I think...What separates US most...Is that we were willing to lose OUR jobs, in order to NOT get this JAB!! OR FLY, OR go to a GAME or CONCERT...etc, etc, etc..
THAT is still the difference..I would have lost my House..To not compromise my Health. Agreed it is by design, but one has choices to make at that point.
UvU...I hear ya...I guess my HOOK was the 99-97% survivability..AND the Fact that I could not enjoy anything that taking the shot allowed me, IF I was not alive to enjoy it. Against my pleadings..Both my parents took the Jab. I pray it was saline.
I was lucky enough to work for a based, awake boss at the time. In my profession, I'm a bit of a "unicorn" who gets job offers constantly (difficult to find experienced and dedicated people in what I do, since most have been brainwashed to consider my profession "lowly", and stay in that hivemind), and can pick and choose who I work for, as well as dictate my salary, within reason.
This is not a "flex". It was by design, based on the conditions I was subjected to growing up, and my personal vow to retain control over my own life.
It's a pretty simple risk versus reward. Getting the jab means getting killed or maimed. Would you rather lose your job, be prevented from traveling, be kicked out of school, or get get a blood clot that will kill you in a few years. The other problems can be worked out, it's hard to come back from dying.
That's why it's a pretty easy choice to be banned from my own country in protest of the mandates. I'll take being exiled from my own country over letting the US government murder my wife.
Thank you! I think I'm one of the lucky ones compared to the outcome of everyone who took the shots. We'll make America great and someday I can come back.
In my circle there are so many factors at play that are perhaps different than the average person. I have "christian" doctor friends who willingly took jabs and gave them to all their families. I have regular "christian" friends who did it to "protect others", they "felt it was the right thing", perhaps to save their jobs, etc. The thing that has ultimately bothered me most about all of this is that all of these self-professed believers lacked discernment. The Holy Spirit they claim lives inside them, is not one who changes his mind. He knows the Truth because He is Truth. They also lacked the ability to discern from scripture how Satan and his evil minions work in this world. They have been utterly blind to the truth. I'm not God, and I'm no longer a pre-tribulation dispensationalist so my views on eschatology have changed to a historical Christian view, but most of my friends are pretribulation dispensationalists and as such should have viewed this as "the mark of the beast" and yet they failed to discern even that possibility. I have many Amish friends who asked if this was "the Mark" which I expressed "no, likely not; however, satan works in the same ways among men. He is crafty and seeks only death and destruction and he is a liar. As such, in many ways, yes,it is like the mark." Scripture is clear that the devil's deception is so crafty that if it weren't for the Holy Spirit even the elect would be deceived. So where does this put all my gaslighting, goody-goody friends and acquaintances who fell for this evil lie?? Obviously, only God knows. But how many "professing Christians" are not who or what they claim to be? The Spirit should give an other-worldly discernment to God's elect, yet so many were do easily deceived. Most really were not coerced, most willingly submitted, most dragged others down with themselves. It is mind-boggling to me. This aspect, the spiritual aspect, should have put most believers in the 20%, but it didn't. Most of them were as blind sheep led to the slaughter, but even worse, because of their spiritual false idols of "submission" and "for the good of others", they have shackled a millstone to the necks of countless others! So many blamed Paul for their need to obey, while blindly ignoring the fact that Paul was not one to blindly obey--he defied the Evil Roman government by continuing to preach, he did not follow their laws in matters of conscience. He did in other procedural matters but not in everything else. He died disobeying Rome for the sake of Christ!
I do believe the stage was set for the failure of most Christians long ago by the "phamakeia" of vaccination. Christians were duped long ago to be champions of jabs. Most are utterly brainwashed and do not realize the entire industry is built on the backbone of the slaughter of the unborn, to this day. Most refuse to look at the truth regarding this and are therefore willing pawns for the ongoing evil sorcery, the slaughter of millions born and unborn, and now this genocide. I pray they wake up. I pray for repentance! The world needs a Great spiritual awakening. Not just being awake to the lies we have been told, but true biblical repentance and faith in Christ alone!
I agree 100%. I love how the Apostles replied to the Jewish Sanhedrin when they forbid them to speak of Jesus. “But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge.” Acts 4:19. There is a point where we must walk away from authority when it conflicts with His commands
Years ago, after reading about the Milgram experiment, I thought we were doomed, due to just human nature. But now, I think it is more mind control, and something that is being worked on as we speak. All of us have been brainwashed, but also all of us are coming out of it at different degrees. Tell a normie there was no pandemic. This fact is provable because all cause mortality did not go up worldwide. Then tell them the death totals went up by 40% after the jab. If they get mad at you for informing them....they are mind controlled.
I knew about the experiments and I knew about the 80/20 rule but I didn't connect them until just now. You can only change 20 percent of minds with facts and logic on an individual basis, the other 80 percent require different means like erosion of trust in authority on a macro societal scale, being convinced by a lover or desiring to conform to a small circle of people they want to belong to in a pseudo family dynamic.
The link you just posted here clearly says the 80% is a false statement (it's #11 in the true/false quiz section and the answers to the quiz just below says that is one of the false ones).
We have to many in the 80 percent category in politics. What happens when a person in the 80 percent club becomes the perceived authority? Do we get those like Tiffany Henyard?
Within the 20 percent club is a much smaller percentage of people who are both more good and more evil and they know it. Some will prop up this as Tiffany on purpose and others will prevent. The judge who allowed her continue as mayor is one of those. The discernment is to decide if it is evil or good to allow those who are tyrants to be in positions.
My option and honestly the truth is those within the smaller percentage of the 20 percent look at life as eternal and looks at other people as neighbors. They are meek. Why does courage become an obstacle to them? Sure they say no to the jab. They see the chaos, but they refuse to serve as an authority and allow the small evil side to dictate to them.
We need this group to care again with courage in the USA and the world. To rebuke this evil as they are intended to do. Wakee wakee :)
I think...What separates US most...Is that we were willing to lose OUR jobs, in order to NOT get this JAB!! OR FLY, OR go to a GAME or CONCERT...etc, etc, etc..
THAT is still the difference..I would have lost my House..To not compromise my Health. Agreed it is by design, but one has choices to make at that point.
UvU...I hear ya...I guess my HOOK was the 99-97% survivability..AND the Fact that I could not enjoy anything that taking the shot allowed me, IF I was not alive to enjoy it. Against my pleadings..Both my parents took the Jab. I pray it was saline.
I was lucky enough to work for a based, awake boss at the time. In my profession, I'm a bit of a "unicorn" who gets job offers constantly (difficult to find experienced and dedicated people in what I do, since most have been brainwashed to consider my profession "lowly", and stay in that hivemind), and can pick and choose who I work for, as well as dictate my salary, within reason.
This is not a "flex". It was by design, based on the conditions I was subjected to growing up, and my personal vow to retain control over my own life.
It's a pretty simple risk versus reward. Getting the jab means getting killed or maimed. Would you rather lose your job, be prevented from traveling, be kicked out of school, or get get a blood clot that will kill you in a few years. The other problems can be worked out, it's hard to come back from dying.
That's why it's a pretty easy choice to be banned from my own country in protest of the mandates. I'll take being exiled from my own country over letting the US government murder my wife.
May God return you home someday. Stay strong fren.
Thank you! I think I'm one of the lucky ones compared to the outcome of everyone who took the shots. We'll make America great and someday I can come back.
Wow. Sure glad I am in that 20%. Of course, since I am brain-dead anyway.
In my circle there are so many factors at play that are perhaps different than the average person. I have "christian" doctor friends who willingly took jabs and gave them to all their families. I have regular "christian" friends who did it to "protect others", they "felt it was the right thing", perhaps to save their jobs, etc. The thing that has ultimately bothered me most about all of this is that all of these self-professed believers lacked discernment. The Holy Spirit they claim lives inside them, is not one who changes his mind. He knows the Truth because He is Truth. They also lacked the ability to discern from scripture how Satan and his evil minions work in this world. They have been utterly blind to the truth. I'm not God, and I'm no longer a pre-tribulation dispensationalist so my views on eschatology have changed to a historical Christian view, but most of my friends are pretribulation dispensationalists and as such should have viewed this as "the mark of the beast" and yet they failed to discern even that possibility. I have many Amish friends who asked if this was "the Mark" which I expressed "no, likely not; however, satan works in the same ways among men. He is crafty and seeks only death and destruction and he is a liar. As such, in many ways, yes,it is like the mark." Scripture is clear that the devil's deception is so crafty that if it weren't for the Holy Spirit even the elect would be deceived. So where does this put all my gaslighting, goody-goody friends and acquaintances who fell for this evil lie?? Obviously, only God knows. But how many "professing Christians" are not who or what they claim to be? The Spirit should give an other-worldly discernment to God's elect, yet so many were do easily deceived. Most really were not coerced, most willingly submitted, most dragged others down with themselves. It is mind-boggling to me. This aspect, the spiritual aspect, should have put most believers in the 20%, but it didn't. Most of them were as blind sheep led to the slaughter, but even worse, because of their spiritual false idols of "submission" and "for the good of others", they have shackled a millstone to the necks of countless others! So many blamed Paul for their need to obey, while blindly ignoring the fact that Paul was not one to blindly obey--he defied the Evil Roman government by continuing to preach, he did not follow their laws in matters of conscience. He did in other procedural matters but not in everything else. He died disobeying Rome for the sake of Christ! I do believe the stage was set for the failure of most Christians long ago by the "phamakeia" of vaccination. Christians were duped long ago to be champions of jabs. Most are utterly brainwashed and do not realize the entire industry is built on the backbone of the slaughter of the unborn, to this day. Most refuse to look at the truth regarding this and are therefore willing pawns for the ongoing evil sorcery, the slaughter of millions born and unborn, and now this genocide. I pray they wake up. I pray for repentance! The world needs a Great spiritual awakening. Not just being awake to the lies we have been told, but true biblical repentance and faith in Christ alone!
I feel the same
I agree 100%. I love how the Apostles replied to the Jewish Sanhedrin when they forbid them to speak of Jesus. “But Peter and John answered and said to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge.” Acts 4:19. There is a point where we must walk away from authority when it conflicts with His commands
Amen. And they knew they would suffer for it but did right anyway.
Years ago, after reading about the Milgram experiment, I thought we were doomed, due to just human nature. But now, I think it is more mind control, and something that is being worked on as we speak. All of us have been brainwashed, but also all of us are coming out of it at different degrees. Tell a normie there was no pandemic. This fact is provable because all cause mortality did not go up worldwide. Then tell them the death totals went up by 40% after the jab. If they get mad at you for informing them....they are mind controlled.
Glad to be in that 20%.
I knew about the experiments and I knew about the 80/20 rule but I didn't connect them until just now. You can only change 20 percent of minds with facts and logic on an individual basis, the other 80 percent require different means like erosion of trust in authority on a macro societal scale, being convinced by a lover or desiring to conform to a small circle of people they want to belong to in a pseudo family dynamic.
Yep. This would be me... And it gets me in trouble, a lot...
Link here. https://www.simplypsychology.org/milgram.html
The link you just posted here clearly says the 80% is a false statement (it's #11 in the true/false quiz section and the answers to the quiz just below says that is one of the false ones).
The actual number is 65%.
80/20 rule is real.
In engineering, finding the correct answer is sometimes more than not involves the 80/20 rule...NO matter how close one comes...
Judging by the numbers in Trump’s primary wins, I would say that those numbers have been changed and come close to flipping over the last 4 years.
We have to many in the 80 percent category in politics. What happens when a person in the 80 percent club becomes the perceived authority? Do we get those like Tiffany Henyard?
Within the 20 percent club is a much smaller percentage of people who are both more good and more evil and they know it. Some will prop up this as Tiffany on purpose and others will prevent. The judge who allowed her continue as mayor is one of those. The discernment is to decide if it is evil or good to allow those who are tyrants to be in positions.
My option and honestly the truth is those within the smaller percentage of the 20 percent look at life as eternal and looks at other people as neighbors. They are meek. Why does courage become an obstacle to them? Sure they say no to the jab. They see the chaos, but they refuse to serve as an authority and allow the small evil side to dictate to them.
We need this group to care again with courage in the USA and the world. To rebuke this evil as they are intended to do. Wakee wakee :)
Well, maybe society is getting smarter. 50/50 is better than 80/20. Perhaps 30% have been red pilled out of the matrix in recent years.