posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +23 / -0

Maybe I misunderstood the 4-6 percent thing, but I believe it means that that many people will never awaken, no matter what.

Regardless of what the 4-6 percent is supposed to mean, my opinion is that the slow drip method has only created a stronger cognitive dissonance barrier, and that even if people are awake, way too many are not motivated to do something because it was a gentle slow-drip awakening.

Too many are still too complacent and will just go along.

So, maybe that's what the whole process has been all along... get people to an awakened but non-pitchfork-grabbing-status, so that when the various truths come out and action is taken, the people will understand and just go along with it, and things will be right as rain.

But, my concern is that there will not be a strong enough appetite for justice. For example, we would have serious problems if there was a public execution of a top official who is guilty of the highest treason. So, until that appetite is there, we are nowhere near awake enough.