166 Yes, this is real: Police post photos of suspects with Lego heads to protect IDs under new California law (link in comments) (media.greatawakening.win) 🖕GAVIN NEWSCUM! posted 1 year ago by Excelsior 1 year ago by Excelsior +166 / -0 46 comments download share 46 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
They should show their real faces and shame them. They deserve it.
At least the expressions are realistic, lol. But I agree. That's why I publicly shame speeders on our neighborhood web site. I don't see it as Karen behavior, kids play in this neighborhood!
They should, but the Commies that run Commiefornia say it affects too many POCs.
So, rather than tell POCs to commit less crime, they say police Depts can't post their arrest photos or mugshots.
They should indeed, but they cannot because of a new California law prohibiting mugshots and other photos of perps, for muh privacy.
Not all suspects are criminals.
Generally you don't post pictures of suspects you have in custody unless they are.
Yeah but it might make you racist if you saw their faces and we can't have that!