Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
Based on its evolving needs and plenty of user feedback, we are trying to bring some order and institute some rules. Please make sure you read these rules and participate in the spirit of this community.
Rules for General Chat
Be respectful to each other. This is of utmost importance, and comments may be removed if deemed not respectful.
Avoid long drawn out arguments. This should be a place to relax, not to waste your time needlessly.
Personal anecdotes, puzzles, cute pics/clips - everything welcome
Please do not spam at the top level. If you have a lot to post each day, try and post them all together in one top level comment
Try keep things light. If you are bringing in deep stuff, try not to go overboard.
Things that are clearly on-topic for this board should be posted as a separate post and not here (except if you are new and still getting the feel of this place)
If you find people violating these rules, deport them rather than start a argument here.
Feel free to give feedback as these rules are expected to keep evolving
In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Rules For the rest of the Site also accessible on the sidebar.
[Yesterdays General Chat](https://1drv.ms/u/s!At-7nmAIpbDXvjEVUBt7uRSN_1qC?e=1Zsa9g https://1drv.ms/u/s!At-7nmAIpbDXvB9IGWuv8u3QPQZt?e=EMyJ3l https://1drv.ms/f/s!At-7nmAIpbDXtgQZqPft-wyIfAmw https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1W2Jish/)
I truly believe the wait will be worth it, and that evil will be defeated once and for all. I am learning to wait ... and wait ... and wait a little more. That's okay though. Some days the waiting is an eyeroll, and some days the waiting is a chuckle, and some days the waiting is teeth grinding with eyes squinting and occasionally eyes twitching. I thank God above that while we are "In Limbo" I can come here and find some like minded frens to enjoy the show with. I just wanna say Thanks! Love y'all!
so what does that even mean?
When will it be over. Six years from the time that this was posted, or four years for the time that it was posted. ?
Explain it like I’m a retard
Its a 8 year plan starting from the first Q drop. So the plan will end in Oct 2025.
It means the precipice should happen before that, leading to Great Awakening - which is the end goal of the Q plan.
Holding the line! : )
So L3Harris is so sure that they are getting a contract to supply weapons and tactical radios for use in Ukraine that they have already purchased the cimponents.
Those are your tax dollars promised.
Hello my frens. I hope you’re all having an incredibly blessed day. Im tired. Im ready. Trying to keep my head up. Just wanted to say to anyone who needs it, “Hang in there frens!! Remember to put on the full armor of God daily! Jesus loves us all ❤️” much love.
You hang in as well. One day this will be over with, and we could have some peace and quiet.
Ty fren, Im ready for the peace and quiet
I hope everybody here is having a fantastic day!
Jesus loves you 🙏
Texas??? Anyone familiar with day to day life in Texas? Thinking about a 2-4 day trip somewhere and we were planning to go last year and unexpected events caused postponement of traveling. My biggest concern and question is it safe? I’m not a scared person but don’t want to put myself in danger. Would be flying and taking a gun is possible if we checked bags, don’t know that we want to do that. Thinking about Fort Worth and other areas in a days drive. No big cities like Houston or Dallas. It’s hard to know what’s actually going on with illegals in areas can’t go on the media and other sources are YouTube accounts on the scene.
I'm a born & raised up Texas girl LOL. I do love me some Texas. If you are traveling through the northern portion of Texas and not going south toward the border, you should be safe as far as illegals go. I am not in the Ft. Worth area but I still have some family in that area. As far as traveling with a fire arm, you should be fine. We fly with guns in our checked bags without any issue. We notify at the ticket counter at check in that we have an unloaded handgun in a case in our baggage and then they have us meet with security and then security inspects the firearm and fills out a form and off we go as usual. I hope you enjoy your visit.
Thanks 😊 I’ve been before and the only problem was I didn’t have enough time to explore but you know how big Texas is. I’m not sure when we will go. Trying to get something planned. I’d like to see a rodeo and maybe a live music concert. In addition to eating BBQ, it’s different from NC BBQ which is pig instead of beef. By the way glad to know what TX stands for in your name.
I heard they have a lot of big bugs, insects and spiders in TX so I won't be going there anytime soon lol
Have a great trip!
I like his channel: The Ultimate Texas Road Trip: A 12-Day Journey Through the Lone Star State
Thanks Ha ha I don’t like bugs but we have plenty in NC so I’m used to them and will kill em. I’ve been to Texas ten years ago and loved it. I don’t have plans yet to go. Trying to plan a few four day weekend trips close enough to drive and possibly one further away.
How about visiting Tennessee? They have a lot of culture, music museums, great places and caverns.
I’ve been to Memphis while in MS for concerts and drove back through for day trip in Nashville. Yes, TN is lovely and one day I’d like to go back to Nashville so my husband can see the country museums. Right now Nashville is too much walking for me. I don’t ever intend in going in a cavern again. Did that enough as a child. Mountains are cool but I’m more of a beach girl. We both want to go to Texas for BBQ, small country music concerts and see a rodeo. I’m not downing TN or any other state. When I have time I would drive to TN not fly. I’m about ten hours from Nashville. Would love to go back to Graceland and eating in Memphis. I’m 57 so I have time to explore maybe later when hubby retires we will do longer trips.
I think there’s a way you can’t take a gun with you when you travel, but you have to check with security on that. However; if you do travel with the firearm, they’re gonna put you on a list. But if you’re not on the list by now, I would be disappointed 😂😂😂
I’m sure I’m on some sort of list by now. Hubby is probably on a list because he has had concealed carry as long as it’s been available. He’s always buying guns and many times I tell him to buy them. That’s my concern I don’t want either of us an airline list because we are carrying a gun to another state. For years we traveled with out a gun but times were different twenty plus years ago. Honestly I’m not scared to travel in USA but don’t want to put myself in direct danger. I wouldn’t go to NYC right now or any other big cities. If I had the money and time we wouldn’t be talking about Texas. I’d be on a long damn plane ride to Hawaii!!! I keep the dog there days a week.
Hawaii - I’m headed there soon. I’m so excited. I cannot wait.
Enjoy 🌈🌊🌴
seeing a lot of progress out there in forums and IRL frens. feels good.
John 19:11
Did you have heavy winds? In my area if high winds trees hit power lines and the power blinks. It’s not every day but occasionally high winds before or after thunderstorms or hurricanes.
Maybe they were working on it. If someone had an accident and hit a transformer or the substation that could make it blink.
Hello Midnight crew! Me and rabbit 🐇 here munching on snacks as we watch documentaries! Have a good night! :)
Sounds cozy. Catbox.moe exists if you would like to post us picture of bunny
Am I the only one who can’t keep up with what’s what’s on all of trumps legal cases.
I read the headlines and comments here to try to learn. Lawyer lingo and the courts system is way above my education levels. I just keep praying for him & the country.
I'm not even trying. I just read the headlines here. nod, and pray for him. At least that is useful. When people tell me the details of their court appearances, it is just a jumble and I never understand what they are saying. It's the same when I read my own legal papers. Can't understand it. Yesterday I had asked a man what the outcome of his court date was. He went on for a long time, and he lost me at something like: "It was thrown out." That sounds easy to understand, but I had about ten questions, and gave up and then: Nodded. And later, I prayed.
Does anyone have any details or the original documents circulating from Council for National Policy via Ginni Thomas and the alternate electors strategy?
It just occurred to me that although I've heard it frequently mentioned, I've never sat down and read the documents, and now I'm having trouble tracking them down.
There's loads of stupid debunk sites but I can't find the actual original documents.
Could this be it?
It was a link I found in this article... https://documented.net/investigations/council-for-national-policy-recordings
Wowza that looks like it. Thx fren. It sounds like they kept things close to the chest.
Why is Cupid so dumb?