131 Operation Starve Paris: French farmers begin 'indefinite' tractor siege of the capital as it's warned the city only has THREE DAYS of food (www.dailymail.co.uk) posted 1 year ago by brain_dead 1 year ago by brain_dead +131 / -0 French farmers begin 'quasi-military' siege of Paris Major roads such as the A1 motorway from Paris to Calais got blocked off and blockages are making it 'almost impossible' to drive from the southwestern city of Bordeaux to Paris. 34 comments share 34 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Vacationers to Europe, especially France. You might want to reconsider.
YEP could be a SHIT holiday.
Not a holiday but a real shit show.
True. If you want to block roads into a major communist stronghold then we should have a staycation.
When you think about needing to store up supplies for the apocalypse, it just doesn’t seem that this would be the outcome. But it is in clown world.
👏👏👏👏👏👏 I love this. I think it’s fantastic.
I sure hope some of the people have done that.
Executing plan B.
Don't mess with France.
The DNA of the Gaul tribes has been activated.
Oh yes. You know.
Absolute savages. Under rated fighters. Sometimes those who are most savage are also the most passive. Until you piss them off.
Yeah. You know about the Canadian? They were the loudest at first.
For some reason, I'm not worried about citizens of Paris starving.
It's just not in my top 200 things to worry about.
Neither mine, but it's a bigger than the SuperBowl and Taylor, but MSM won't tell you though.
I hope they succeed in waking their people up
Sure hope so. Take away fake news and most will wake up
Take away food… and they all will wake up. The farmers are giving the French people a trial run of “you starve and be happy”.
Howls. You got it.
It's hard to see a positive in starving out citizens. I think those in power and those installing restrictive green regulations have plenty access to resources
They arent citizens. They're urban parasites.
Amen to your choice of words.
You have to show them
Also they have helicopters to fly to pedo islands to hide out.
Go get’em France! This will get uglier.
Muh ‘three days of food’ BS
the elite fuckwits will helicopter out to their private yachts and sail off to baby eater islands np.
Yes. I am sure they will skip town.
I guess they're going to find out what it would be like without farmers to produce food.
Literally FAFO.
19 sec : "agriculture francaise en peril" = French agriculture in peril
40 sec : "notre fin sera votre faim" = Our End Will Be Your Hunger
"jaime non metier mais jaime en vivre" = I don't like a job but I like to make a living from it
47 sec : "pas de pays sans paysan" =No country without peasants
I saw a list of demands before but I don't have it right now.