111 Hogg Wild: Filings Show Left-Wing Gen-Z PAC Blew More than $1M on Travel Expenses, Consultants, Spent Little on Candidates (www.breitbart.com) posted 340 days ago by undine53 340 days ago by undine53 +111 / -0 Exclusive — Hogg Wild: Filings Show Left-Wing Gen-Z PAC Blew More than $1M on Travel Expenses, Consultants, Spent Little on Cand... David Hogg is living high on the hog thanks to the many donors cutting checks to his PAC, FEC records show. 11 comments share 11 comments share save hide report block hide replies
If tofu bacon was a person, it would be this turd. Cook it up any which way, but still looks, smells, and tastes like shit and the only people it is appealing to is other soy boys.
Like putting lipstick on a pig. It is still a hog.
I bet his girlfriend has a nice EV. Thanks donors.
ROFL... that dude has puny little arms... and he's aging POORLY!! all that backdoor action is hard on a soyboi!
He certainly is the Leader We Deserve PAC that Dems want and perfectly represents the way they run things.
Waste of his energy.
I thought this twit went away.
The older he gets, the more he seems to have some Iranian features in him.
And Satanic evil features.
That’s a lot of anger in that face chill dude!
Cuddle? What a fag.