Rantzen = Laura Silsby. She set up childline which was a supposed helpline for troubled kids. I can’t help but think her mate jimmmy saville and his ilk would have found a list of phone numbers of vulnerable kids phone numbers vey useful source material to data mine?
Isn't it interesting that so many people who advocated for forcing injections and denying people who need help based on their injected status are the ones who seem to be suffering the most, even among vaccinated?
She started Childwatch, a helpline for children, mainly from children suffering sexual abuse. On that first night in October 1986, fifty thousand attempted calls were made to the helpline. The helpline has now been copied in 150 countries around the world.
The numerous instances of (her) poor judgment and questionable conduct fit a pattern. Dame Esther's erstwhile partner, the late Sir Nicholas Fairbairn MP, was part of a predatory paedophile ring with the late Robert Henderson QC.
Karma bites hard. God help the brainwashed.
Most braindead already rejected God, not even God can help/save those who refuse to be saved.
Iris Apfel is a clown. The Karen's that that admired her are so idiotic its laughable.
Vid here. https://twitter.com/duzBme/status/1737400847800107423
Rantzen = Laura Silsby. She set up childline which was a supposed helpline for troubled kids. I can’t help but think her mate jimmmy saville and his ilk would have found a list of phone numbers of vulnerable kids phone numbers vey useful source material to data mine?
Play stupid games win very stupid prizes
Brainwashed twit. Pray for the weak.
God works in mysterious ways.
Mysterious...baffling...same same.
have fun being dead ... evil bitch!!!
I have truly become an evil person- I smile every time I read this type of headline!
Seeing a lot of cancer while doing my job, especially breast, pancreas, lymphoma, lung cancer, prostate, digestive system in general.
At least he didn't get the Rona?
Buh-bye. Sleep tight.
God forgive me, a sinner.
Supreme Karma.
Isn't it interesting that so many people who advocated for forcing injections and denying people who need help based on their injected status are the ones who seem to be suffering the most, even among vaccinated?
Bye Esther / RIP
She started Childwatch, a helpline for children, mainly from children suffering sexual abuse. On that first night in October 1986, fifty thousand attempted calls were made to the helpline. The helpline has now been copied in 150 countries around the world. wiki
How could Esther Rantzen, the founder of ChildLine, possibly ignore 'green room gossip' about Jimmy Savile's alleged abuse of young girls https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/9587450/Jimmy-Savile-allegations-Esther-Rantzens-response-defies-belief.html
The numerous instances of (her) poor judgment and questionable conduct fit a pattern. Dame Esther's erstwhile partner, the late Sir Nicholas Fairbairn MP, was part of a predatory paedophile ring with the late Robert Henderson QC. list: