I think that we as humans are just beginning to learn how to sense when we are subjected to artificial representations of authentic human output. It's a natural muscle that needs exercising in these times. It's that spidey sense that whispers "somethin's not right about that."
We've always had this sense. It's called The "uncanny valley" effect, and it has plagued the vfx industry for a long time. Only within the last 15 years have the techniques gotten convincing enough to work in movies and not trigger the uncanny valley sense.
The company behind the VFX of Planet of the Apes is called WetaFX (formally Weta Digital). They are the same VFX company behind Lord of the rings and more recently Avatar, the Way of Water.
They have spent decades pioneering animation tools and rendering techniques, and thousands of man hours are spent tediously sculpting, rigging, painting, matchmoving, rotoscoping, animating, and compositing in order to reach the final product you see on screen.
We live in an age where digital trickery is more accessible than ever, but with all that said, it is not possible to do this kind of CGI in a live setting. The whole program would somehow have to be rendered ahead of time and broadcast as if it was live. In my opinion, the chance of that happening is basically zero. You can rule it out simply by doing the math. The elites want to control us, but there are easier ways to control the masses than by producing billion dollar CGI to blatantly deceive us about the nature of reality.
This is the same sort of ridiculous leap in logic that gives us flat earthers, and in my opinion is unhelpful at best. Tens of thousands of people would need to be involved in the deception, and someone would inevitably spill the beans.
Yes. I was also thinking it would be easier for "them" if they could just do everything digitally, instead of having to deal with difficult real people, even mk ultra people.
Just to put you at ease, I was in Las Vegas and yes indeed, the superbowl happened. I think so long as these events are in the public we can confirm it happened but how much of it is staged is the real question.
I guess it's the "if a tree crashes in the forest and no one was around did it make a sound" question.
I always thought what a weird type of debate until I seen that footage of light? Going through vs not when not watched. 🤔 I'm sure I'm making no sense if others haven't seen that clip.
I can't recall enough sorry, but it was science based stuff about it didn't happen if no one watches. Again cgi? Who bloody knows at this point.
Check out Tyler Perry's next Madea movie. He recently stated that AI CGI enabled him to not have to endure 1-1/2 hours of make up daily. He has also stopped an addition to his studio because AI can do so much. His concern is that film making may eventually be replaced by AI. So, unless you are on the spot - you have no clue what is real. AI is being advanced to protect people like Hillary Clinton - if a video of her doing unspeakable acts is release -- AI can produce a similar video of judge and jury committing the same unspeakable acts. Video proof is soon to be inadmissible.
so, nobody bought tickets to the SB, booked rooms and flights, posted all the shit that weekend on their social media??
I respect your question, but don't get carried away.
stay grounded
Pretty sure the op isn't claiming that.
It all seems like a lie. Even pictures of the earth itself are sketchy.
I think that we as humans are just beginning to learn how to sense when we are subjected to artificial representations of authentic human output. It's a natural muscle that needs exercising in these times. It's that spidey sense that whispers "somethin's not right about that."
I remember the first time a company, maybe Coke?, projected a hologram ad on a football field. It was a polar bear, walking around on the field.
We've always had this sense. It's called The "uncanny valley" effect, and it has plagued the vfx industry for a long time. Only within the last 15 years have the techniques gotten convincing enough to work in movies and not trigger the uncanny valley sense.
The company behind the VFX of Planet of the Apes is called WetaFX (formally Weta Digital). They are the same VFX company behind Lord of the rings and more recently Avatar, the Way of Water.
They have spent decades pioneering animation tools and rendering techniques, and thousands of man hours are spent tediously sculpting, rigging, painting, matchmoving, rotoscoping, animating, and compositing in order to reach the final product you see on screen.
We live in an age where digital trickery is more accessible than ever, but with all that said, it is not possible to do this kind of CGI in a live setting. The whole program would somehow have to be rendered ahead of time and broadcast as if it was live. In my opinion, the chance of that happening is basically zero. You can rule it out simply by doing the math. The elites want to control us, but there are easier ways to control the masses than by producing billion dollar CGI to blatantly deceive us about the nature of reality.
This is the same sort of ridiculous leap in logic that gives us flat earthers, and in my opinion is unhelpful at best. Tens of thousands of people would need to be involved in the deception, and someone would inevitably spill the beans.
My thoughts immediately are gorilla channel 24/7. How I sit around and watch it for hours kek
yes, I think much of what we see is CGI, sleight of hand, etc. when you really think about it,
How Many of US have seen ALL of these characters in person?? we haven't...
perhaps someone has it saved, but there was a video about how realistic
CIA masks were. couldn't tell even if the person is right in front of you.
also, what if the 'people' around us are being controlled on another level, like players in a video game,
but animated from beyond. some with actual spirit/souls behind them, and some that are just part of the game.
frightening in a way, but explains a lot.
Yes. I was also thinking it would be easier for "them" if they could just do everything digitally, instead of having to deal with difficult real people, even mk ultra people.
Just to put you at ease, I was in Las Vegas and yes indeed, the superbowl happened. I think so long as these events are in the public we can confirm it happened but how much of it is staged is the real question.
I guess it's the "if a tree crashes in the forest and no one was around did it make a sound" question. I always thought what a weird type of debate until I seen that footage of light? Going through vs not when not watched. 🤔 I'm sure I'm making no sense if others haven't seen that clip. I can't recall enough sorry, but it was science based stuff about it didn't happen if no one watches. Again cgi? Who bloody knows at this point.
pretty scary stuff.
Check out Tyler Perry's next Madea movie. He recently stated that AI CGI enabled him to not have to endure 1-1/2 hours of make up daily. He has also stopped an addition to his studio because AI can do so much. His concern is that film making may eventually be replaced by AI. So, unless you are on the spot - you have no clue what is real. AI is being advanced to protect people like Hillary Clinton - if a video of her doing unspeakable acts is release -- AI can produce a similar video of judge and jury committing the same unspeakable acts. Video proof is soon to be inadmissible.