195 President Trump leads Biden among 18 to 29 year old voters in a NYTimes/Siena national survey released today, 49 percent to 43 percent (archive.is) 🏆 - WINNING - 🏆 posted 1 year ago by Excelsior 1 year ago by Excelsior +195 / -0 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Absurd BS. Trump leads by 70/30 Everywhere except the DNC lunch room.
Exactly this.
If that's the best they can muster, the true numbers are absolutely gobsmacking.
Maybe true, but it's crazy to think they can't even fake the polls hard enough to lean towards Biden being the favorite among really anyone. The fact they lean Trump is unprecedented.
Yep. The play is to keep it looking close but believable enough so that when they dump Biden and bring in X they will claim it was Biden.
They are not letting Trump on the ballot in Colorado.
This is just the start of this garbage.
are we outside the margin of cheating - I mean margin of error?
That ultimately depends on the length of time they are able to generate and count the votes.
With one day voting? Perhaps. With two month voting followed by two months counting? That's going to be a little more difficult.
Polls don’t matter. What matters is who is in charge of counting the votes.
By a LOT!!
Quick take him off the ballot.