It appears a lot of people are getting upset by this. I'm not, and neither should anyone else. It's not as if it wasn't expected. Desperate people do desperate, stupid things. Let them have their fun. Their time is limited.
I'm with ya Vindicator...let's give this a few days and see how many more folks jump on the Trump Train. I'm thinking a lot of entrepreneurial types, even if they despise Trump, will vote for him, in hopes of stopping this madness before it comes looking for them.
The more that JUMP on the Trump Band Wagon the MORE the DEMS are going to loose big time and these 2 idiots who "REPRESENT" the BEST of what New York has for LAW just put NY at the BOTTOM of the LIST too visit!!!!
I will NEVER VISIT NYC until these idiots are removed...
The part I like about this movie, is that they pick people to play the judges and prosecutors, that you just really want to hate. Then, when the wrath of Trump falls down upon their heads, it's more entertaining.
Will get overturned on appeal. Judge Gorgon was biased from the outset. Wondering if he's playing a part in the movie? Not saying he wanted to but may his arm was twisted.
On TS someone posted that this case was already determined to be past the statute of limitations by the appeals court. This fake retard judge ignored that decision.
The other part of this judgment is that Trump and family cannot do business in NY state for 3 years. So what, he boards up all his buildings. Businesses in there move out of state or close down. All those people out of work. So people go after E-moron and Lucifer James for what THEY did to them.
And the Trump family move their businesses to a red state. Live long and prosper.
First and foremost, Trump will NOT be paying one dime of this BS and that goes for the lying cunt judgement as well. Second, this judge is going to get the Trump boomerang effect and will probably be arrested. We're watching a movie lads.
I'll be watching every second of that corrupt judge's Gitmo Tribunal for Treason.
Appraisers determine the value of property. Why would the bank care about Trump’s opinion? Such an obvious witch hunt
It appears a lot of people are getting upset by this. I'm not, and neither should anyone else. It's not as if it wasn't expected. Desperate people do desperate, stupid things. Let them have their fun. Their time is limited.
I'm with ya Vindicator...let's give this a few days and see how many more folks jump on the Trump Train. I'm thinking a lot of entrepreneurial types, even if they despise Trump, will vote for him, in hopes of stopping this madness before it comes looking for them.
The more that JUMP on the Trump Band Wagon the MORE the DEMS are going to loose big time and these 2 idiots who "REPRESENT" the BEST of what New York has for LAW just put NY at the BOTTOM of the LIST too visit!!!!
I will NEVER VISIT NYC until these idiots are removed...
Why does the Judge remind me of a Harry Potter Goblin?
dr Emmet Brown back to the future
Supreme Court!
This judge seems naively smug in the face of the trump curse.
He needs to take a close look at what happened to Fani.
that judge is soooo icky. making sure he gets published with his shirt off is off the charts "ick".
The part I like about this movie, is that they pick people to play the judges and prosecutors, that you just really want to hate. Then, when the wrath of Trump falls down upon their heads, it's more entertaining.
And satisfying
Are they just actors being told to set these amounts, but not guilty of doing it themselves?
I guess in the end we'll find out who's actually on what team
Pay to whom though? Who was injured in this terrible manipulation?
demented evil fuck. Judge looks like he strolls down the tunnels under the jewish churches to sniff little kids before he eats them like IT.
They will never see a dime
ready to see the judges private messages.
let's see behind the curtain
Pay to whom? There are no victims, other than Trump himself.
Believe it or not, most of my NY neighbors have that judge's vibe.
Nosferatu is not going to win this one, I think. It looks good for them now. I doubt that will last.
Right now they're digging other people's graves. Waiting for the flip, any day now.
Put a black hat on him and Poltergeist, preacher kelly anne come here child.
Will get overturned on appeal. Judge Gorgon was biased from the outset. Wondering if he's playing a part in the movie? Not saying he wanted to but may his arm was twisted.
On TS someone posted that this case was already determined to be past the statute of limitations by the appeals court. This fake retard judge ignored that decision.
Forgot about that - they changed the statute strictly for this case! Thanks for the reminder!!!
Appeal was in the works before the antiTrump judge opened his stupid mouth!
SC will reverse his decision
The other part of this judgment is that Trump and family cannot do business in NY state for 3 years. So what, he boards up all his buildings. Businesses in there move out of state or close down. All those people out of work. So people go after E-moron and Lucifer James for what THEY did to them.
And the Trump family move their businesses to a red state. Live long and prosper.
25k people employed under Trump organization I believe
Surprised it wasnt 330mil or 666 million
First and foremost, Trump will NOT be paying one dime of this BS and that goes for the lying cunt judgement as well. Second, this judge is going to get the Trump boomerang effect and will probably be arrested. We're watching a movie lads.