Encouragement for Frens getting weary from battle.. You’re making a Difference … The Evidence is There and the Tide is Turning…
We are Winning and NCSWIC!!👍👍💯

Thank-you for the reminder.
Put me in the "at peace" and "wish it could happen sooner" camp.
If you’re feeling burnt out, defeated and exhausted know that it will pass.
Keep learning, posting and exploring new uderstandings because a day will come when you are at peace with all the madness and you will stand outside of the “”psyop”” that we all have found ourselves within.
I can attest to this. Since this began, I've lost track of how many cycles of that I've gone through. The experience was enlightening enough that I kinda figured out how to stave off the worst of it for me.
Good advise fren. I would add from personal exberience to sometime lurk moar.
This verse came on my heart and love to share with my GAW family
Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.
Yeah. I haven't needed copium in quite a while now. The trick is not to despair at the headlines pushed by the MSM and the Globalist quangos and read between the lines. It took me a long while to figure that out, and I feel all the better for it. Also, if you're like me and reply to Lefty loons on X, treat it as sport and entertainment while delivering the facts. It's a much more fun platform that way.
Thanks for your words, I got a slight level of calmness to hear this. Thanks my friend in all that you do.
I also have slight calmness. I don't want to burn em on a pile o tires so much nomore.
They’ll simply and calmly be hanged in GITMO. Death will find them all. Just be at peace with at that truth.
More of this, please. Love the encouragement!
I disagree - these red pills are coming at the expense of the concrete hardening and the damage becoming permanent. What is the point of waking people up by allowing fatal damage? Why do continually see huge opportunities come and go to wake people up? The impeachment hearing was a total joke. I could have done better and I'm an idiot - meaning, it was all intentional. I really feel like this sort of post is pollyanna at this point, just to keep the merry go round turning.
I've been doing my part to aware normies of all the evil activities the Tunnelers are doing.
And a lot of people are starting to Notice, and reply as such to their tricks.
People are waking up.
I just hope it's not too late, there are Millions Of non citizens infesting this country, already starting to steal everything, even our homes
Good to know I feel like an overworked redpill pharmacist that needs a vacation
Just FYI. Still good reminder yet again.
"Go to your happy place as needed..." (Puppy dog face licks while laying in a grassy field on a nice summer day). <...> Okay, enough of that digital soldier. Get back to that keyboard!
kek. Yuk at puppy slobber!