Because they don't want anyone to know what was discussed
You're kidding yourself if you think that Zoom or any other videoconferencing service is not listening in on your calls. Very few are end-to-end encrypted.
And even if they were the NSA and such probably has been able to decrypt them for many years already. Or they just have a backdoor in the software making encryption irrelevant.
Can you imagine being required to attend these meetings? Sitting around wringing their hands about the climate, and never being able to come up with any workable solutions.
Because they don't want anyone to know what was discussed
You're kidding yourself if you think that Zoom or any other videoconferencing service is not listening in on your calls. Very few are end-to-end encrypted.
Exactly, plus it was never about "helping" the environment in the first place.
Plus like you said, if you're online, your being monitored and most likely by more than 1 government.
And even if they were the NSA and such probably has been able to decrypt them for many years already. Or they just have a backdoor in the software making encryption irrelevant.
Because the underage girls are easier to acquire in some of those countries.
Because viewing children over zoom is just not the same as torturing them yourself in person.
1, Because thats not very Climatic(anticlimactic).
How do you zoom some cash?
Cause there is cash in that suitcase. Prove me wrong!
You can't fuck kids, eat lavished dinners, or get bribes over zoom.
James Woods Nailed It!!
And sex workers...
Can you imagine being required to attend these meetings? Sitting around wringing their hands about the climate, and never being able to come up with any workable solutions.
They are not wringing their hands about climate change. They know it is a hoax.
They are trying to come up with a scheme the majority of the people believe so they can fleece us out of more money.
It is always about the money.
money and power.
Surprisingly, they telegraph their plans 95% of the time.
Alex Jones commented that the reason his "predictions" turned out right so often is because he just reads their publications.