'they' were in Las Vegas to assassinate the Crown Prince of SA. they got caught, so they had to make it look like it was a nut job taking out concert goers.
all the people that were coming forward and talking about what they saw were killed.
Las Vegas killer was not a terrorist, he was a delusion mass murderer.
The unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.
Tell me what political, social, or ideological objective the Las Vegas killer espoused.
He said he got the vax and you should too on a Bill o Reilly show. Something along those lines. In answer to the question. I haven't watched the video.
That's true. But we have to assume he understood the context. There was a lot of talk of counting votes and taking back the white house but I guess that was Bannon and those guys.
I would say, 100% certain that you're gonna have a major terrorist attack in our country
I think it's at least possible that such a terrorist attack is a part of this "necessary event." I personally think it will be similar to 911. The best way to expose 911 is by repeating it, or at least rhyming with it. However, I doubt that such an attack is going to be a stand alone event. I think it will likely be bookended by other "scare" events.
In that vein I think Plandemic 2.0, and an economic collapse are almost certain. I think it's possible they might throw in a nuclear threat, a declaration of WWIII, aliens, and food shortages. I think a repeat attempt at stealing the 2024 election is an absolute certainty.
People must see the fraud, and it must be completely obvious. Only by rejecting "the Official" can We The People actually be victorious. The system must prove itself completely fraudulent before we will reject it and build anew. This is how all revolutions are conducted.
Looking back through history at how the Cabal have initiated revolution (through the C_A for the past 80 years), they all follow the same pattern we see today, except this time it's the whole world. This is the Endgame.
Who knows, maybe it won't be quite so dramatic, but it has to be dramatic enough for 95%(ish) to see. Our threshold for drama is pretty high. 2024 should prove to be an interesting year.
When he called Crooked Hillary beautiful. That bitch is ugly as sin inside and out, dead or alive, in prison or free, and I know President Trump has impeccable taste. I'm sure he knows something we don't. But you HAVE to elaborate if you want us to buy that. :)
No terror? Las Vegas comes to mind.
'they' were in Las Vegas to assassinate the Crown Prince of SA. they got caught, so they had to make it look like it was a nut job taking out concert goers.
all the people that were coming forward and talking about what they saw were killed.
Las Vegas killer was not a terrorist, he was a delusion mass murderer.
Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce a civilian population or government, with the goal of furthering political, social, or ideological objectives.
Tell me what political, social, or ideological objective the Las Vegas killer espoused.
So you believe it was just a lone gunman with no political ties? Lol
Tell me where it's reported where his motivation was ideological.
You must not have been with Great Awakening at the time.
This conversation is over with. Won't debate with non-thinking person.
I challenged you to show me something and you reply with insult.
I’m not looking for a debate. I’m telling you to do your research.
Mind control zombie mass shooter(s).
It was a wokemunist
But you're right, it didn't really happen
My ministry teaches that this was a CGI false flag attack that didn't really happen
He said he got the vax and you should too on a Bill o Reilly show. Something along those lines. In answer to the question. I haven't watched the video.
You gotta' remember this was AFTER the CDC changed the definition of vax to include, (inadvertently), hydrochloriquine & invermectine (sp?).
When he lied to me, were the times he has insinuated he would be back - "sooner than you think!"
That's true. But we have to assume he understood the context. There was a lot of talk of counting votes and taking back the white house but I guess that was Bannon and those guys.
I’m assuming this extends to “booster” too.
Scary, but sadly true.
I think it's at least possible that such a terrorist attack is a part of this "necessary event." I personally think it will be similar to 911. The best way to expose 911 is by repeating it, or at least rhyming with it. However, I doubt that such an attack is going to be a stand alone event. I think it will likely be bookended by other "scare" events.
In that vein I think Plandemic 2.0, and an economic collapse are almost certain. I think it's possible they might throw in a nuclear threat, a declaration of WWIII, aliens, and food shortages. I think a repeat attempt at stealing the 2024 election is an absolute certainty.
People must see the fraud, and it must be completely obvious. Only by rejecting "the Official" can We The People actually be victorious. The system must prove itself completely fraudulent before we will reject it and build anew. This is how all revolutions are conducted.
Looking back through history at how the Cabal have initiated revolution (through the C_A for the past 80 years), they all follow the same pattern we see today, except this time it's the whole world. This is the Endgame.
Who knows, maybe it won't be quite so dramatic, but it has to be dramatic enough for 95%(ish) to see. Our threshold for drama is pretty high. 2024 should prove to be an interesting year.
When he called Crooked Hillary beautiful. That bitch is ugly as sin inside and out, dead or alive, in prison or free, and I know President Trump has impeccable taste. I'm sure he knows something we don't. But you HAVE to elaborate if you want us to buy that. :)
How about the "Beautiful Vaccine" that "saved millions of lives"?
Part of the plan must include sacrificing some of the citizens.
This so scary. When Trump says this, we better listen. Looking Glass.