I saw this on a FB post. I like it because it doesn't tell you what to wake up from, it just tells you to wake up by questioning everything and thinking critically.

Well stated.
How long before the Ministry of Disinformation takes this post down?
Let's try positing it on Patriots.win. See how many lash out in anger or actually take a moment and think to ask a question or two.
Sharing it now. We'll see if this ruffles their scales...
Do you always sell your whine when it's past it's time ?
Sure would help. If it had better grammar.
I am still blown away by how many people are still asleep. No questionoing the ship hitting the bridge, the false flag in Russia, all the israel bs etc....
The only thing I would change is reference to "truther", which has been given the poison reputation by MSM. I think just starting with, "I am someone who seeks the truth..." would be more effective.
Kinda ironic him identifying himself as a truther given the level at which the truther movement have been infiltrated by deepstate and the number of truthers that believe(and cling to) Flynn being a whitehat.............
Does make a valid point though(also accurately describes my modus-operandi of stirring up shit to force people to think about shit they really don't want to think about....)
I like it, but 80% of the general population lacks the ability to critically think. That’s why we are in this predicament. They would rather lash out and try to get you to fall in line instead of question authority.