I think anyone who has been keeping a close eye on American politics over the last 15 years knows the influence Jake Sullivan wields. He is Hillarys guy behind Russia, Russia, Russia. He was Obamas point man on pallets of cash.
Sullivans official titles have been Director of Policy to Obama, National Security Advisor to VP Biden, Chief of Staff to Hillary at the State Department and now National Security Advisor to pResident Biden.
Hes also served as Obamas senior advisor at the Iran Nuclear negotiations and Chief of Staff to Hillarys campaign.
He has been at the center of the treason for many years.
He interned at the Council on Foreign Relations. He also worked for Brookings Institution president Strobe Talbott at the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. He is definitely a globalist and deep stater - and so is his wife.
Just curious tho, where is it that he’s panicking? I mean from the looks of things, total war is what they want. I figure he’s celebrating. Trump is gonna be locked up in court till doomsday. Illegals coming in to secure the next election. Foreigners getting paid billions. Americans struggling. Where’s the panic part for Sullivan? Seems he’s doing a very good job of destroying America. For his part.
We can only hope people like him pay for his crimes. And the countless others folks who have already gotten away with murder. They are literally dancing in DC over the way America is right now. Precipice?
Actually, Jake Sullivan is no longer with us...he was executed in Gitmo last year and his double is simply going through the motions as part of the movie we are all watching...this is what I think is happening! So...no need to worry about this guy...let's just keep on Romancing the Stone! Not sure if that last line makes sense, but it sounded good!
I think anyone who has been keeping a close eye on American politics over the last 15 years knows the influence Jake Sullivan wields. He is Hillarys guy behind Russia, Russia, Russia. He was Obamas point man on pallets of cash.
Sullivans official titles have been Director of Policy to Obama, National Security Advisor to VP Biden, Chief of Staff to Hillary at the State Department and now National Security Advisor to pResident Biden.
Hes also served as Obamas senior advisor at the Iran Nuclear negotiations and Chief of Staff to Hillarys campaign.
He has been at the center of the treason for many years.
He interned at the Council on Foreign Relations. He also worked for Brookings Institution president Strobe Talbott at the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. He is definitely a globalist and deep stater - and so is his wife.
Fuck that pussy. Take his ass out.
Just curious tho, where is it that he’s panicking? I mean from the looks of things, total war is what they want. I figure he’s celebrating. Trump is gonna be locked up in court till doomsday. Illegals coming in to secure the next election. Foreigners getting paid billions. Americans struggling. Where’s the panic part for Sullivan? Seems he’s doing a very good job of destroying America. For his part.
We can only hope people like him pay for his crimes. And the countless others folks who have already gotten away with murder. They are literally dancing in DC over the way America is right now. Precipice?
So not the James O’keefes guy? Hmmmm?
Aye Matey, says the Tribunal Judge, treason is the charge!
Good thing that Trump and the Patriot Team made the change they made early in the first term.
Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark!
Actually, Jake Sullivan is no longer with us...he was executed in Gitmo last year and his double is simply going through the motions as part of the movie we are all watching...this is what I think is happening! So...no need to worry about this guy...let's just keep on Romancing the Stone! Not sure if that last line makes sense, but it sounded good!