in. We don't see the process to get to that point, which is a lot more dangerous.
Similar situation here. US citizen. Pregnant (non-citizen) wife. Lockdowns. 9 month clock ticking. Had to leave US and my job to join her for birth. Then long wait for green card (and baby's CRBA). Then followed by vaxx restrictions to come back in. There have got to be thousands of us. Maybe tens of thousands. Who knows. The one smart thing we did is parlay the birth abroad into a secondary citizenship in a new country for all three of us (plus baby get her mom's country too). When the world gives you lemons...make lemonade.
How is she a non-citizen. I thought marriage to an American meant automatic citizenship? Do you mind saying which other country you are now a citizen of as well?
Nah. Spouses still have to apply for a green card.
Glad to see more people in this situation. Have you contacted your representative (especially if their on the subcomittee: https://oversight.house.gov/subcommittee/select-subcommittee-on-the-coronavirus-pandemic/) or had any luck navigating immigration?
Dr. John Campbell posts his videos on Rumble too. He's expecting Youtube to screw him over sooner or later.
Life, no protection against death.
Are you sure there’s no legal wiggle room if your wife submits a religious exemption with an explanation that she’s found Jesus/whoever you believe in and didn’t have the same sense of faith previously?
The Born Again route?
It's a gamble. It's a religious waiver, so there's no clear criteria on what's needed to meet that threshold. If the officer reading your submission approves it, you're good to go, otherwise there's no mechanism to appeal to a court inside the waiver process.
I don't know what the chances are, but in the case it gets revoked then it's on record that you've been denied entry into the United States and that will stick with you for every process after that, versus withdrawing the application at the last second and going for a tourist visa or something.
This guy is an absolute idiot.
Could you describe what you're talking about? I have not taken the jab, or worn a mask. Nor do I have any idea what mural you are referring to.
Thanks for clarifying. What I like about Campbell is that because he didn't start off as an anti-vaxxer, but got there through evidence it makes it really hard to character assassinate him. And attempts to debunk or censor him don't go very well.