A lot of the January 6th people were tracked down by leftist activists watching videos and using face recognition software, there is a whole documentary about it... it's disgusting.
If it wasn't for those groups more then half the January 6th people would be free.
It was normal everyday leftists who got the J6 people locked up.
Truck number, license plate, ez pass, pre pass, e logs, etc.. there's plenty of ways to track us
A lot of the January 6th people were tracked down by leftist activists watching videos and using face recognition software, there is a whole documentary about it... it's disgusting.
If it wasn't for those groups more then half the January 6th people would be free.
It was normal everyday leftists who got the J6 people locked up.
These everyday leftists will still exist in large numbers after the great awakening. How will we live with them?
yeah they will still exist but most likely in smaller numbers.
once the swamp is drained and people like Soros are broke and won't have the money to pay the majority of these idiots to rise up.
that's why they are rising in numbers because of money and they have an organization backing them.
They all took the clotshot.
Hint hint.
If their hearts remain dark, their time here will be limited. By their own doing. Karma rewards are in an accelerating timeline.
Hopefully they will either be in jail, prison or meeting their maker.
I always say that our neighbors will be the ones to disarm us.
Yeah it was crazy in that documentary, the women was giddy about turning in January 6th people to the Feds....
And cell phones. All have GPS. All eavesdrop all day long.
Rather than hide ones face, I am in favor of war paint instead.
Not to mention all the Weigh Stations.
Not to mention the company name and DOT number printed on side of truck and trailers