87 Is this a threat, Israel? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 285 days ago by SeeAreJay 285 days ago by SeeAreJay +91 / -4 28 comments download share 28 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Sounds like a threat to me...
Most definitely. They know we know and deliberately chose this language because we know.
Many of us do know but many more are still pro Israel... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Red October?
From 9/11the dancing jews... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
9/11 Suspects: Dancing Israelis - https://corbettreport.com/911-suspects-dancing-israelis/
Good find.
Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!
Amos 5:23-24
The prophecy repeats. Have faith in the LORD frens!
Yes. And this could be why and the 'how'
Listened to Kerry Cassidy's interview of Brooks Agnew-He suggests coming EMP will temporarily bill ind everyone for a couple of days:
Where the United States coup takes place.
Who knows? Crazy times!!
Good post. What's your opinion of this Brooks guy? I mean, I realize you shared his link... so you must think enough of him. Anythinng deeper to add?
Mormon from N. Dakota who lives in North Carolina.
Why are so many FBI Mormons ?
Why did Bruce Jenner go to a Mormon College after Sandy Hook High School ?(yes that Sandy Hook less than a mile away)
And why is Mitt Romney so against Trump?
Not all Freemasons are the same level , not all the bees from the Beehive State know their own symbolism / origins.
Mittens not nearly as smart as Trump may simply be jealousy.
There should be an amendment that disqualifies people who have dual citizenship or have had dual citizenship from being a senator or congressman
That would be common sense.
"Israel" lol
Not sure. We should ask Kristi Noem
I'm telling Joseph Greenblatt !11!
Not only do we know, but we are watching.
The moment you move from elites and their puppets to average folk, is a move too far.
The battlefield isn't against non combatants, and you sound like a glowie by advocating such.
That has nothing to do with the Jew down the street from you.