Scott is once again sooooo close but still entirely wrong. Trump didn’t cause any of that stuff. We were already blindly chugging full speed ahead thanks to all of the bad actors of the world. Trump - or should I say, the world’s reaction to Trump is what finally exposed the whole thing. At least, that’s what did it for me.
The combination of the two. Trump said everything we’ve been thinking for a long time. That’s what attracted me to Trump. The brutal honesty and the balls to say it. Like you said, the reaction by all of these entities is what really got me digging. Why so much effort? WHAT are they hiding? Those things eat at you if you objectively look at a situation- see the big picture, so to speak. You have to be ready to find out how wrong you’ve been for your entire life to do this. So many people can’t admit they were wrong. Pride. The more open you are to being wrong, the more you learn the truth.
Well, he's not wrong. Trump was the Great Disruptor, and I for one an glad he took a wrecking ball to the system. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix corruption, you can only pull it down to the foundation, fumigate the place and fire all the toadies, and start fresh. Every 3-letter agency in Washington, plus the WEF and WHO, and the UN and NATO, need to be overhauled, in some cases, and in others, simply dismantled and abolished.
I finally figured out what's wrong with "everything."
LOL imagine leading with this
The 72-inch walking ego with a big hairless wart on one end who just cannot resist proclaiming his status as the most insufferable know-it-all on the planet
But at the head of the snake is the fake news and fake science. There is no correcting mechanism.
...until the Storm hits; and the Plan to Save the World is finally revealed, understood and embraced by all; whereupon Scott Adams will proclaim that he knew the Q team, the correcting mechanism, was hard at work behind the scenes all along.
I’ve been wondering how many Dems will finally get it that plenty of people are not even voting pro-Trump, just anti the system. They are annoyingly slow.
Scott is once again sooooo close but still entirely wrong. Trump didn’t cause any of that stuff. We were already blindly chugging full speed ahead thanks to all of the bad actors of the world. Trump - or should I say, the world’s reaction to Trump is what finally exposed the whole thing. At least, that’s what did it for me.
The combination of the two. Trump said everything we’ve been thinking for a long time. That’s what attracted me to Trump. The brutal honesty and the balls to say it. Like you said, the reaction by all of these entities is what really got me digging. Why so much effort? WHAT are they hiding? Those things eat at you if you objectively look at a situation- see the big picture, so to speak. You have to be ready to find out how wrong you’ve been for your entire life to do this. So many people can’t admit they were wrong. Pride. The more open you are to being wrong, the more you learn the truth.
He has a lazy intellect.
I don’t think he meant that Trump caused this, except in the way that he DID cause this…. He drives the Establishment crazy. He broke the Machine!
If you read the entire tweet, that is exactly what he said.
Just shining light on the sausage making
He calls himself a genius. People got that back in 2016.
Trump is the REAL agent of CHANGE in DC
not that CIA sock puppet that came before him
Well, he's not wrong. Trump was the Great Disruptor, and I for one an glad he took a wrecking ball to the system. You can't fix stupid and you can't fix corruption, you can only pull it down to the foundation, fumigate the place and fire all the toadies, and start fresh. Every 3-letter agency in Washington, plus the WEF and WHO, and the UN and NATO, need to be overhauled, in some cases, and in others, simply dismantled and abolished.
LOL imagine leading with this
The 72-inch walking ego with a big hairless wart on one end who just cannot resist proclaiming his status as the most insufferable know-it-all on the planet
...until the Storm hits; and the Plan to Save the World is finally revealed, understood and embraced by all; whereupon Scott Adams will proclaim that he knew the Q team, the correcting mechanism, was hard at work behind the scenes all along.
Ha, so true!
Each one of MSM : The 72-inch walking ego with a big hairless wart on one end
"Brilliant description."
On the right track anyway...
I’ve been wondering how many Dems will finally get it that plenty of people are not even voting pro-Trump, just anti the system. They are annoyingly slow.
Trump is NEO.. the ONE.
He’s been A LOT more open minded and conspiratorial here lately!
I believe each time something like this happens it’s sort of a planned patriots in control Overton window shift sort of thing
Liz Churchill gave him an 80/100.
That seams about right.
Disagree. System was broken. Trump caused many to wake up to the fact.