Cubano is a communist muppet who was gifted some money in the totally legitimate stock market where everything is true and honest and never includes shady hidden deals.
He made his money selling his streaming company to Yahoo for 4.7MM in '99 or '00. He owned the large majority of the company and had almost no lockup on his founders stock, so he took down about 2.9BB 90 days after the sale of his company.
You’ve been listening to MSM...brainwashed. It’s surprising the Canadian to your left hasn’t bitch slapped you. He loves the USA more than you or the fraud installed in the White House.
Biden is a demented perverted criminal who has not held a real job in his whole life. Sucking from the USA his whole working life.
The USA is a mess since the election fraud installed pedojoe. Inflation high. Illegal aliens taking over cities. USA citizens murdered, displaced, our tax dollars going to the illegals.
Amazing you’re where you are. Though a laughing stock. Who doesn’t know people are laughing at him.
Did he get threatened? They sound so friggin dumb when they do this.
Not sure, but he must wanted to be Bud Light.
Once a commie, always a commie...
Still using his alias I see
You mean his name is not Mark Cuban?
It is not.
What a simp. I knew Cuban way back before he got rich. He struck me as a creep in the 90s and I think his support of Xiden seals the deal.
Just a creep now. You were correct then, and correct now!
Compromised fucker.
Got a tape with his name.
He also voted for Nikki Haley.
Unless he cheated, you cannot vote for both.
Cubano is a communist muppet who was gifted some money in the totally legitimate stock market where everything is true and honest and never includes shady hidden deals.
Oh. That's how he made his millions. I see.
He made his money selling his streaming company to Yahoo for 4.7MM in '99 or '00. He owned the large majority of the company and had almost no lockup on his founders stock, so he took down about 2.9BB 90 days after the sale of his company.
Oh okay. I thought he just played the rigged market. LOL
Those bots' comments are AIDS!
Lots of bots coming online recently on X. Seeing panic everywhere.
Wow, how embarrassing... can't believe he admitted that out loud
Admit by actor.
Shoot him an email. This might work.
My reply to Cuban‘s reply to me:
You’ve been listening to MSM...brainwashed. It’s surprising the Canadian to your left hasn’t bitch slapped you. He loves the USA more than you or the fraud installed in the White House.
Biden is a demented perverted criminal who has not held a real job in his whole life. Sucking from the USA his whole working life.
The USA is a mess since the election fraud installed pedojoe. Inflation high. Illegal aliens taking over cities. USA citizens murdered, displaced, our tax dollars going to the illegals.
Amazing you’re where you are. Though a laughing stock. Who doesn’t know people are laughing at him.
On Mar 5, 2024, at 17:50, Mark Cuban wrote:
I love the USA. Unlike Donald Trump who only loves himself !
On Tue, Mar 5, 2024, 5:45 PM <> wrote: You’re an idiot. Voting for dementia Joe who has ruined the USA. Why do you hate the USA?
proud American
Wow. He doesn't give a shit.
This guy is either an idiot or paid for.
Not far off, so hurry!
The likes don't seem to be smashed at 6.7K.
This is one man I absolutely can't stand.