I’ve always thought it looked a little ‘boyish’ to me. Sandra Bullock too. I’m on the fence with Jennifer Anniston but as that one ages seems more and more masculine as well.
I have never seen Taylor Swift perform nor seen her on TV. She only came to my attention by people here pointing out the attention she is getting in the media to distract the normies.
She's preparing her next record, then. That's all.
"My daddy failed to give me flowers, I guess he don't know who I am
He can't forget how to get to me, just has to follow the scent"
Quite a lump in her throat
Wow, you're right! Can't unsee it.
I’ve always thought it looked a little ‘boyish’ to me. Sandra Bullock too. I’m on the fence with Jennifer Anniston but as that one ages seems more and more masculine as well.
A comedian once said "So Taylor Swift has dozens of songs about breakups, but not one about blow jobs. Just saying."
Honest question: who’s that?
Taylor Swift who the MSM and sports media is shoving down the people’s throats as a distraction.
Sometimes it feels good to live without a telly as I don’t have to know who these obligatory celebs are.
I have never seen Taylor Swift perform nor seen her on TV. She only came to my attention by people here pointing out the attention she is getting in the media to distract the normies.
A snot nosed, tin eared minor demon whose career was funded by her banker dad. Has a solid PR machine and a creepy cult of fans.
You're not missing anything.
I envy you for managing to live life completely avoiding even accidentally learning who she is. Well done based sir.
Tyler Switch: I think?
A tranny that sold his soul to the devil for fame and fortune. No one worth paying attention to.
On CDAN, it's been stated that this thing likes girls. It's probably easy for her to write songs dissing guys.
Got some sauce on that? Haven’t been to cdan in ages.
If you go to the site and search her name, it should come up. I have my grandchildren over and I'm crazy busy.
She's preparing her next record, then. That's all. "My daddy failed to give me flowers, I guess he don't know who I am He can't forget how to get to me, just has to follow the scent"
She's consistent
Her career is over if she actually endorses Joe in 2024
Nope, she has millions of fans who will follow her lead and vote for Biden. They are as brain dead as Biden or his dummy.