Big breakthrough - The nurses' story is getting out
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyranny 💸
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1 hour video
The definition of personal ethics.
Exactly- I said at the time this was where the rubber hit the road - I resigned rather than get it . I said to my eldest kids that I couldn’t stop them if they decided to get it , that I didn’t care if they thought I was the world’s biggest crank, to just please wait. To not jump in straight away. OH trusted me enough that he didn’t, because given his medical history it would have killed him. He says that openly now. I used to work with dangerous pathogens/microbiologists for 10 years and I learned a lot during that time - enough to know it was BS. Then we found my relative dead after having her 1st jab, she died within 26hrs of it being administered (her diabetes monitor showed her BM fluctuating wildly within an hour of the jab and she collapsed and died. I think this whole substance is designed to exacerbate existing inflammation and so it affects different people in different ways. It causes extant conditions to worsen and kills in different ways so it’s a total Russian roulette whether someone is affected straight away or the damage to immune systems gets them longer term
Where do you stand on vax deaths in terms of numbers? Everyone? Only some with bad lots? How many shots, etc. Interested in your opinion.
I honestly don’t know. I know my relative was directly caused by the jab because their diabetic pump data showed the massive catastrophic fluctuations in their BM following it being administered. They had multiple other autoimmune related conditions like addisons etc. The death certificate however said diabetes complications As for the general population I honestly don’t know. We lost an uncle recently who went from a fit healthy 70something who was fiercely independent and worked out regularly to a massive stroke and had to move to a residential care setting within 3 months of jab 1 following a massive stroke. I think there’s been things like mixing jab types to muddy the waters for any future blame for side effects and vax injuries.
Unfortunately, I think covid itself has been doing the same thing, in terms of aggravating existing conditions. I had some hints of heart disease prior to getting covid, nothing more than slightly elevated blood pressure, but not even high enough to be considered a concern, but after having covid, I wasn't feeling well and went to a PA who was reported to be "based" when it came to covid. As a result of that visit, I got a "coronary artery calcium" scan (they only cost around $100, and I think it's worth it for anyone over 40 to get one, just to see where they are at in terms of heart disease), and it showed I have significant coronary artery disease. Because of the current state of the medical profession, I am choosing NOT to do anything about it, and just to live each day, thanking God for each day, and letting Him decide when it's time for me to go.
Arterial calcification is a process that takes place over time. No doubt if you had a scan several years ago it would have shown similar results but obviously to a lesser degree. Just about all older adults have some level of arterial calcification. Therefore, I seriously question Covid being related beyond complicating already present pathology - mostly inflammatory based and immune dysfunction conditions.
One of the treatments that have shown some success in decalcification is chelation therapy. However, it is not cheap. It will take several visits and you would have to find a practitioner in your area.
Vitamin K2 will dissolve arterial calcium deposits over time and then make sure the calcium in your body goes where it's supposed to be like your bones, teeth, and muscles.
Serrapeptase every morning on an empty stomach will remove all unwanted proteins from the body (including arterial plaque). No need for statins.
D3 with breakfast of 5000 to 10,000 IUs per day will prevent cold/flu/cancer.
However, D3 causes the metabolism to use up K2 faster, causing a K2 deficiency.
Therefore, take Super K vitamin with breakfast, which will prevent calcium deposits in the arteries.
I had been taking a high D3 supplement, but suspected I wasn't processing it well. I had my liver damaged by a prescription medication about 25 years ago (actually had hepatitis from it. the MD was supposed to do a blood test when taking the medication to make sure I wasn't having a liver reaction, but she said, "I thought it was such a rare possibility I didn't test for it"), and whenever I have had blood work, my liver enzymes indicate damage still present.
If it's arterial calcification look into the folk remedy Lemon Garlic Elixir. My dad had 50-70% arterial blockages. After making the elixir and periodically taking it for a year or two he got scanned again and the cardiologist asked if he had had his arteries scaped.
Wow! That's impressive! (but I don't know how well I could handle that combo :) )