My intentions were good when I became a licensed medical doctor in 3 states and practiced for 15 years aside from 3 years of residency, 3 years of fellowship, and another year of sub specialty excluding 4 years of medical school and 1 year of internship.
I was already aware of the corruptions in GO, NGOs, organized religions being false, then Covid-19 scamdemic hit which provided me ample time to unintentionally (at first) going to rabbit holes and accidentally came across the video below:
It then became an intentional rabbit hole searches and the💡💡💡came on and realized what I really was, a 🦆doctor selling 🐍🛢leading me to voluntarily and intentionally NOT renew my medical license which expired in 2022 with NO intention of renewing any of them NOR be a patient in Rockefeller/Western/Allopathic health(sick) care system.
I am NOT bitter nor disenchanted. I am very grateful for what the profession was able to provide me - but I woke up = NO MAS🛑🛑🛑
Now I consider it an insult and a liability to the human race if I get called a “doctor of medicine” by people who have known me.😤😡🤬
The medical field is driven entirely by money not treatments. Those who push for real treatments are assassinated.
@leecamp 04/24/18 Wall Street has now ADMITTED that curing diseases is bad for their bottom line. They say it's better for them to keep people sick as long as possible. Our society has blasted past satire on many levels. This is the latest Onion-headline-turned-reality.
I can face the mirror everyday and tell myself without flinching that my conscience is clear.
It’s a gift and a reward to myself.
I have been discouraging or all together telling people who would ask advice to NOT get into any field/branch or allied health related to Rockefeller/Western/Allopathic medicine such as pharmacology, nursing, nurse practitioner etc unless they practice holistic/homeopathic medicine.
My only regret was/is not finding out earlier, but again timing is everything.
Your comment helped me understand an old acquaintance I knew that was a doctor but decided to quit shortly after graduating... and your username gave me a flashback from 1984. Now I gotta dig up that album.
3rd account on GAW after permanently banned twice for posting “divisive” content (anti 2s) even though they were NOT an opinion per se - just information subject to one’s interpretation, confirmation bias😆🤭😂 with a source/link.
I admire your integrity, and hope you find something meaningful and fulfilling to contribute in your next career. Meanwhile your post is a real contribution in itself. I too stopped trusting medicine some time ago, but here is my question: Do people who get measles vaccines also get measles? If not, why not? How do those vaccines work? How do they make an "attenuated" virus?
-Measles question: There is NO vaccine that is 100 percent effective. I have seen in the remote past patients/children who presented with signs and symptoms of measles that have been vaccinated although “milder” compared to what the textbooks tell you. Looking back we didn’t really “test” patients for almost anything that may appear “viral” since.
a: too expensive if available (was in a third world country)
b: your NOT going to do anything different if this was a virus anyway.
So can I really tell you/them that it was measles - I have an academic/educated guess but still a guess and we call it. “Diagnosis”🤭😂😆
The irony is if you take certain medications especially antibiotics and that individual has an adverse reaction that can mimic the measles (rash,fever, etc🙇♂️🧐💭)
For a certain number of people who has gotten the “flu” vaccine a feedback commonly heard is “I still got the flu”, and/or “worse than the flu I had in the past. My BIL an FP quit getting the “flu” vaccine after all family members got the latter effect above (worse). Unfortunately they all got injected with the Covid-19 toxic unknown cocktail despite my recommendation NOT to do so.
How do vaccines work: Non technical detailed response. You get injected with a “substance” that stimulates antibody production. The antibody(ies) produced are then part of the immune system that fights off the “bug” you were being vaccinated for.
How do they make “attenuated” virus: Non technical/detailed response. It’s opposite the “gain of function” work that Fauci et al are involved with where they are making a “virus” more contagious/infectious/deadly most likely with CRISPR technology ( I wasn’t aware of this until Covid-19 scamdemic hit) a gene editing process which has been happening for a long long long time (DARPA, etc) that I didn’t also know off.
A good question, definitely worth exploring. It seems pretty obvious now that the entire oncology field is a racket and always has been, for example. For me, the only "modern medicine" I see any use for at all is trauma surgery. Seems like just about every other way the medical industry interacts with the population results in net negative outcomes.
Yet my daughter couldn't get an appointment with our doctor that we have been with for almost 18 yrs, most of our daughters life (she's 25 yr old), without having to wait over a month for appointment, just to get something stronger to kick her sinus infection, but by the time her appointment was coming up she canceled it because she didn't need to go anymore. It's crazy, many people I'm hearing are like us, and don't trust the doctors anymore, so I ask myself why are the doctors so booked up? Well, the only thing I can come up with is from all the vaxx adverse reactions, the people who got the jabs must be taking up all the appointments.
The whole field of MEDICINE is a fraud
My intentions were good when I became a licensed medical doctor in 3 states and practiced for 15 years aside from 3 years of residency, 3 years of fellowship, and another year of sub specialty excluding 4 years of medical school and 1 year of internship.
I was already aware of the corruptions in GO, NGOs, organized religions being false, then Covid-19 scamdemic hit which provided me ample time to unintentionally (at first) going to rabbit holes and accidentally came across the video below:
It then became an intentional rabbit hole searches and the💡💡💡came on and realized what I really was, a 🦆doctor selling 🐍🛢leading me to voluntarily and intentionally NOT renew my medical license which expired in 2022 with NO intention of renewing any of them NOR be a patient in Rockefeller/Western/Allopathic health(sick) care system.
I am NOT bitter nor disenchanted. I am very grateful for what the profession was able to provide me - but I woke up = NO MAS🛑🛑🛑
Now I consider it an insult and a liability to the human race if I get called a “doctor of medicine” by people who have known me.😤😡🤬
Majestic Messages of Disclosure
The medical field is driven entirely by money not treatments. Those who push for real treatments are assassinated.
@leecamp 04/24/18 Wall Street has now ADMITTED that curing diseases is bad for their bottom line. They say it's better for them to keep people sick as long as possible. Our society has blasted past satire on many levels. This is the latest Onion-headline-turned-reality.
You are officially my hero. It takes a special kind of person to do what you did, given all that you put into it.
Thanks for the support.
NO hero worship required 😍😍😍
When someone learns to trust oneself it’s easy as “when the going gets tough the tough gets going”. It’s a lonely road travelled but well worth it.
WW1WGA 🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸💪💪💪
Yours is a remarkable story of integrity, discernment and selflessness. I salute you and pray that God will bless you for what you have chosen to do.
I can face the mirror everyday and tell myself without flinching that my conscience is clear.
It’s a gift and a reward to myself.
I have been discouraging or all together telling people who would ask advice to NOT get into any field/branch or allied health related to Rockefeller/Western/Allopathic medicine such as pharmacology, nursing, nurse practitioner etc unless they practice holistic/homeopathic medicine.
My only regret was/is not finding out earlier, but again timing is everything.
What do you do as work now? Was your family questioning your decision? That must have been a stressful time.
Saw that carnivore doctor on Joe Rogan. He quit after his bosses told him not to prescribe low carb diets because it was bad for business.
Your comment helped me understand an old acquaintance I knew that was a doctor but decided to quit shortly after graduating... and your username gave me a flashback from 1984. Now I gotta dig up that album.
3rd account on GAW after permanently banned twice for posting “divisive” content (anti 2s) even though they were NOT an opinion per se - just information subject to one’s interpretation, confirmation bias😆🤭😂 with a source/link.
Excellent comment. Do you believe any of the training you received has any value?
I know now they are NOT. We were/are just putting band aids on wounds so to speak.
If you don’t know the cause how can you cure something?
We have sent people to the moon (NOT Apollo missions) and beyond but we have NO clue as the the cause of diabetes, hypertension, cancer etc.
There’s a lot of theories, but no solid proof.
Guess why💲💵💰.
I admire your integrity, and hope you find something meaningful and fulfilling to contribute in your next career. Meanwhile your post is a real contribution in itself. I too stopped trusting medicine some time ago, but here is my question: Do people who get measles vaccines also get measles? If not, why not? How do those vaccines work? How do they make an "attenuated" virus?
-Measles question: There is NO vaccine that is 100 percent effective. I have seen in the remote past patients/children who presented with signs and symptoms of measles that have been vaccinated although “milder” compared to what the textbooks tell you. Looking back we didn’t really “test” patients for almost anything that may appear “viral” since.
a: too expensive if available (was in a third world country)
b: your NOT going to do anything different if this was a virus anyway.
So can I really tell you/them that it was measles - I have an academic/educated guess but still a guess and we call it. “Diagnosis”🤭😂😆
The irony is if you take certain medications especially antibiotics and that individual has an adverse reaction that can mimic the measles (rash,fever, etc🙇♂️🧐💭)
For a certain number of people who has gotten the “flu” vaccine a feedback commonly heard is “I still got the flu”, and/or “worse than the flu I had in the past. My BIL an FP quit getting the “flu” vaccine after all family members got the latter effect above (worse). Unfortunately they all got injected with the Covid-19 toxic unknown cocktail despite my recommendation NOT to do so.
How do vaccines work: Non technical detailed response. You get injected with a “substance” that stimulates antibody production. The antibody(ies) produced are then part of the immune system that fights off the “bug” you were being vaccinated for.
How do they make “attenuated” virus: Non technical/detailed response. It’s opposite the “gain of function” work that Fauci et al are involved with where they are making a “virus” more contagious/infectious/deadly most likely with CRISPR technology ( I wasn’t aware of this until Covid-19 scamdemic hit) a gene editing process which has been happening for a long long long time (DARPA, etc) that I didn’t also know off.
It didn't use to be...shame
Are we sure? Cause I don't think that's the case.
A good question, definitely worth exploring. It seems pretty obvious now that the entire oncology field is a racket and always has been, for example. For me, the only "modern medicine" I see any use for at all is trauma surgery. Seems like just about every other way the medical industry interacts with the population results in net negative outcomes.
Agreed! Trauma surgery and that's about it
A century and a half ago when docs made house calls it was good. Then politicians, money, corruption took over.
Major chunks of it yes but there are still being Miracles performed by those Goons
Yet my daughter couldn't get an appointment with our doctor that we have been with for almost 18 yrs, most of our daughters life (she's 25 yr old), without having to wait over a month for appointment, just to get something stronger to kick her sinus infection, but by the time her appointment was coming up she canceled it because she didn't need to go anymore. It's crazy, many people I'm hearing are like us, and don't trust the doctors anymore, so I ask myself why are the doctors so booked up? Well, the only thing I can come up with is from all the vaxx adverse reactions, the people who got the jabs must be taking up all the appointments.
Fish Mox from the pet store or Chewy online. A cpl capsules for a cpl days will help naturally kick a sinus infection.
And use a netti pot.