Pure Blood Registry Home Page
We are the leader in providing curated lists of unvaccinated blood donors in the U.S.A. Protect yourself in case of an emergency or for a planned medical procedure. Over 41 million transfusions are given each year, in the United States alone. We will work ...
Registry…. That worked well for Canadians. Stay off fucking lists
First thing I thought when seeing this logo is... lefty/commie.
LIke this isn’t a honeypot for identifying the resisters...
I doubt it. I listened to the nurse who started it.
Did you do any digging into said nurse? And others involved at the higher end?
Seems the first problem that needs to be addressed is the guarantee of honesty and integrity of the Healthcare system. Many who refused the vaccine are now afraid to place themselves in the hand of medical professionals who attempted to kill them. What good is a clean tranfusion followed by a clot shot when you are in their care?
They found a way to make money off your blood, and put you on a list.
Psych! I'll take a pass on registries and lists.
nope, and i removed my self from any donor lists as well.
Appreciate the healthy skepticism here but also appreciate the link to a potential building block that may be necessary for us in the future.
OP do you have any personal experience with the service yet?
Also it's very interesting that there is no method of vaccination status detection. I wonder how long that will be the case?
No I do not. Just wish I knew about it bc I had multiple transfusions during major surgery last Fall. If I had known of this group I would have contacted them before I went under the knife.
BTW This info was taken from the last nurse in this video: https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOjA749l/big-breakthrough--the-nurses-sto/
And this nurse also started this group: https://www.remnantnursing.org/
Wow - this was predicted as soon as the clot shot rolled out
I don't trust any type of list. Thats how they target us and sell our date to the highest bidders.
I wish I had found this group sooner since I was unvaxxed but ended up having multiple transfusions in the hospital last Fall from major surgery. In the meantime I can help many of you
This group was founded by a private concierge nursing corporation here: https://www.remnantnursing.org/
I'm curious how they do quality control to ensure all new blood is truly unjabbed.
Great news. Many of us may need pure blood in the future.
I tried signing up with another pureblood group, Blessed by His Blood but they wanted a detailed medical history that I was not comfortable giving. I can understand they need to screen out vaxed people but until there is a quick blood test to verify vax status I won't be donating to any pureblood group.
Dr Ana Michalcea said that the shedding from the jabbed to unjabbed, and the stuff in our food; has caused EVERYONE to have the white stringy hydrogel clotting stuff in our blood. She said it's even in wild deer meat. She says that edta chelation with high dose vitamin C cleans the blood. She said methalyn blue desolves the stuff. She said a toxicologist said to take 2 drops ingestible orange oil, 2 drops ingestible lemon oil, 2 drops ingestible cinnamon oil per day...buy empty veggie caps to put the oil in..so no esophagus problems...and easy to ingest. Once a day... We tried edta orally ... stopped because it can damage kidneys or kill you if not done right. The chelation is to remove heavy metals...nano bots that grow the hydrogel. We take blueberry extract and cilantro extract to remove heavy metals instead. You don't necessarily feel micro clotting. The stringy stuff coroner's are pulling out of jabbed and unjabbed. Please share, and look into the info on rumble.
I never got the jab but I'm concerned about the shedding. I suddenly lost hearing in one ear and after an MRI, they determined that I have an auditory neuroma and because of its size, they want to do surgery to cut it out but it will mean they have to cut the vestibular nerve and I will lose all hearing in that ear forever. So I find myself wondering if I should put myself on some kind of a protocol that has been recommended here that includes fenben. If anyone has any input, I'd surely appreciate it.
True Blood /s
I see what you did there. 🧛🏼♂️
Yeaaahhhh nooooooo. Never get on a list.