FROM KENTUCKY: McConman Not up for re-election until next year. Grass roots push to find someone to primary that piece of shit. Probably gonna get Dan Cameron, our former AG that lost the Governor race last November. I dont trust that fucker at all. He laid down to the cheat. I wish Massey would run. He would win in a walk. True patriot. Cameron has too many red flags.
They are in a different class than the class up for election. The class up for election is class 1 while Chuck Schumer is a member of class 3 and Mitch McConnell is a member of class 2.
But the good news is that both can be deep sixed by the party following the election. They will retain their seats unless they resign, but they will no longer have the power to run the Senate.
it'll be nice to see Kari Lake in the senate, telling these lizards how terrible they are. It'd be interesting to see if she gets appointed to any committees.
The governor of South Dakota has signed a bill into law that will require patients to check off a box on medical marijuana card applications affirming that they’re aware that federal law prohibits cannabis consumers from buying and possessing firearms.
Translation (i.e., the relentless power grab you're actually taking down your throat and up your ass without even noticing it by checking that box, especially those who do not choose to consume cannabis):
Federal govt supersedes doctor-patient relationships. Federal Govt controls the citizens' bodies; and even gets to micromanage it down to the granular level of telling them WHICH SPECIFIC TYPE OF ALCOHOL molecule they may consume and still have their 2nd Amendment rights left intact. [The Founders would be dying, right there, if they weren't already gone.] If it's the type of alcohol molecule that often renders consumers unable to walk and talk, the type that addicts and kills the consumer (ethanol), no problem, no box checking needed. If it's the alternative type that individuals can grow in their garden and constitutes an existential threat to C_A hard-drug trafficking profit$, Big Alcohol, Big Pharma and the entire pharmedical industrial complex, that's a problem.
There is no legitimate constitutional right of any govt to restrict the citizens' 2nd Amendment guaranteed right of gun ownership based on cannabis. Kristi Noem is telling us she's another big-govt fascist, not a champion of the individual rights of patients and citizens, their natural human right to control what goes into their body, to choose safer alternatives to ethanol and hard drugs including what Big Pharma pushes.
If the margins are that close, there's still so much work to do
They only that close because of cheating that could be covered up.
Disgusting if Shumer and McConnel are still in the senate. Where is karma?
FROM KENTUCKY: McConman Not up for re-election until next year. Grass roots push to find someone to primary that piece of shit. Probably gonna get Dan Cameron, our former AG that lost the Governor race last November. I dont trust that fucker at all. He laid down to the cheat. I wish Massey would run. He would win in a walk. True patriot. Cameron has too many red flags.
They are in a different class than the class up for election. The class up for election is class 1 while Chuck Schumer is a member of class 3 and Mitch McConnell is a member of class 2.
But the good news is that both can be deep sixed by the party following the election. They will retain their seats unless they resign, but they will no longer have the power to run the Senate.
I think Trump is going to win all 50 states and have very long coattails.
Obviously fake, there's no way Trump's victory could be considered an upset
should i save this for november 4? that map is probably more like the 2020 results
I still don’t think Biden got more than 70M+ in 2020. Probably lucky to get 50M hardcore Demoturds to vote for him in 2020
yea right maybe it wasn't even as close as this picture is showing. eh this picture is useless
Well... I suppose this is good enough : )
But, I think the winning will be MUCH BIGGLIER!!!!!!!
Not from the future, from a parallel universe.
One where actual elections are held
it'll be nice to see Kari Lake in the senate, telling these lizards how terrible they are. It'd be interesting to see if she gets appointed to any committees.
Kristi No Ma'am.
No fucking way.
Translation (i.e., the relentless power grab you're actually taking down your throat and up your ass without even noticing it by checking that box, especially those who do not choose to consume cannabis):
Federal govt supersedes doctor-patient relationships. Federal Govt controls the citizens' bodies; and even gets to micromanage it down to the granular level of telling them WHICH SPECIFIC TYPE OF ALCOHOL molecule they may consume and still have their 2nd Amendment rights left intact. [The Founders would be dying, right there, if they weren't already gone.] If it's the type of alcohol molecule that often renders consumers unable to walk and talk, the type that addicts and kills the consumer (ethanol), no problem, no box checking needed. If it's the alternative type that individuals can grow in their garden and constitutes an existential threat to C_A hard-drug trafficking profit$, Big Alcohol, Big Pharma and the entire pharmedical industrial complex, that's a problem.
There is no legitimate constitutional right of any govt to restrict the citizens' 2nd Amendment guaranteed right of gun ownership based on cannabis. Kristi Noem is telling us she's another big-govt fascist, not a champion of the individual rights of patients and citizens, their natural human right to control what goes into their body, to choose safer alternatives to ethanol and hard drugs including what Big Pharma pushes.