You can get a decent broker, I have Fidelity, or you can buy direct from Computershare. All shares should be directly registered in your name. Tell them you want to directly register the stock in book form. If you go thru a broker, they have to be transferred to Computershare to DRS or direct register them.
Just go directly to, they are the registrar of record for many stocks including GME (GameStop). Enter your banking info and transfer funds in, then select stocks to purchase. This will PUT YOUR NAME on the actual shares, rather than some brokerage saying they reap resent those shares which they may or may not even have. The cat is out of the bag here folks - possibly hundreds of millions if not billions of fake, synthetic GME shares were sold in an attempt to bankrupt them and drive them under - at which point all of the naked shorts are forgiven and do not have to be repurchased. Ryan Cohen has the stock market by the balls and this stock is going to be worth a lot of money at some point. It’s not about brick and mortar storefronts selling used video games and Pokémon cards people…..! The value in GME is all of the naked shorts waiting to be repurchased and bankrupting hedgefunds and banks the world over. Seriously, if not for the shorts this shit wouldn’t be worth $1 / share. Do yourself a favor anons and go to and buy just a few direct registered to yourself. Once the float is 100% direct registered and accounted for in retail investors hands….its Gameover and each one of those GME stocks may rival Bitcoin in value.
I actually have a little chunk like 19 in a fidelity w my last job !sded from what I understand it’s all invested in different things.
Wish I knew how to do this GME shit when it kicked off 🤣 or when Bitcoin dove back down to 10K now up to 60K…. DAMN lol
Heck I even remember my brother telling me when the dude got a pizza with bitcoins, I could not wrap my young little brain around the concept! How could they just make up their own currency! 🤣
Seriously. If you still have that Fidelity account, log in and see which stocks are stagnant and sell them so you can settle and buy GME ASAP.
Fidelity cooperates very well with Computershare.
Remember, the market price right now is still at a tremendous discount. You still have time but should act quickly so you can grasp more moon tickets before lift off.
Absolutely. Before the hedgies started REALLY manipulating and Robin-da-hood shut off the buy button, GME popped up over $1,000 a share. Folks that were watching closely said they briefly saw asking prices around $5,000.
I'm certainly not an expert and this isn't financial advice, but if YOUR money hasn't been working for you the past several years and you've been able to live comfortably without it, why not try putting it someplace that has a REALLY good chance of returning ridiculous profit?
Sell a few stocks that are stagnant or are causing you to lose money, and buy just 50 shares of GME.
You can get a decent broker, I have Fidelity, or you can buy direct from Computershare. All shares should be directly registered in your name. Tell them you want to directly register the stock in book form. If you go thru a broker, they have to be transferred to Computershare to DRS or direct register them.
I went Fidelity then went to Computershare.
Yea, that’s what I did, moved stock outta IRA to Computershare, had to pay tax to do that, but, oh well, it was worth it!
Same, took a huge tax hit a couple years ago, but I do not regret it one bit.
Just go directly to, they are the registrar of record for many stocks including GME (GameStop). Enter your banking info and transfer funds in, then select stocks to purchase. This will PUT YOUR NAME on the actual shares, rather than some brokerage saying they reap resent those shares which they may or may not even have. The cat is out of the bag here folks - possibly hundreds of millions if not billions of fake, synthetic GME shares were sold in an attempt to bankrupt them and drive them under - at which point all of the naked shorts are forgiven and do not have to be repurchased. Ryan Cohen has the stock market by the balls and this stock is going to be worth a lot of money at some point. It’s not about brick and mortar storefronts selling used video games and Pokémon cards people…..! The value in GME is all of the naked shorts waiting to be repurchased and bankrupting hedgefunds and banks the world over. Seriously, if not for the shorts this shit wouldn’t be worth $1 / share. Do yourself a favor anons and go to and buy just a few direct registered to yourself. Once the float is 100% direct registered and accounted for in retail investors hands….its Gameover and each one of those GME stocks may rival Bitcoin in value.
I actually have a little chunk like 19 in a fidelity w my last job !sded from what I understand it’s all invested in different things.
Wish I knew how to do this GME shit when it kicked off 🤣 or when Bitcoin dove back down to 10K now up to 60K…. DAMN lol
Heck I even remember my brother telling me when the dude got a pizza with bitcoins, I could not wrap my young little brain around the concept! How could they just make up their own currency! 🤣
Seriously. If you still have that Fidelity account, log in and see which stocks are stagnant and sell them so you can settle and buy GME ASAP.
Fidelity cooperates very well with Computershare.
Remember, the market price right now is still at a tremendous discount. You still have time but should act quickly so you can grasp more moon tickets before lift off.
You think it’s still low?
Absolutely. Before the hedgies started REALLY manipulating and Robin-da-hood shut off the buy button, GME popped up over $1,000 a share. Folks that were watching closely said they briefly saw asking prices around $5,000.
It’s probably floating around all the old isded stuff from my last job.
So you’re saying theoretically I could go in there and see what they are attached to and switch one or two non fluctuating things to GME?
I’d be afraid to mess with the money not knowing what’s what probably.
I'm certainly not an expert and this isn't financial advice, but if YOUR money hasn't been working for you the past several years and you've been able to live comfortably without it, why not try putting it someplace that has a REALLY good chance of returning ridiculous profit?
Sell a few stocks that are stagnant or are causing you to lose money, and buy just 50 shares of GME.
It’s digital property, not currency.
Kek I’m 32 now this was years ago the pizza thing.