Comments (18)
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This reminds me of The Devils Advocate starring Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves-the wall had moving features... 😯
Archbishop Vigano said there is a deep church, like there is a deep state.
AND: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/55161913e4b04038107de5a2/1634682680310-AIMAJXUJT2A139KI0JVT/B65B3C84-2230-4613-9D91-9838FAD62183.jpeg?format=1500w
Eggxactly! The Vatican is an anti-christ! I'm non-vatican Catholic!
Is this for real? It is so over-the-top that it looks like a joke
Ho,ho,ho you should see the serpent temple. Literally in the mouth of the serpent. All symbolism.
They don't give a sh*t - so in your face
It's totally real fren and it's not new. Satan's throne is in another room. You can see pictures on google.
What is this room (the main image) called? I don't even know what terms to search for it
I think that's called the popes throne room, but I'm not Catholic. Here are some images that may help your research.
I hope he fries in hell
Thank you so much fren
Yeah it's a legit "sculpture' and iirc half of Jesus face is burnt off. He's the guy in the center allegedly according to the artist
@DrMcCoy (above) posted this link
And not a cross in sight. Looks demonic and anti pope.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
That mess is the 17 year appearance of the cicadas, right?
It's to honor his true master.
Synagogue of Satan