I've been meeting to post here forever beause I believe some of my frens here are suffering from lost / diminished taste & smell due to the plandemic bioweapon.
Long story short; I went to a dedicated red light therapy (PhotoBioModulation) clinic.
I went for a few different reasons, and it actually did end up drastically improving my sense of taste and smell!!!!!
For probably about the last two years or so, my taste and smell has diminished so badly that I can't even smell nail polish. I used to be able to smell that stuff from the other side of the house! So that should give you some idea how badly diminished my taste & smell were.
Well, even after my first 30 min red light session, it came back significantly!!! It's not 100 percent completely + permanently back, and it definitely comes and goes a little bit, but just like this didn't happen to me overnight, It's not going to get cured overnight. I am EXTREMELY grateful for the big improvement that it has already made for me!
I am very optimistic that with regular sessions it will only continue to improve and ultimately completely heal.
Either way, the place I go red light is cheap; (IMHO and I'm talking about literally not being able to taste & smell) about $30 to $40 for a 30 minute session. And it's definitely worth it to be able to taste and smell again!!!
PS: the clinic I went to; they've invested TENS of thousands of dollars into their red light machines; they aren't using amazon / temu crap.
So.....I guess there are some handheld / home-grade red light devices available out there; by all means, try them, but just know that its lab-grade red light machines that did this for me. Hell... IG uess I don't have anything to lose by trying a cheapie at-home unit, but I won't bet on it.
So......RED LIGHT PEOPLE, GO DO IT! It has TONS of other health benefits too, had a role in the space program / NASA.
Thank you for sharing your story. Glad you've seen improvement! I've never heard of this therapy. What else does it help with?
I should have added that the dental assistant told me that her mother had gotten Bell’s Palsy and they brought her in for red light therapy and she improved in days. I don’t know the details as to how often, but the dental assistant was convinced it worked. Also, my vet recommends red light therapy for my critters after surgery.
Re: Pets: ha, that's funny; look at the first image on this NASA link:
Interesting. Thanks.
It seems like it works best with surface healings, like wrinkles, scars or surface wounds.
If you have the lights that are near infrared instead of red or for labs using lasers, it can speed up healing deeper of injuries.
But there are studies on it helping a whole host of different things. Thyroid, muscle growth, balding, maybe alzheimers, ect.
Probably the red light component in the sun and the amount earlier humans would have gotten from fire in the evening was doing an important thing for our bodies, that we are missing now.
There are a number of different theories of how it works. One of the theories involves it boosting mitochondrial function, so it might be good to do it after eating or sugaring up.
Yes, that's absolutely my understanding as well & that's what my red light therapist says.
Alright, thank you.
Not necessarily.......the lights my therapist has, can penetrate I believe 6-9 inches (get your mind out of the gutter, freaks! :-P ) into the body.....seriously!
I think it depends on the quality of the lights you are using for the photobiomodulation.
Honestly; just about everything. Truly.
Red Light might sound esoteric, but consider this: everybody knows The scientific fact that with exposure to sunlight, our bodies manufacture their own vitamin D.
Why would it be hard to believe that a different type of light would trigger different reactions in our body?
The gal who runs the clinic I visited has quite the dramatic story; She was in an accident that was so severe - forget about the nasty chronic pain she had; all her doctors told her that she'd Never walk again.
If you saw her today, she looks just like any normal human being; walking perfectly fine and being a mother to an energetic little 5 year old.
She credits red light with much of her healing process. I'm not touting it as a miracle cure by any means (nor does she) but I have seen first hand the dramatic things it can do!
At its most fundamental, the way I understand it, red light. helps activate your. cells and immune system to do their job as well as possible to help you heal.
Here's a few more links with good info: https://redlighttherapycenter.com/red-light-therapy-living-lit/
I had red light therapy after I had dental surgery not too long ago. It helped with the healing process, as a side note, facial fine lines disappeared for a few months.
Here is a video from Dr. Bryan Ardis about Red Light Therapy.
He has also done a lot of research on the value of nicotene in reversing Covid related symptoms such as loss of taste and smell. Not sure if he discusses that in this video but this is a great red pill for the masses.
Wait....nicotene...??? Like the stuff in cigarettes??
Damn.....pls dont give me an excuse to try those Zyn pouches I've been wanting...... LOL.....
Can you share more about how you determine a qualified red light therapist?
Honestly; she just joined my biz networking group. I just got great vibes from her all the way around; she's a great person, mom to a young child, married, seems very intelligent & educated on this topic, so I figured I didn't have much to lose by trying it.
If you want more help finding a qualified clinic, DM me & maybe I could put you in touch with my gal & she can help tell you what to look for....
a selfie journal of my perineium tanning cured my probation officer from snooping in my phone
Thanks for posting this. Good to know. Also: that's wonderful! Good on you for not giving up, and finding the way!
Thank You! I'm pretty relentless in finding a way.
If we can take literal sand and turn it into iphones, computers, etc; If we can make an aircraft that is literally faster than a speeding bullet (SR-71), If we can send a man to the moon - USING ONLY ANALOG / PRIMITIVE TOOLS, like Protractors, Compass, Slide rule; Then certainly there's a way to restore lost taste & smell.
Certainly there's a way to do ANYTHING!
I'm working on curing T1 Diabetes. It'll happen, too.
Great! That's amazing! Prayers for you & best of luck. You absolutely, 100,000% have the right mindset / attitude; DO IT, not "maybe"...... :-)
Interdasting. Where can I get me one of those red lights? Link, please.
You can get them on amazon.
Thank you, fren. Much obliged.
You have to get the right frequency. Do some research, don’t shine a chinese light into your eyes cause Internet said.
All the light bulbs in the USA are all blue shift and bad for your health. That would just be a coincidence right? Right?
Oh, absolutely! Total coincidence.....
The suns rays are mostly in the red and near infrared spectrums. Go outside and take off your shirt for 10-15min
Hmmm.......I should tell my wife about this & make her take her top off & lounge around out back (in private!) with me......😂😁😁😍
I don't think it's quite the same; I'll ask my therapist. I spend a good amount of time outdoors....maybe I need more??
I have RLT devices. I luke them and use them in the winter. I still prefer the sun. Yellow, green, blue, red. They all have different benefits.
can you please tell me more? What do you use them for? What made you start / how did you learn about or get into RLT?
My mom uses RLT to increase collagen production in her lower back. 5-10 mins a night. She thinks its helping with pain management. The near infrared penetrates past the skin, opposed to the red light wavelength. Each WL has different benefits for the body. RLT is excellent at accelerating wound recovery.
I use them all over my body during the winter especially if I'm inside all day. Hit each spot for a few mins. General health and circadian rythm are important tlfor me. Many fitness types use them for muscle recovery and sleep.
It depends how much time you want to devote to research, but I sift through medical articles, blogs, substack, and youtobe videos. The latter requires digg8ng for people with knowledge.
Dang, that's awesome....Thanks for all the great info! Glad it is working so well for you & good on you for getting all that figured out!
According to researchers in Europe and the other of a facility that uses graphene oxide in the fabrication of computer processor, graphene oxide poisoning has documented effects on the senses of smell and taste. N-acetylcholine (NAC) supplements or food high in it will help the body boost glutathione levels, which clears toxins like GOx. Please consider looking into following up your therapy with some increased NAC intake. We are exposed to GOx in many ways, amazingly, and the injected got concentrated doses. I do not know whether they leak the stuff, but it's in our food and environment as well.
Wow. Thanks so very much for this. I have a bottle of NAC & was furious to hear the gov either is / did, or is trying very hard to ban it - is it still widely & easily available over the counter?
Thank You!
So far I haven't had too much trouble finding it, so we stocked up a bit. If you're into making your own capsules or mixing into smoothies, maybe consider bulk powder.
Is it N-Acetyl CHOLINE, or N-Acetyl Cysteine you are referring to?
I could very well be wrong, but I thought that the acronym "NAC" usually / most cases referred to N-Acetyl Cysteine.
This is what I've bought before & still have some at home:
Actually; I think maybe you did a typo (respectfully & just trying to figure this out. :-) ) When I search for "N-AcetylCHOLINE" online, most of the results bring up N-Acetyl Cysteine.
I can't find an NACHOLINE: I do see just plain "Acetylcholine" but no NA-Choline.
Please let me know & Thanks again so much. 😎👌😎🙏
Yep, autocorrect. It's cysteine. I was doing other reading on cholines and my phone decided.
JP Sears is usually advertising an in home red light product. My be worth a look. Not sure of the price.
Heck yeah! I'm going to ask my therapist if there are any in-home machines worth the money.
As I mentioned; she invested tens of thousands of dollars into her gear, and esp. with equipmentn like that, you absolutely get what you pay for.
Great idea & worth looking though!